
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 103 Arrival

Deep in the ancient wilderness, there were faint sounds of countless breaking winds. Then, under the gazes of countless eyes, rays of rainbow light, like meteors, passed through the sky and finally appeared directly in the deepest part.

Although flying in the deepest part of the Great Wilderness Ancient Plain requires withstanding tremendous pressure, this kind of pressure is still manageable for the top talents of the Great Yan Dynasty.

A rainbow light flashed over, and then it hovered in the low sky under the gaze of countless eyes.

In the front was a disc glowing red. On the disc were many figures, all of them were from the four major families.

Among these people, there was one figure that was the most eye-catching.

That figure, dressed in a blue shirt and with long flowing hair, exuded an endless sense of unrestrainedness, with his hands behind his waist, coupled with his handsome face and temperament, made countless people admire him.

What is even more amazing is that the terrifying aura that the figure unintentionally exuded told everyone without a doubt that he was a genuine half-step to the realm of creation, and not just a useless vase.

"That's... Lin Langtian from the Lin clan!"

The noisy and surprised voices spread throughout the depths of the ancient plain. Even the top forces in the Great Wilderness County couldn't help but reveal a solemn expression when they saw Queen Lin Langtian.

Such a temperament and demeanor would be dazzling wherever it is. Therefore, when it just appeared, exclamations were heard from the crowd from time to time, and some women had bright lights flashing in their beautiful eyes.

Facing the uproar in the sky, Lin Langtian remained calm and unperturbed, his eyes fixed on the ancient monument of the wilderness standing between heaven and earth.

He looked as if no one in the crowd below was worthy of his second glance, and there was a hint of arrogance in his voice that he was superior to others.

However, despite such arrogance, they could not feel any anger, or even a trace of dissatisfaction. After all, the former was too outstanding... In the crowd, Lin Dong's eyes were quietly watching the man in green clothes who was stepping on the optical disc with an arrogant look. His hands were still clenched, but his face looked very calm.

Since the ancient tomb, Lin Dong has experienced too many life and death experiences and is no longer the same Lin Dong as before.

At this moment, facing Lin Langtian, his mentality was very calm, without any waves.

"Your current strength is still no match for him."

Xiao Diao's voice rang in Lin Dong's mind. The words were very straightforward, but Lin Dong did not feel any emotion.

Lin Langtian's talent is obvious to all. If he could be defeated so easily, then Lin Dong wouldn't have to suffer so much.

"I don't know what realm Lin Yuan has reached now. With his talent, he may have already reached half a step of creation."

Suddenly, the image of a young boy emerged in Lin Dong's mind, and he felt a little nostalgic for him.

Lin Yuan is Lin Dong's brother from the same clan, but the gap between the two is like a chasm.

The two of them had parted ways since the trip to the ancient tomb. Until now, Lin Dong didn't know where Lin Yuan was, but he felt that he should know about the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument and would definitely come… "Hehe… this Lin Langtian is really as arrogant as the rumors say…" Somewhere in the deepest part of the ancient plain, a man carrying an iron rod, squinted at the figure on the CD, and said with a smile.

"The four major clans always think that they are the most powerful in the Great Yan Dynasty. Of course, they are very arrogant."

At the side, a woman in purple had a faint smile on her face, and from her words, she didn't seem to be very interested in the four major clans.

"He... is very strong!"

In front of the woman, a dark-skinned man only took one look at Lin Langtian and knew how powerful she was, and said expressionlessly.

Just as the three were talking, a huge wind phoenix came riding on the strong wind. Qin Shi, the genius of the Qin family, one of the four major clans, also showed up. Standing next to him was a woman in a white dress. It was Qin Xue who had parted with Lin Yuan!

"Sister Qin Xue..." Lin Dong looked at the familiar figure with a slightly surprised expression, because he found that at this moment Qin Xue had a faint fluctuation of Yuanli that was not weaker than that of a Yuandan powerhouse!

"I never thought that Sister Qin Xue has grown to this extent in just over half a year…" Lin Dong couldn't help but secretly admire her.

"There's nothing to be surprised about. Didn't you notice that her aura is very fluctuating? She must have relied on countless pills to accumulate it."

Xiao Diao sneered and said with a little disdain.

Lin Dong did not say anything, he only saw a bright golden light shining in the distance, followed by a loud sound of breaking wind, and a huge golden spear streaked across the sky and rushed over.

At the same time, an aura of arrogance and domineering swept over!

"Wang Yan!"

Sensing that familiar breath, Lin Dong's eyes flashed with a cold light.

In mid-air, a huge golden spear was suspended. A man with loose hair, wearing a golden robe and exuding an arrogant aura, slowly revealed his figure. It was none other than Wang Yan, the genius of the Wang family.


Haven't the Huangpu family arrived yet?"

Wang Yan glanced at the whole audience, frowned slightly, and asked with a little dissatisfaction.

"I heard that the Huangpu family invited another person this time."

Qin Shi gently shook the feather fan in his hand and said with a smile.

"Another person was invited?

who is it?"

Wang Yan asked in surprise.

Qin Shi just shook his head, indicating that he was not quite sure either.

Lin Langtian listened to their conversation calmly without interrupting.

Suddenly, he turned back abruptly, his expression becoming more solemn.


As soon as the words fell, an extremely sharp aura rushed towards him, and in an instant it spread to the depths of the ancient plain.

The terrifying aura caused the faces of everyone present to change slightly, and their expressions were filled with a hint of solemnity.

"This aura... is Lin Yuan!"

Lin Dong only thought for a few seconds before he figured out who it was, and a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

He really wanted to see how strong Lin Yuan had become after not seeing him for more than half a year.

"Mr. Mu, why do I feel so familiar with this aura?"

Lin Langtian frowned as he looked at the green light flashing in the distance and asked in his heart.

"It's that little brat named Lin Yuan."

Mu Lao pondered for a while, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that he has reached the realm of creation!"


Are you saying that he has already reached the realm of creation?"

Lin Langtian's face suddenly turned gloomy, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

No one noticed Lin Langtian's change, because everyone's eyes were focused on the green light flashing in the distance.

After a moment, two green rays, carrying an extremely sharp and terrifying aura, flew through the sky above the crowd like lightning, and slowly stopped in the deepest part of the ancient plain. Two figures revealed their faces, and they were Lin Yuan and Huang Puchi!