
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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Regarding Qian Xun Ji, Mu Ge is really worried about his life now.

If Qian Xun Ji really catches up, Mu Ge can't guarantee that Qian Xun Ji is willing to give up the Blue Silver Emperor for him.

Then after the threat was unless, who knows whether Tang Hao will really kill him.

So Mu Ge thinks that it is better not to let Qian Xun Ji catch up.

At least wait until he leaves.

Tang Hao is unwilling to let him go now, but after Tang Hao and the Blue Silver Emperor are truly safe, Mu Ge believes that Tang Hao will not do anything to him.

After all, the people of the Spirit Hall already knew that it was Tang Hao who held him hostage.

Breaking the dissatisfaction of the world with the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang Hao's behavior has already shamed himself and the Clear Sky Sect. If Tang Hao really dares to touch him again, it will only make the Clear Sky sect even more of a victim of world's anger.

"You actually thinking for us?"

Hearing Mu Ge's words, Tang Hao looked at Mu Ge suspiciously.

He actually thought of going to the Star Dou Great Forest just now, as long as he enters the Star Dou Great Forest, with his wife Ah Yin's ability, hiding is not a problem.

It's just that now that Mu Ge said so, he has to wonder if it's a trap.

"Believe it or not, I really didn't come here for you in Black Tiger City this time. I have been traveling for the past two months, and I have also given lectures in every town's Soul Master Academy!"

"I really just happened to appear in Black Tiger City this time!"

Seeing Tang Hao's suspicious gaze, Mu Ge looked helpless, and then explained with a sigh.

Mu Ge looked directly at Tang Hao calmly.

What he said is the truth, so he can be very calm.

Seeing Mu Ge's calm gaze, Tang Hao couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

'Did he really not come here for Ah Yin?'

"And as for if there is a trap in the Star Dou Great Forest? You just need to let your wife perceive it again. There will only be more blue silver grass in the Star Dou Great Forest. I believe your wife can sense it!"

Seeing Tang Hao's hesitation, Mu Ge spoke again.

Although Tang Hao didn't say anything, he could guess at a glance what Tang Hao was suspicious of.

"Ah Yin !"

Tang Hao paused slightly when he heard the words, and finally looked at the Blue Silver Emperor and gestured.


The Blue Silver Emperor nodded, and then used her Blue Silver Domain to perceive again.

It's just that the perception time of the Blue Silver Emperor was obviously a little longer this time, because she needs to perceive a farther distance.

After a while, the Blue Silver Emperor who opened her eyes looked at Tang Hao and shook his head slightly, indicating that there were no traps in the Star Dou Great Forest.


"Okay then, let's enter the Star Dou Forest!"

Seeing the Blue Silver Emperor's response, Tang Hao also heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately made a decisive decision.

In other words, besides entering the Star Dou Forest, he didn't know where to break out.

In the current situation where there are Spirit Hall's eyes and ears everywhere in front of them, entering the Star Dou Forest is their only chance.

"Master Hu Ge, please come with us again!"

After hugging the Blue Silver Emperor again, Tang Hao spoke to Mu Ge again.

It's just that this time the tone is a little more respectful, and it's no longer so perfunctory.

"Well, in fact, I also hope that you can get out of trouble!"

"Because in my opinion, His Excellency Tang Hao's wife is already a real human being!"

Mu Ge nodded and acted a little more positively, not so unwillingly.

'Very good, finally got a wave of favourability!'

At the same time, Mu Ge secretly praised himself in his heart.

"Well, Ah Yin is indeed already a human being!"

Hearing Mu Ge's words, Tang Hao's expression became softer.

"Let's go, we have to enter the Star Dou Forest before your Pope comes after us!"

Afterwards, Tang Hao picked up the Blue Silver Emperor and moved first.

This time, Tang Hao didn't use his aura to target the pastoral.


Regarding this, Mu Ge snorted coldly in his heart.

There is no aura locked on him out in the open, but secretly there is still a seemingly invisible spiritual force locked on him. If he doesn't follow, Mu Ge believes Tang Hao will definitely turn back immediately.


Mu Ge, who understood this, chased after him in a flash.

After Mu Ge followed, the seemingly invisible lock disappeared from Mu Ge.

Mu Ge was able to find this because Mu Ge's mental power has skyrocketed after the fusion of the Focusing wisdom skull, otherwise it would not be noticeable.

"Master Hu Ge, do you really think I'm a human?"

After Mu Ge caught up with Tang Hao, the Blue Silver Emperor in Tang Hao's arms couldn't help but look back at Mu Ge, and opened her mouth to confirm with Mu Ge.

At the moment, she really needs the approval of others.

"Of course, if you weren't human, you wouldn't be able to conceive Tang Hao's child!"

"Since you can conceive a love crystal, it proves that you are now a human being!"

"Otherwise, it is impossible for different species to breed offspring!"

Hearing what the Blue Silver Emperor said, Mu Ge replied flatly.

Different from making the Blue Silver Emperor uncomfortable before, Mu Ge this time tries to make her feel better.

This kind of different attitude made the Blue Silver Emperor slightly astonished when she heard the words.

"I'm just stating my conclusion, I don't mean to say good things to you!"

Seeing the astonished expression of the Blue Silver Emperor, Mu Ge said calmly.

Whether it hurts you or praises you, it is my rational analysis, nothing more.

"Moreover, I have further guesses that the origin of human beings may all come from the transformation of soul beasts!"

As if feeling that it wasn't shocking enough, Mu Ge continued to speak amazingly.


"Why would Master Hu Ge think so?"

Mu Ge's sudden explanation made Blue Silver Emperor exclaim in surprise.

Even Tang Hao was shocked.

While hurrying, he was also waiting to see how Mu Ge would answer.

'How dare you say such shocking words.'

No matter how shocking Mu Ge's answer is, whether it is true or not, the Blue Silver Emperor will definitely love to hear it anyway!

"It's just my guess!"

"Because for us humans, many martial souls come from soul beasts!"

"So I boldly guessed whether there were only soul beasts and no humans on this continent before!"

"The first human beings to appear came from the transformation of a hundred thousand year-old soul beast!"

"Then a large number of transformed human beings, after reproduction, have made such a huge group of human beings, and at the same time forget their own origin!"

"After countless years of development, it became what it is now!"

Mu Ge smiled, and then expressed his conjecture.

He even wanted to ask the Blue Silver Emperor what the Douluo Continent was like a hundred thousand years ago.

But Mu Ge didn't ask in the end, because Mu Ge knew that a hundred thousand year soul beast only represented her cultivation, not that the Blue Silver Emperor really lived for one hundred thousand years, maybe more than ten thousand years, but definitely not as good as one hundred thousand years.

All soul beasts are like this.

A hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years just represent their soul power cultivation.


Read 10+ advance chapters here
