
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 101 Departure

"Aunt, you seem to trust him very much."

As soon as Lin Yuan left, Huang Puqi couldn't wait to ask his doubts.

Huang Puzhi smiled faintly and asked, "Xiao Qi, what do you think of this young man?"

Hearing this, Huang Puqi carefully recalled Lin Yuan's every move just now, and said lightly: "He has an ordinary appearance, a good temperament, and speaks in an old-fashioned manner. As for his strength, I think he should have reached the third level of creation."

Huang Puzhi nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "With his talent, if he doesn't die in the future, he will definitely be able to break through the Nirvana realm, and maybe even reach a higher realm."

"Xiao Qi, if you can make friends with him, it will be a very good thing for our Huangpu clan."

Huang Puqi nodded silently. Although he was a little unhappy, he had to admit that this young man's talent was the most powerful he had ever seen in his life. Even a peerless genius like Lin Langtian could not compare to him.

"There are still four months until the seal of the Great Desolate Ancient Monument weakens. During this time, you should practice well."

Huang Puzhi patted Huang Puqi's shoulder lightly, then walked away slowly.

Looking at Huang Puzhi's departing back, Huang Puqi suddenly understood some things.

His aunt asked him to follow the young man to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument. It seemed that it was for the ancient monument, but in fact it was so that he could establish a good enough friendship with the latter.

For a family, the most important thing is talent, because only with enough talent can the family prosper.

Unfortunately, the Huangpu clan is currently lacking in talent, and there is not even one person worth mentioning. Even if they can get some opportunities during this trip to the ancient monument, it will not change anything.

"Aunt, I won't let you down."

In the hall, Huang Puqi secretly made up his mind that he would never let his aunt down.

On the other hand, after hearing about the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, Lin Yuan decided to go into seclusion for three months to improve his strength.

So, he found Li Quan, who had just arrived in Dahe County, and said directly: "I plan to stay in seclusion for a few months and then go to Dahuang County."


Didn't you just get out of customs?

Why are you going into seclusion again?"

Li Quan frowned and asked in confusion.

"Do you know the Great Desolate Ancient Monument?"

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and asked.

"I see, you are after the legendary martial arts of creation."

When Li Quan heard the four words on the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, he immediately understood Lin Yuan's intention, nodded in agreement, and said, "If that's the case, you can just go into seclusion with peace of mind."

"The trip to the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument is very important to me, so I need an absolutely quiet environment."

"Absolutely quiet environment?"

Li Quan muttered to himself, and then said, "The auction house of Wanbao Pavilion is not open yet. You can go there for retreat first. I will send someone to guard there and no one is allowed to disturb you."

When Lin Yuan heard this, he looked towards a tall building not far away and said, "That's where people gather. I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, someone innocent will get hurt."

This time of retreat, Lin Yuan was not trying to break through the Nirvana realm, but to improve his swordsmanship again.

Since he was trying to improve his swordsmanship, it was inevitable that some damage would be caused there. He didn't want to hurt innocent people, nor did he want to be disturbed by others because of this matter.

"There is a piece of land in the east of the city. I bought it. There are not many people around it. You can go there."

Seeing that the auction house was not working, Li Quan fell into deep thought again, and suddenly remembered the piece of land he bought in the east of the city a few days ago, so he spoke out.

"Take me to see it."

Lin Yuan didn't know where the land was, nor could he judge whether it could be used as a place for retreat. He could only go and take a look to see if it was suitable for retreat.

Lin Yuan was very concerned, so he didn't delay and flew to his destination on the giant green sword.

At first glance, there were countless weeds and trees, accompanied by a sense of desolation. Lin Yuan concluded that no one had lived here for decades.


Li Quan stood on the giant sword and asked with a smile.

Lin Yuan didn't answer in a hurry, but looked around. After seeing no one, he replied with satisfaction: "Not bad, this is it.

Find some people to help me watch over these areas and prevent anyone from breaking in."

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away."

Li Quan agreed readily.

"In that case, I will go into seclusion first."

Lin Yuan smiled and jumped down immediately. Without any further cleaning, he just sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes to concentrate.

"This guy is really a practice maniac."

Li Quan smiled helplessly, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to still be on the giant sword transformed by Lin Yuan. An ominous feeling suddenly surged into his heart.

He looked down and saw that the huge sword under his feet was disappearing quickly. The next second, Li Quan fell directly to the ground.

"Lin Yuan, you're a jerk!"

Fortunately, although Li Quan's talent is not high, he has the strength of the Earth Element Realm and is thick-skinned and tough. Even if he fell from a high altitude, he only suffered some superficial injuries.

"Forget it, just consider it as I owe you some little devil!"

Li Quan stood up, and a sharp sword intent rushed towards him. Fear surged in his heart, making him dare not move.

It was unknown how long it had passed before Li Quan, feeling frightened, left with a wry smile.

Time passed slowly as Lin Yuan practiced ecstatically.

On this day, Huang Puqi was sitting in the hall of the County Magistrate's Mansion with a hint of impatience on his face. He looked outside from time to time, as if he was expecting someone to show up.

"Xiao Qi, don't worry, I believe he won't break his promise."

Above Huang Puqi, Hua Yun and Huang Puzhi sat in the upper hall, smiling, looking calm and composed.

"The day when the seal is at its weakest is getting closer and closer, but he hasn't appeared yet. How can I not be anxious?"

Huang Puqi slowed down and spoke.

"I think he must have made some breakthroughs during this retreat, otherwise he wouldn't have been delayed for so long."

The original plan was to set off for Dahuang County three months later, but Lin Yuan is still in seclusion today, so the departure time can only be postponed.

"Aunt, why don't I go alone? If I keep waiting, I'm afraid I won't have enough time."

In three months, although Huang Puqi did not make a breakthrough, his strength increased a lot, which gave him great confidence and he wanted to go alone.

Huang Puzhi thought about it for a while after hearing it and felt that it made some sense. Just as he was about to agree, he saw a sharp aura coming from afar. A ray of green light was like a meteor, crossing most of Tianshui City and landing above the County Magistrate's Mansion.

After a moment, the green light dissipated, and an ancient sword revealed its shape.

"Let's go to Dahuang County!"

The next moment, a figure landed above the ancient sword. He had a calm expression and his whole body was like a sharp sword that no one could stop.