
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 157 Undercurrent

In the autumn of the 15th year of Emperor Wu of the Zhou Dynasty, Emperor Wu, Ji Che, went on a northern tour and Yan Song acted as the governor of the country.

Prime Minister's Mansion.

Yan Song stared towards the direction of Luoyi's north gate with a calm expression.

"Prime Minister."

At this moment, Pan Tong quickly walked behind Yan Song with the same calm expression.

"What's going on with the prince?"

Yan Song didn't look back, his eyes still fixed towards the north, and asked indifferently.

"According to reliable information, the eight princes have sent out a total of ten Nirvana realm masters to attack and kill Ji Che at Sand Hill Ridge!"

Pan Tong said respectfully.

Upon hearing the news, Yan Song sneered and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty is on a northern tour, so his safety must be of paramount importance. It is probably a pipe dream for a mere ten strong men in the Nirvana realm to want to kill Ji Che.

Not to mention others, just the Yulin Guards led by the guard commander Zhou Ming alone have thousands of people, including many strong men in the Nirvana realm.

More importantly, Ji Che brought an army of three thousand elite soldiers on this trip, and they were equipped with the most powerful killing weapon of the Great Zhou, the God-killing Crossbow!

Faced with such a terrifying lineup, not to mention ten Nirvana Realm powerhouses, even thirty Nirvana Realm powerhouses would have to return empty-handed.

"How is the King of Han doing?"

Yan Song knew very well that among the many vassal kings, only the King of Han was mature and capable of planning for the country. He believed that he would not give up this God-given opportunity.

Hearing this, Pan Tong smiled bitterly and said, "The King of Han has always been cautious. We can't get any information at all."

"It seems that the King of Han will not disappoint me!"

Upon hearing the news, Yan Song was not angry but smiled instead.

"Prime Minister, should we take action now?

Pan Tong hesitated for a while and asked in a low voice.

"No hurry, it won't be too late for us to take action after Ji Che dies."

Yan Song shook his head lightly. He felt uneasy as long as Ji Che was not dead.

Once Ji Che died, he would rush into the palace, support Prince Xin to ascend the throne, and then strangle all the princes in the name of suppressing the rebellion! "Ji Che, this time, it's time to make a break!

"——Hanzhong County is located in the central area of ​​the entire southern region. The land here is fertile and rich in resources. It is a rare treasure land.

After the Void Emperor conquered this place, he felt deeply that it was rich, so he used his supreme power to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here, and sent his most trusted elder brother to guard this place.

Now, tens of thousands of years have passed, Hanzhong County has become an independent kingdom, and King Han Ji Wei is the master of this independent kingdom!

At this moment, in the Palace of the Prince of Han.

Ji Wei sat on a high seat in the hall with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Da da.

. .

There were hurried footsteps, and a man in blue walked into the lobby with a hint of joy on his face.

"Your Majesty, the little emperor will be able to reach Sand Dune Ridge in one day!"

Ji Wei slowly opened his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a powerful aura burst out!

No one knows that this famous King of Han is a master who has reached the realm of Oneness Nirvana!

"Is there any movement from that old man Yan Song?"

Ji Wei glanced at the man in green and asked coldly.

The man in green shook his head and said respectfully, "There has been no movement so far. It seems that they are waiting for us to make a move..." "It seems that the old man wants to take advantage of the situation."

Ji Wei narrowed his eyes, exerted force with his left hand, and directly crushed the armrest of the seat!

The man in green was not surprised and didn't take it to heart at all. He continued, "Your Majesty, although this is a trap set by Yan Song, we have no choice but to jump into it."

"If we can't kill Ji Che this time, we will have no chance."

Hearing this, Ji Wei temporarily suppressed his anger and his expression gradually became calm.

"This time, Ji Che is surrounded by experts. It will be very difficult to kill him."

"The other princes are all idiots. They think they can kill Ji Che by sending a few losers. It seems that we can't count on them."

"Let the Blood Soul Palace get ready..." After thinking for a moment, Ji Wei coldly ordered the man in green.

When the man in green heard that Ji Wei was going to dispatch the Blood Soul Palace, his expression changed slightly and a hint of fear appeared in his eyes.

The Blood Soul Hall is one of the top assassin organizations in the Southern Territory, with unfathomable strength.

Especially the Blood Soul Hall's Master Qiu Qianmo, who is an extremely mysterious figure.

He once assassinated several powerful men in the Nirvana realm and returned without any injury; he once assassinated the elders of the five major sects, who were powerful men beyond the Nirvana realm. Although he failed, he returned to the Blood Soul Palace alive.

In the eyes of the world, he is a cold-blooded killer. As long as you can pay enough, he will kill even the Emperor of the Great Zhou!

"Your Majesty, Qiu Qianmo always likes to ask for a lot. If we invite them, I'm afraid we will have to pay most of our family wealth over the years!"

The man in blue hesitated.

Ji Wei smiled grimly and said indifferently: "As long as I can ascend the throne, it will be worth it even if I have to give up everything I have."

The man in blue thought what he said made sense, so he said no more and retreated.


After the man in green left, Ji Wei pondered for a moment and growled.

The next moment, a low and hoarse voice was heard.

"What's up?"

"You go too!"

Ji Wei's eyes flashed with ferocity, and he spoke in a cold voice.

"Ji Che must die in Sand Hill Ridge. He must not be allowed to enter the territory of Hanzhong."


After saying that, Gui Ming left quietly.