
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 124 Seed Battle

It was early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and Kyoto was obviously much more lively today than usual. The main roads were crowded with people and the noise was overwhelming.

In a forest outside the city, a middle-aged man in a purple and gold robe appeared in front of a simple hut with a serious expression.

"You arrived much earlier than I expected."

A slightly childish voice came from the hut.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in white walked out of the house slowly. He had a calm expression and a sharp aura emanating from him.

"I haven't seen you for half a month. It seems that your realm has improved again."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Mo Jingtian's expression became a little solemn, and a hint of shock flashed in his pupils.

After reaching the Nirvana realm, every bit of progress requires enormous energy from heaven and earth and Nirvana Pills. Even with the current foundation of the royal family, it is impossible for him, the clan leader, to improve his cultivation to the binary Nirvana realm.

The young man in front of him was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He had just entered the Nirvana realm, and now he had made another improvement. It was hard for Mo Jingtian to imagine how he did it.

"Patriarch Mo, you are too kind. My realm has not improved. I am just able to control the sword more skillfully."

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly and spoke calmly.

Mo Jingtian was a little bit unconvinced, but Lin Yuan knew that he was not lying.

After leaving the system, his shortcomings were clearly revealed, that is, the absorption of the vitality of heaven and earth was far less rapid than before, and it could even be said to be very slow.

This also made Lin Yuan realize that his talent was really ordinary. If he continued to practice, he could at most reach the peak of the Nirvana realm. This was not what he wanted, so he chose to specialize in kendo and improve the realm of kendo to gain the powerful force to kill the enemy.

With the help of the system, Lin Yuan's swordsmanship successfully reached the realm of unity between man and sword, and his combat effectiveness increased rapidly. Even if it was a strong man in the Five Element Nirvana Realm, or even a strong man in the Six Element Nirvana Realm, he could easily deal with it and even kill the opponent.

But this alone is not enough for Lin Yuan.

Because this level of power is not enough to defeat the man who calls himself the Evil God, he needs to improve his swordsmanship again, to a level that can shake the three thousand worlds!

"I have already signed you up for the Seed Battle. The time is today."

Mo Jingtian didn't want to say these meaningless words to Lin Yuan, so he got straight to the point.

"Today, I know."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, stretched out his right hand, and a suction force flowed out from the palm of his hand. A residual shadow flashed by, and the ancient green sword fell into his palm.

"Let's go."

Mo Jingtian flew towards Kyoto without any nonsense, and Lin Yuan followed closely behind.

The seed selection location is located deep inside the imperial palace. Under the heavy security, only the major forces are qualified to enter. Of course, the number of people entering is also strictly limited. After all, it is in the imperial palace and there must be some rules.

When Lin Yuan resisted there, there were already quite a few forces and troops there.

Lin Yuan's appearance naturally attracted countless people's attention, after all, he was following behind Mo Jingtian.

"who is he?"

Looking at the young man behind Mo Jingtian, everyone had this question in their mind.

"Lin Yuan!"

There were a few people sitting at the Lin family's table who were quite surprised. They were Lin Langtian and others who had met Lin Yuan several times.

"Little Marten, can you tell what realm he is in now?"

Lin Dong looked at the familiar figure in the distance, a hint of curiosity flashing in his eyes.

A year ago, he waited at the stone tablet for a month, but didn't see Lin Yuan come out, so he left.

When he left, he knew that Lin Yuan had entered the state of Nirvana. Now that a year has passed, what state would Lin Yuan be in?

"I can't tell…" Xiao Diao shook his head slightly, a look of surprise in his eyes.

With his vision, he could see through even the strongest men at the peak of Nirvana, but at this moment, he could not see through Lin Yuan. There was a magic circle around Lin Yuan, which he had never seen before. It was precisely because of the existence of that magic circle that he could not see through Lin Yuan's cultivation.

"You can't even tell!"

Lin Dong was slightly surprised. After all, this had never happened to Xiao Diao before, and today was the first time.

"There is an invisible magic circle around him, which seems to be extremely powerful and can block all detection."

Xiao Diao curled his lips and said helplessly.

"Magic circle?"

Lin Dong was shocked and used his spiritual sense to investigate, but found nothing.

Lin Dong, who didn't believe in evil, used his spiritual sense again. This time, he was not in a hurry, but carefully explored around Lin Yuan and finally found the mysterious magic circle.

At this moment, Lin Yuan also sensed that someone was investigating him. His face gradually turned cold, and he released a breath of air, which instantly dispersed that breath.

"Silly boy, how can you spy on others so blatantly?"

Xiao Diao said helplessly.

"Wow, such a powerful force! In just a moment, I felt the breath of death. His strength is even more terrifying than that of the patriarch of the Huangpu clan!"

Lin Dong's face was solemn, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

After a year, Lin Dong finally reached the Creation Realm from the Qi Creation Realm. He thought this was already very fast, but he didn't expect that Lin Yuan's speed was even faster. He directly jumped into a realm that even Lin Dong couldn't imagine.

"What are you afraid of? Your achievements will not be lower than his. The current lag is only temporary."

Xiao Diao Fei's voice sounded again, and his words were full of confidence.

Indeed, Lin Yuan's talent is unmatched, but Lin Dong's talent is not bad either. With the help of the ancestral talisman, Xiao Diao is confident that Lin Dong's future achievements will not be low, and he may even be able to step into the legendary realm!

"I hope so."

Lin Dong nodded slightly, a hint of uncertainty flashing in his eyes.

Every time the two met, Lin Yuan always shocked him.

He felt that the gap between them did not narrow with the passage of time, but was widening instead.

After countless life and death trials in the past two years, he grew from an unknown kid to the rising star of the Lin family. Even the arrogant Lin Langtian was defeated by him in the last clan competition, so he couldn't help but feel a little more proud.

But after seeing Lin Yuan again today, his pride was shattered once again.

Although they had not formally fought, Lin Dong was certain that he would lose if he faced Lin Yuan.

"Chief, he is..." At this time, the white-haired old man who had met Lin Yuan once came to the side of Lin Fan, the chief of the Lin clan, and whispered a few words in his ear.

"What did you say!"

A voice of surprise came out of Lin Fan's mouth, the voice was so loud that everyone present turned their eyes to him.

Realizing his own gaffe, Lin Fan calmed himself down a little, gave an apologetic smile to everyone, then suddenly looked at Lin Yuan beside Mo Jingtian, with an inscrutable light flashing in his eyes.