
Martial Peak: Great Dao of Culture!

A human soul got a good deal from a mighty being and was transmigrated into the Martial Peak world with special powers bestowed upon him.

Lord_Azathoth · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 5 — Encounter

The High Heaven Pavilion, deemed as the first-rate sect by everyone in their region, was one of the small powerhouses of the Great Han Dynasty.

And because of that, all the disciples especially trained by the High Heaven Pavilion were said to be fierce and one of their own.

I wonder if it is true that there are only 300 or so disciples in the sect... Core disciples should be 2 or 3 since not everyone can break through to the True Element realm, Elite disciples are likely a dozen or so... As for the Lower base and ordinary? Most of them are in the Qi Transformation, Initial Element and Body Tempering realm... Let's just forget about the Trial ones...

Wang Lin in his high spirit continued to check out each intricate Pavilion and the complexity of the sect.

As he lived in the forest side, it took him a few minutes to get out of there.

Hmm, I wonder why I chose this world to go into... Well, women are the first reason. The second one should be gaining strength, right? Attaining a behemoth-like strength and living a fucking chilling life in this bullshit world, no its worlds... But, strength definitely comes first! With no power to back me up, I'd prefer Sepukku instead of licking someone's ass for my life...

Arriving at the centre of the Sect, Wang Lin's eye caught the plethora of disciples chatting in the groups while some left the sect ground to gain their own opportunities.

It's lively here...

Not minding the weird attitude and gazes that fell upon him, he continued to explore the sect ground.

Most of the members prefer to team up together within the sect so Wang Lin just stayed away from them. Since he didn't know how to fight and with not a single ounce of Qi in him, a fight was definitely not something he wanted.

A few minutes passed and he finally finished familiarizing himself with the sect.

The sect was located near the Black Wood Forest and spread over hundreds of metres.

Despite being considered a second-rate clan, it was recognized as a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Wang Lin arrived near a large tree and sat down on the ground. Since there was no other reason for him to look around he just continued to stare at the sky.

It's hard to believe this is just a low world within... What was that name again? Tong something... I don't remember... Haha... It was a stupid name anyway... Well, I'll go there myself after some time... Time will tell...

As time passed, many disciples who passed by raised an eyebrow when they saw him.

They all pondered how such a carefree person had managed to enter the sect.

However, they paid little heed to his actions as it didn't concern them. The man had free time; let him do as he pleased. There was no need to provoke some random individual on such a good day. That's all they could think, except for a certain someone.

"Hey! If you have so much free time, why don't you just cultivate?" A boy with loose hair asked.


Wang Lin turned his head and looked at the smirking boy. The face looked similar to what he had remembered so he easily figured out who was this person.

And, the two lackeys standing behind him with that obedient puppy-like expressions made him sure of it.

However, he returned his gaze above and continued to stare at the drifting clouds.

"Cultivate? Nah, I'd prefer this... Doing cultivation is just boring."

Listening to this, three people's faces turned into surprised ones.

Didn't want to cultivate? Who and why would someone say such a thing...

The young man at the lead got intrigued and replied, "Yes! It's boring! That's what I always say to my sister, but..."

The expression he made after remembering something from his memories caused his face to turn into a scared one. The two lackeys behind also felt their young master's emotions and one of them couldn't help but speak, "Young Master Su, I just recalled that this month it's Senior Sister's turn to supervise the marketplace."

"Is that true?" The young man inquired with a delighted face.

"Most certainly! I'd never lie to Young Master."

"Hahaha... I'm free!" he started to laugh and dance like a free bird. However, he stopped after some people gave him a questioning look.

What a weirdo...

"Cough* how embarrassing... Anyways, I'm Su Mu. Right, these are my friends, Zhou Hu and Li Yun Tian... What's your name?" Su Mu asked with a wide grin, unlike his first question.

Zhou Hu and Li Yun Tian felt emotional when Su Mu mentioned them as his friends instead of subordinates, however, they didn't show it on their faces. They didn't follow Su Mu for the benefits; it was his admirable qualities that garnered their unwavering loyalty.

Wang Lin stood up, brushed the dust off his backside, and replied, "Wang Lin."

"So it's Junior Brother Wang, hmm? Good! You've already reached the 7th layer of the Body Tempering stage... Let's be friends, shall we?" he asked with a friendly smile.

I guess there is no harm in that... Though don't mind if I did take your sister...



After spending some time with Su Mu and his companions, Wang Lin returned to his shelter. He ate dinner, which he had brought back with him, and then lay down on the bed.

I managed to find Yang Kai's shack with Su Mu's help...

Hmm, he'll be my brother-in-law soon enough so I guess I'll help him out here and there...

Right, I need to make a list of what I can get or not through Miracle Invoker...

Sigh, it would have been better if the cooldown period wasn't for so long...