
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

100. Tearing apart

After Qian Xun Ji left the Clear Sky Sect, he spread the news that Master Hu Ge was held hostage by Tang Hao, that Tang Hao was expelled from the sect by the Clear Sky Sect, and that the Clear Sky Sect has closed the sect gates.

After a period of fermentation, such explosive news spread quickly.


"Tang Hao is crazy, he actually kidnapped Master Hu Ge!"


"For a soul beast woman! He is simply too fascinated!"


"The Clear Sky Sect was also hurt by Tang Hao, and the Sect doors were actually closed!"


"The number one sect in the world, what a pity!"


"It's not a pity, Clear Sky Sect is not worthy of its name now, and a **** like Tang Hao is born there, and it deserves to seal the sect doors!"


"Yes, teaching a **** like Tang Hao deserves the closure of the sect gates!"


"There will be three great sects in the future, or will there be one less?"


"Tell me, has Tang Hao's soul beast wife been caught?"



For a while, the entire continent was in an uproar.

Spirit Hall hunting down Tang Hao's soul beast wife all over the continent is something that everyone knows, but they didn't expect the development of things to be like this, and even implicated Master Hu Ge.

Tang Hao kidnapping of Master Hu Ge, made all the soul masters who benefited from "Soul Master's Training Manual" complain for Master Hu Ge and blame Tang Hao.

For a while, Tang Hao's reputation was almost infamous.



"I didn't expect the Clear Sky Sect to close the doors!"


"What a pity!"

In the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, after Ning Fengzhi heard the news, he was also deeply moved.

He really did not expect that the Clear Sky Sect would be reduced to the present situation.

As one of the top three sects, Ning Fengzhi is inevitably saddened by the defeat of one.


"This is all because of Tang Hao. Collusion with soul beasts should not a matter of no option. He also held Master Hu Ge hostage. The Clear Sky Sect expelled Tang Hao from the sect in order to clear the relationship."

Sword Douluo said.


"Tang Hao really went too far this time!"

Even Bone Douluo stood up to Master Hu Ge this time.



Ning Fengzhi nodded, and felt that Tang Hao's kidnapping of Master Hu Ge was too much.

Their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect also benefited from the theoretical knowledge given by Master Hu Ge.

As known to all, the cultivation of auxiliary system soul masters has always been relatively slow.

He didn't know the reason before, but since Master Hu Ge's "Soul Master's Training Manual" came out, he became clear. Now that they have done corresponding training, the disciples of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can practice faster than before. Quite a lot when compared to the past.


"I hope Tang Hao won't really do anything to Master Hu Ge, otherwise Tang Hao will really become the target of public criticism. Master Hu Ge has his current cultivation base and achievements at a young age, and he shouldn't fall at the early age!"


"I hope the heavens won't be jealous of talents!"

Ning Fengzhi said with emotion on the surface.

But in fact, Ning Fengzhi has other ideas in his heart.

If something happened to Master Hu Ge, he would certainly feel pity and feel sorry for Master Hu Ge, but he was very happy to see such a thing happen.

Because after the Clear Sky Sect was forced to close the gates, Spirit Hall will be difficult to deal with. If a genius like Master Hu Ge grows up, Spirit Hall will only become stronger.

That's not what he wants to see.


"Unfortunately, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect does not have such a genius!"

Unable to help, Ning Fengzhi once again lamented in his heart that their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect did not have a decent junior.


"I hope that the one my wife is just pregnant with is a genius!"


"Otherwise, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will have no successors!"

Thinking of his newly pregnant wife, Ning Fengzhi prayed in his heart.





"Impossible …"


"It's absolutely impossible..."


"How could this book be written by that **** Mu Ge..."

In the Spirit Hall library, Bibi Dong was flipping through Mu Ge's book "Soul Master's Training Manual" page by page, and her original expression of reading a joke gradually froze.

In the end, Bibi Dong even tore the booklet in her hand, unwilling to believe the contents on it.

Bibi Dong's theoretical knowledge is also very rich, and her understanding of martial arts knowledge is not low, so she can understand the knowledge in "Soul Master's Training Manual" at once.

It was precisely because of this that Bibi Dong was unwilling to believe what she saw.


'Impossible, absolutely impossible.'


'It is absolutely impossible for that **** Mu Ge to be more powerful than her Yu Xiaogang.'

Especially a lot of knowledge in his completely refuted Yu Xiaogang's knowledge, making Yu Xiaogang's "Ten Core Competitiveness of Martial Spirits" so ridiculous.

So Bibi Dong didn't want to believe it!


The book in her hand had already been torn in half by her, and Bibi Dong continued to tear the book into countless pieces.


"Xiao Gang, how is Xiao Gang now..."

After a long time, Bibi Dong calmed down, and immediately became worried about Yu Xiaogang.

Bibi Dong also realised that the appearance of "Soul Master's Training Manual" was a serious blow to her Yu Xiaogang.

She knew that Yu Xiaogang's previous theoretical knowledge had been ridiculed by many people because of the propaganda of various sects.

Now that Mu Ge's "Soul Master's Training Manual" comes out, she can imagine that Yu Xiaogang will be ridiculed even more seriously.

That's why Bibi Dong is worried about Yu Xiaogang, and doesn't know how Yu Xiaogang is doing now.


"No, I want to know Xiao Gang's situation immediately!"

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, Bibi Dong quickly found one of her trusted subordinates.


"Tell me, how is Yu Xiaogang doing now?"

After calling her subordinate, Bibi Dong immediately began to question her.

It turns out that Bibi Dong has sent people to secretly follow Yu Xiaogang and have information about Yu Xiaogang.

It's just that Bibi Dong rarely asks about the situation Yu Xiaogang faces, because she is afraid of being discovered by Qian Xun Ji.

So under normal circumstances, Bibi Dong rarely asks about Yu Xiaogang's current situation.

Only this time, she couldn't help it.

She was eager to know what happened to Yu Xiaogang.


"Your Highness, Yu Xiaogang left Notting College shortly after Master Hu Ge's "Soul Master's Training Manual" was published!"

After the confidant heard Bibi Dong's inquiry, he immediately answered Bibi Dong's question.

By quickly paying attention to Yu Xiaogang's situation secretly, his subordinates have already passed the information to him.


"What about now? Where has Yu Xiaogang gone now?"

Hearing that Yu Xiaogang had left Notting College, Bibi Dong continued to question him.


"That...Your Royal Highness, I don't know where Yu Xiaogang went after leaving Notting College!"


"If Her Royal Highness wants to know, we will get the news right away after talking to the observer!"

Bibi Dong's confidant heard the question and replied with his head down.

Bibi Dong: "Now, go and investigate right away!"


Read 10+ advance chapters here
