
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

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Chapter 132 Ancient Corpse

The next day, when a ray of morning light broke through the sky and shone on the imperial city, this most prosperous city of the Great Yan Dynasty immediately burst into astonishing vitality in an instant, and all kinds of noisy sounds gathered together and rushed straight into the sky.

In the early morning, the topic in the imperial city was all about seed selection. People were almost all curious and looking forward to this most high-level competition among the younger generation of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Although the Seed Battle was held deep in the palace, news of it still spread out after a night, and countless people were talking about the glorious achievements of the five winners yesterday.

Among the five people, Lin Yuan is the most popular.

Yesterday, he was not only the first person to qualify, but he also fought against the Wang clan leader and knocked him away, which was truly shocking.

While the entire imperial city was in an uproar over the results of the seed selection, Lin Yuan and others entered the palace again early and, under the leadership of Mo Jingtian, came to the deepest part of the palace.

The place where Lin Yuan and others were located was an extremely vast primeval forest. At this moment, not far in front of them, there was an altar. The altar was covered with strange runes. Faintly, there were powerful energy fluctuations emanating from it.

"The Holy Spirit Pond is hidden in the altar. This altar was built by the royal family, the four major clans, and the three major sects. It is hidden deep in the palace and is opened once every twenty years."

Mo Jingtian walked at the front and explained as he walked.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the altar that was emitting energy fluctuations, feeling a little surprised.

Although he had known about the existence of the Holy Spirit Pond for a long time, he was still shocked by the previous scene.

"Everyone, now that everyone is here, let's start opening the altar."

Mo Jingtian walked out slowly, looked around, and then spoke loudly.

Hearing his words, Lin Fan and others nodded, and then the patriarchs of the four major clans and the leaders of the three major sects walked out, forming a circle and surrounding the altar.

"Get started!"

Mo Jingtian took the lead and let out a low shout. His hand seals changed, and suddenly, a beam of light shot out from his hands and then shot into the altar.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

! ! "

As Mo Jingtian took action, Lin Fan and others also took action one after another.

All of a sudden, several beams of light shot out and shot back into the altar.


When these light pillars enveloped the altar, the altar also emitted a strange humming sound. Then, under the gaze of Lin Yuan and others, a circle of light slowly rose from the top of the altar, and then spread out, turning into a huge energy vortex. Lin Yuan could faintly feel that there was an extremely powerful and strange energy seeping out from the vortex.

"Inside that pillar of light is the Holy Spirit Pond. The five of you should quickly enter. As for how much benefit you can gain, it depends on your own luck."

The light circle condensed and Mo Jingtian shouted in a deep voice.


Hearing Mo Jingtian's deep shout, whether it was Lin Langtian, Manshan, or Lin Dong, a hint of heat flashed in their eyes.

The Holy Spirit Pond opens once every twenty years. For them, this adventure is something they can only encounter by chance.

Compared to others, Lin Yuan seemed much calmer. He knew something about the things in the Holy Spirit Pond. There seemed to be a corpse inside, which was Lin Dong's opportunity.

"I hope this Holy Spirit Pond really has something that can change my qualifications..." Staring at the shining beam of light, Lin Yuan muttered to himself.


Just as Lin Yuan was distracted, Lin Dong and the others jumped up, rushed into the beam of light, and disappeared.

"Don't come in yet!"

Seeing Lin Yuan staying where he was, Mo Jingtian couldn't help but frown and let out a soft shout.

Lin Yuan glanced at Mo Jingtian indifferently, without saying anything, he rushed out, rushed into the light column in an instant, and disappeared.

As all five people entered the light circle, Mo Jingtian and others sat down cross-legged around the altar, constantly urging energy to maintain the formation of the light circle. They needed to hold on until the five people came out again... Lin Yuan rushed into the light circle, and after falling into a brief darkness, a soft light filled his eyes, and a faint fragrance with a hint of dampness came to his face.

Looking up slightly, an extremely huge pool of water came into view.

The pool of water was emerald green in color and seemed to be full of vitality. Astonishingly pure energy continuously emanated from the pool. After taking a breath, the whole body suddenly felt as if it was so comfortable that it groaned, and countless cells were cheering.

Although the Holy Spirit Pond is divided into five areas: east, west, south, north and center, the energy is limited, so each area can rob each other.

At this moment, Lin Dong and the other three had each occupied an area and were maintaining a balance tacitly.

"Interesting..." Lin Yuan chuckled, jumped, and entered the middle area of ​​the Holy Spirit Pond.

When he first entered the pond and looked at the emerald green water, Lin Yuan was amazed. He could feel a very strange energy from the water. That energy was gentle yet powerful, and faintly, it seemed to carry a hint of refreshing coolness.

"The ancient beast should be at the bottom of this pond."

Lin Yuan looked down at the bottom of the pool, and released his spiritual sense, which quickly spread out to the depths of the pool. However, when his spiritual power had spread for only a few dozen feet, he suddenly could no longer go deeper. An obscure but extremely powerful pressure squeezed his spiritual power back!

"I think the thing that Mo Jingtian said could change my qualifications is on this corpse."

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan no longer hesitated, and saw a green light flash from the Qiankun bag on his waist, and an ancient sword spirit spread out.


The sword intent was everywhere, and Lin Dong and the others noticed it immediately. Their expressions changed slightly, and their eyes were all focused on Lin Yuan.

"Lin Yuan...what does he want to do?"

The rolling sword intent was like the endless flow of the Yellow River. Even though they were several miles apart, Lin Dong could still feel the terrifying power of this sword intent.

"He is already a strong man in the Nirvana realm. The effect of this Holy Spirit Pond on him is minimal. The only thing that can cause him to make such a big move is probably the corpse of the ancient beast at the bottom of this Holy Spirit Pond."

Xiao Diao's voice sounded from Lin Dong's heart, with a hint of surprise.

"You mean Lin Yuan wants the ancient corpse!"

Hearing Xiao Diao's guess, Lin Dong's eyes flashed with horror.

He had just experienced the powerful force of the corpse of the ancient mythical beast. Even a strong man in the Nirvana realm would find it difficult to get close to it. Could Lin Yuan really do it?

Looking at the slightly thin figure, Lin Dong felt a little worried.