
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 206 Meet Again

Time flies, and the sect competition is approaching.

Before this, Lin Dong had been practicing diligently and finally reached the peak of the Nirvana Realm.

"I have already reached the peak of the Nirvana Realm. I believe that if I meet the three little kings of the Yuan Sect, I will have the capital to fight them."

Lin Dong grinned, feeling a little excited.

Inadvertently, Lin Dong's arm touched the ancient green sword behind him, and the smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

Although he has been practicing hard over the past few months, he has also been paying attention to the condition of this ancient sword.

Unfortunately, the ancient sword has not made any movement since Lin Yuan fell asleep.

"I hope you can wake up soon."

Lin Dong sighed softly, put away his thoughts, and headed towards the Central Peak.

At this moment, on this broad peak, countless Taoist disciples were staring at the central square with envy in their eyes.

Hundreds of disciples stood on the square, all of them emitting powerful energy fluctuations that spread across the entire square like a tide.

These hundreds of people are Dao Sect's most elite disciples. Each of them has reached at least the Six Element Nirvana Realm in strength and is the backbone of Dao Sect.

Today, it is these people who represent Dao Sect to participate in the sect competition and gain the highest glory for Dao Sect.

When Lin Dong arrived at the square, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

They looked at this new disciple, who at such a young age had become the elite among this group of elite disciples, and their eyes were filled with jealousy and envy.

"Lin Dong, here."

Suddenly, a nimble and tender little hand came into view. Lin Dong looked over and saw that it was Ying Huanhuan.

Lin Dong smiled slightly, quickened his pace, and stood next to Ying Huanhuan.

Just as Lin Dong was about to speak, a sound of breaking wind suddenly came from the high platform. Everyone looked up and saw an old man appear in front of them.

This person is none other than the Dao Sect's headmaster, Ying Xuanzi.

As Ying Xuanzi appeared, the ancient sword behind Lin Dong suddenly made a slight sword sound.

Lin Dong quickly reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword, which calmed the ancient sword.

"What's going on? There was no movement just now, why did it move when the master appeared?"

Lin Dong frowned and thought for a moment, still puzzled, so he had to suppress his doubts and wait for Lin Yuan to wake up in the future so that he could ask him the reason.

At the same time, Ying Xuanzi's gaze also turned to the ancient sword behind Lin Yuan, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Although it was only a moment, he still sensed the unusualness of the ancient sword.

"What on earth is that fluctuation?"

Ying Xuanzi looked normal, but he was thinking in his heart.

He was sure that the ancient sword was not from the Dao Sect, and Lin Dong was not a sword cultivator, and he had never seen him use it before.

Since it was not Lin Dong's weapon, but appeared in his hand, then there was only one answer, that is, someone gave it to him, and this person was not from Dao Sect.

"Who on earth could have broken into our Dao Sect so quietly and without anyone noticing?"

After pondering for a while, Ying Xuanzi still couldn't find anyone to suspect and had to give up.

"Everyone, you are the elite of my Dao Sect. This sect competition depends on you to win glory for my Dao Sect."

"In this regard, this headmaster hopes that each of you can come back alive. Even if you don't achieve anything, as long as you are alive, that is the greatest honor for our Dao Sect."

Ying Xuanzi's words spread to every corner of the peak, moving and honoring Dao Zong's disciples.

"I obey your command!"

In an instant, hundreds of disciples shouted in unison, and the neat sound resounded through the sky.

"Then you may set off."

After Ying Xuanzi finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the edge of the square, where the masters of the four halls of Dao Sect were currently.

After a few glances, they took these hundreds of disciples to the destination of the competition, the Demonic Realm!

The Demonic Realm is located in the central part of the Eastern Profound Realm. This area can be regarded as a very famous place in the Eastern Profound Realm. The ancient war between heaven and earth is too far away for people today. They do not know the exact cause of that earth-shattering war, but they do know that in this Demonic Realm, countless ancient powerful men have fallen. In this extremely dangerous land, there are many tempting ancient treasures and heritages hidden.

Outside the Demon Realm, there are also many cities, among which the Demon City is the most magnificent and huge one. Because of the mixed crowd, the city has no manager. But any place with a large population will naturally have rules, whether they are explicit rules or implicit rules. If you want to survive in such a place, you naturally need to abide by them. Therefore, the seemingly ownerless Demon City has existed under those implicit rules and according to its own order... When the people of Dao Sect came to the Demon City, countless people had already gathered here. Their purpose was the same as that of Dao Sect, they all came for the sect competition.

"It's really lively."

Looking at the huge crowds of people in front of him, Lin Dong couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

He has participated in many competitions in recent years, but this competition is undoubtedly the most spectacular in terms of both the number of participants and the quality.

"Lin Dong, look there..." At this moment, Ying Huanhuan patted Lin Dong on the shoulder and pointed to a tall building in the north, with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

Lin Dong looked in the direction of Ying Huanhuan's finger and saw those people clearly. There was arrogance between their brows and powerful Yuanli fluctuations appeared on their bodies.

There is no need to think too much. In the Dongxuan Territory, only the people of Yuanmen dare to be so arrogant in front of so many people.

Lin Dong also hated the people from Yuan Sect. If possible, he even wanted to kill more people from Yuan Sect in this sect competition.

"All the top sects in the East Xuan Territory should be here. I wonder if I can meet Ling Qingzhu from the Jiutian Taiqing Palace."

Ying Huanhuan scanned every intersection in the Demonic City, eager to find the woman.

Last time, she fought with Ling Qingzhu and was defeated.

This time, she will surely win the battle and restore her glory.

When Lin Dong, who was standing by, heard the name, he subconsciously clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves, and a graceful figure appeared in his mind.

Even though several years had passed, Lin Yuan still felt uneasy when he heard the name.

"found it!"

Just as he was daydreaming, Ying Huanhuan's excited voice came.

Lin Dong turned his head and looked towards an attic not far away. A woman in a green dress was sitting by the window, looking cold and out of place.

"Ling Qingzhu, do you still remember that young man from the Great Yan Dynasty?"