
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 216 Heavenly Dao Appears

"Heavenly Way?"

After hearing these two words, Loki's brows furrowed deeply, and a trace of fear flashed across the depths of his eyes.

"Why would it intervene?"

Moro was also puzzled by this.

"Yes, Lin Yuan was not originally from this world. He was a target that the Heavenly Dao had to wipe out. But my perception is not wrong. It was indeed it that saved Lin Yuan."

Hearing this, Loki's face gradually darkened.

His strength has not yet reached expectations. If Tiandao takes action at this moment, he may very likely capsize in the ditch, which is something he absolutely does not want to see.

"Mara, when will your body be solidified?"

After a moment of silence, Loki asked in a cold voice.

"I need to consume enough negative energy. Now it's far from enough."

Moro thought about it and said indifferently.

"No, time is running out, you must condense your true body and help me break through the shackles!

! ! "

Loki didn't want to wait any longer like this, he had to reach the peak as soon as possible.

In this way, he will no longer fear the way of heaven, and no one in this world will be his opponent.

But in order to reach the peak, he must rely on Moro, let Moro open the shackles of this world, let him escape from the world, so that his strength will no longer be limited.

Faced with Loki's urging, Moro was somewhat helpless. After pondering for a moment, he thought of a solution.

"There is a way, but it would be risky."


"I have a formation that can cover the entire continent and make everyone fall into endless fear.

In this way, I can condense my true body in the shortest possible time."

Moro spoke slowly, but his tone was very stern.

"But if we do this, the Heavenly Dao will also take action forcefully and use this opportunity to completely wipe us out."

"You've thought it over and are making a decision."

Moro thought that Loki would at least consider it for a few days before making a decision, but he didn't think about it at all and agreed directly.

"No, let's start now."

"So anxious?"

Moro was surprised.

"Time waits for no one. I don't want to wait any longer."

Loki's eyes flashed with coldness, and his aura rose steadily.

Moro thought about it, agreed to Loki's request, and said: "Give me a month, and the magic circle will be formed."

"Okay, I'll give you one month."

After saying that, Loki looked at Ying Huanhuan and others not far away, with a sneer on his face.

"I'll let you live a little longer. Next time, both you and Lin Yuan will die!"

As he spoke, the space around Loki began to become illusory and his body disappeared.

Loki's retreat also made his subordinates lose the desire to continue fighting, and they quickly evacuated the place.



...In an unknown space, a soul the size of a glass bead was wandering aimlessly here.

Suddenly a dazzling light illuminated the entire space.

Under this light, a tall figure was looming.

"I have already said that you cannot defeat Loki relying on your own strength."

The voice of the tall figure penetrated through space and reached deep into the soul body, causing subtle fluctuations in the soul body.


After a long while, a huge figure sighed and said, "Your chances of winning were slim to begin with, and now you've turned into a remnant soul, I'm afraid you no longer have a chance of winning."

"Do you regret it?"

At this moment, Lin Yuan, who had turned into a remnant soul, had lost the ability to speak, but his remaining soul was shaking wildly, as if to show his indomitable spirit.

Seeing this, the tall figure shook his head helplessly.

As the will of heaven and earth, it naturally understood Lin Yuan's intention, which was to have no regrets. Even if it happened again, he would still make the same choice.

It didn't understand what kind of belief made Lin Yuan unwilling to make what it thought was a very wise choice even if it meant death.

"Humans are such an interesting species."

The tall figure sighed, and then continued: "Forget it, forget it, things have developed to this point, there is no point in saying anything."

"I just made a move and already alarmed them. They will do something even crazier next."

"In order to prevent this world from being slaughtered, I can help you once more."

As he spoke, the tall figure waved his arm, and a ray of silver-white light entered the remnant soul.

The next moment, the residual soul suddenly expanded, and then slowly turned into a human form.

"Am I...resurrected?"

Lin Yuan looked at his hands that were barely visible, with confusion in his eyes.

"I used the power of heaven and earth to repair your soul body, but in return, you also lost all your cultivation."

The tall figure looked at Lin Yuan and spoke calmly.


Lin Yuan screamed and quickly closed his eyes to check his own condition.

After a few breaths, he opened his eyes and revealed a look of despair.

At this moment, he couldn't even control a trace of sword intent, and could be considered a real useless person.

The tall figure saw the despair in Lin Yuan's eyes and said, "You don't seem to have any joy, but rather despair."

Lin Yuan did not refute, and asked dejectedly: "What use am I now?"

"Among all races, humans are the most powerful. Do you know why?"

The sudden question made Lin Yuan slightly stunned, and he didn't answer.

When the tall figure saw that Lin Yuan didn't respond, he gave the answer.

"Among all races, humans are undoubtedly the weakest. In the earliest times, they even became food for monsters and were nearly extinct."

"But they eventually used their wisdom to open up a way to practice, gaining incomparable power. Eventually, at a certain special time, they triggered a war across the entire continent!"

"This war lasted for hundreds of years, and all races suffered heavy casualties, but humans won and became the masters of the entire continent."

"Since then, humans have practiced diligently, their strength has grown day by day, and their dominant position has become unshakable."

"Lin Yuan, humans in that era were weak, but they still didn't give up. Now you have only lost your cultivation. Why do you want to give up?"

The light words, without a trace of emotion, gave Lin Yuan a shot of adrenaline, finally shaking him off his decadence and making his eyes shine.


These two short words contain Lin Yuan's most sincere gratitude.

Indeed, losing his cultivation is not terrible. What is terrible is that he has lost the faith to continue fighting.

"The catastrophe is coming. What can I do to resolve it?"

With thousands of thoughts in his mind, Lin Yuan asked the doubts in his mind.

"I don't know."

The tall figure shook his head slightly and said slowly: "I cannot calculate the fate of you and Loki, nor can I predict the outcome."

"But what I can tell you is that the next time you two meet, it will be the last time!"