
MARTIAL SUMMIT (Against the Heaven to the Peak of martial arts)

In the vast expanse of the Divine Dragon Continent, amidst a world teeming with ancient beasts, demons, devils and cultivators of unimaginable power, lies the Unfettered Country. Lin feng, a young sickly man deem Orphan and alone, Lin feng's fate takes a dramatic turn when he is taken under the wing of a reclusive alchemist from Martial Origin sect, who reveals to him the secrets of Alchemy Martial Fusion – a forbidden technique that combines the destructive force of martial cultivation with the nuanced art of alchemy. This ancient knowledge, thought lost to the annals of history, propels Lin feng on a quest not only for personal mastery but also for justice and revenge.The path before Lin feng is fraught with peril. The Alchemy Guild, a shadowy organization with tendrils in every major sect and kingdoms of the world, views Lin feng's ascent and mastery of Alchemy Martial Fusion as a threat to their dominion. Lin feng on the path of no return turn against the heaven.

FlyingMonarch · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Covenant of the Nine Tower Palace

As Lin Feng stood at the water's edge, soaked and reborn from the abyss, the sky above him parted once more, revealing not just a source of light, but a manifestation of power beyond the realm of mortal understanding—the Nine Tower Palace. An ethereal structure, floating between the fabric of the heavens and the earth, its nine towers shimmered with a celestial glow, each resonating with the echo of ancient, boundless power.The air around Lin Feng thickened with an unseen pressure, an invisible force pushing down on him with the weight of eons. It was the Nine Tower Palace, compelling him to kneel, to submit to its overwhelming might. Yet, within Lin Feng, where the mysterious light had ignited a new spark of power, there stirred a defiance that would not bow, not to the hunters that had chased him to the cliff, not to the sect that had banished him, and not to the celestial force before him now.A voice, ancient and as vast as the cosmos, resonated within the depths of Lin Feng's soul, "Swear upon the might of the Nine Tower Palace, to fight against the Gods if they defy you, against the devil if the devil defies you, against heaven itself if heaven defies you. Swear, and the path to supremacy shall be yours."Lin Feng, amidst the pressure that sought to crush his very being, stood unyielded. The force that sought to bend his will instead fortified his resolve. With the ruins of his past life behind him and the boundless path of cultivation ahead, he understood the magnitude of the covenant. This was not merely a vow of rebellion against the forces that had wronged him; it was a declaration of sovereignty over his destiny, a promise to ascend beyond the limitations imposed by gods, devils, or the celestial order."I swear," Lin Feng's voice, firm and resolute, cut through the silence, echoing into the infinity. "Against the Gods, against the devil, against heaven itself—should they defy me, I shall defy them in return. On the path to the martial summit, I shall yield to none."The moment the oath was taken, the Nine Tower Palace blazed with a light so pure and powerful, it seemed to cleanse the world anew. The pressure lifted, replaced by an infusion of knowledge and power directly from the towers themselves into Lin Feng's soul. Ancient scripts, martial techniques of unparalleled potency, alchemical formulas lost to time, and the secrets of forging artifacts capable of rivaling the heavens themselves—all were bestowed upon Lin Feng in the covenant's wake.The Nine Tower Palace, having found a champion in Lin Feng, receded into the sky, leaving no trace but the covenant sealed within him. Lin Feng felt the enormity of his new power, a force that coursed through his veins with the promise of untold potential. He was no longer a mere cultivator; he was a sworn adversary to any who would stand in his path, be they gods, devils, or the celestial order itself.With the covenant of the Nine Tower Palace as his foundation, Lin Feng set forth from the water's edge, not as a banished disciple, but as a sovereign unto himself. His journey to defy the heavens and reach the martial summit had truly begun, and with each step, he carried the promise of a new era, one where he would stand unopposed, a legend in the making.