
Martial Ruler Of Supreme Devas

The world is filled with good but more than that there exists evil. The strong rules over the weak and that’s how this world works which goes with the principle of ‘Survival Of The Fittest’. Everyone has to pave their own way in order to become an immortal or a DEVA. However reaching that rank takes a millennium for ordinary people. “I will become the ruler of the SUPREME DEVAS!”, that is what Ryuu Fon says. Will he be able to conquer them and get his revenge? Join me in this amazing adventure where martial arts and cultivation is everything without which you are considered a TRASH!

1st_Manga_KING · Action
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20 Chs

Stolen Goods - Part 1

The moment he fell unconscious a mysterious man came running and stood beside him and kept on staring at him.

He immeditely took the pouch in which he kept the pills and opened it.

"Woah! The pills sure are amazing!", it was a man's voice who immediately after saying this disappeared after which another man came and he too watched all the unused herbs that were left.

He then immediately picked all of them and ran away as soon as he could.

Ryuu was still unconscious and his internal energy was also unstable which was leaking freely.

He had a lot of internal injuries which were slowly being healed by the green Core while other cores were preventing the bleeding.

Somehow he was barely alive but his breathing was heavy.

Soon 3 hours passed by and it was roughly around 1 AM in the morning when the moon was shining bringtly.

The light fell on his face despite the shed that was protecting him earlier from the rain.

"Uhhh... my head.", Ryuu slowly opened his eyes after he has mustered sufficient amount of strength.

"W-what happened?", he somehow managed to sit upright but the immense pain made it unbearable for him to stand up.

"Fuck... what's with this amount of pain!!?", it felt as if even the death that he faced was less painful when he compared this pain with that.

His stomach was hurting a lot and so was his chest which he grabbed with his right hand and kept on sitting there.

"This is no good... my soul power...", his body had used up most of his soul power on its own in order to heal along with the green core.

When the soul power deplete completely, it would be impossible for the person to regain it back or cultivate the soul power anymore.

No matter how much soul powe was used, a little bit has to be remained within the body, or else the person would really turn into a cripple.

But that didn't apply to someone who attained High Martial Realm since from that point, soul power would not be the major power and it would deplet easily either.

Also, if it did deplet completely, it could be regained again in an instant because of the well forged body of a high Martial realm ciltivator.

"I guess no one is out right now since it's so late...", immediately after thinking that he started to cultivate and regain the power that he had lost.

Also, he was focusing his own Qi to go towards theborgans and start healing them so that they would be healed earlier.

He was in this process when suddenly he remembered about the pills.

He immeditely paused cultivating and looked here and there and all over his body but he couldn't find the pouch in which he had put all the twelve pills.

"Huh...?", when he looked for the remnant herbs, he couldn't find them and they too were missing.

"The heck is going on??", he could t understand anything because it was impossible for someone to know that he had something so valuable with him.

"That's so not fair!!!", even the core of the tiger beast was inside the pouch in which the pills were kept since he had 3 pouches in total.

"Someone definitely has taken them... oh well it's not a problem though.", he wasn't angry at all.

In fact he took it very lightly as if he had everything under his control.

"It's good that I used that technique...", he said to himself.

There was a secret blood technique which cultivators would use in the future but Ryuu already knew about it so he used it right now.

It's a technique in which blood is integrated and made a part of the things which is owned by the blood donor.

If the person makes any weapon and puts a drop of blood in it while forging, then no matter how far the weapon goes, it will return immediately when the person wants it to.

It was a very high level technique which was known by a very few selected people who had reached at least the ASURA realm.

Ryuu knew that technique very well since he had learned it from a fellow mate of his who specialised in blood arts!

So he had used the same technique on the pouch, core and the pills too. But he didn't do that for the remnant herbs since he didn't think that it would be that important.

So he wouldn't be getting all of his things back, but at least something's will be returned.

"Hmm... but I want to know who actually dared to do this.", he didn't want to leave the matter as it was.

He wanted to properly investigate and find out who the person was. He wasn't sure if this person was following him or something so he was intrigued a bit by thinking of how the person came to know about the pills and herbs.

"Sigh... let me use my Qi sense.", he immeditely closed his eyes and started to allow his consciousness to spread to the surroundings.

It was as if his soul had left his body and was literally looking at everything around him but this technique was not as complex as that one.

This technique has a limited range that was way less than the Soul Exhalation technique.

He was able to see his surroundings which appeared to be orangish in colour and was somewhat similar to night vision.

It was a high level technique to learn which it would take at least 2 years, but Ryuu could easily perform it because he knew shortcut about it.

He then focused his sense and moved a bit ahead an widened his range.

"No... there is nothing within 50 metres range...", he increased even more slowly and steadily.



"Not yet..."

He continued to increase his range to 300 metres when suddenly he paused. It seemed as if that was the limit for him right now because he hadn't even stepped to bronze rank of Lower Martial realm.

"Fuck... there is nothing within this—", he paused suddenly.

"Huh? This...", he could suddenly see a blue coloured small light orbs that were shining and visible to him in his Qi sense.

It was not one nor two, in fact there were a total of 12 lighted orbs including a larger orb that was shining with white light.

"Yep!!! That's the place!", immeditely after saying this he stood up only to cough blood again.

"Argh! I forgot that I haven't been healed yet...", saying this he sat down somehow and started to concentrate on healing himself while using Camoflage Sutra!

"I will definitely make you pay for stealing my things!"