
Martial Peak Ascending the Martial Dao

mc looks like Sesshomaru I will not be following the storyline, for those who want yang kai to appear he will but in the future, and for the Harem it's not yet decided.

j_k_l · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 1

In the year 30,200 of the Toaist Calendar, in the Tong Xuan Realm, Ice Sect, an isolated mountain in the outer region, a ten-year-old boy with white hair and two red marks on each cheek sat cross-legged on the ground as the winds howled violently around him. Suddenly, he began to glow with a bright light, enveloping everything around him for about 10 seconds before it faded away. The young man then opened his eyes, and they glowed with a bright crimson red, featuring two tomoe marks in each. A smile appeared on his face. "Finally, I've tempered my body to the 9th stage!" he exclaimed.

Just then, an applauding voice sounded behind him, congratulating him on reaching the 9th stage. "Young Master Sesshomaru, your talent is truly unparalleled amongst geniuses," said Martial Aunt Quan Yue.

The young man, now known as Sesshomaru, stood up and nodded to Martial Aunt Quan Yue, saying, "Martial Aunt's praise is undeserved; this disciple's cultivation is just a bit faster than that of the senior and junior sisters."

Quan Yue chuckled and said, "Ah, your praise is well-deserved, Young Master Sesshomaru. The Sect Master would like to see how your progress in cultivation has been going."

As she walked off, Sesshomaru nodded before following her towards the sect leader's mountain.

It had been 10 years since he had been in this world. He knew he wasn't from this world and had memories of another life that he couldn't remember. The only thing he remembered was the gift bestowed upon him by god – the Otsuki bloodline and the Starlight Soul Physique – which granted him exceptional strength and was also the cause of his cultivation speed. Due to this, when he arrived in this sect, the Sect Master (his honored Master) had taken him under her wing to nurture him. From then on, he was hailed as the Young Master of the Ice Sect. He later discovered why it was dominated by mostly women it was because of there cultivation method, the ice heart cultivation except for him and his Martial Uncle Qian Hao, a 2nd Order Saint Realm Master like his Martial Aunt their were no other male in the sect.


Inside the sect master's mountain peak, a beautiful lady with hair as white as snow radiated power like no other, a 3rd Order Saint and one of the peak cultivators of this world. She folded her hands as if pondering something. Two figures then entered the room. The lady among them bowed before saying, "Sect Master, I have brought Sesshomaru." Addressing her, she added that Sesshomaru had tempered his body to the 9th stage already after just two years of cultivation.

The Sect Master then turned around, looking towards both Sesshomaru and Qian Yue. She smiled slightly at Sesshomaru. "I see you've tempered your body to the 9th stage already after just two years of cultivation." Sesshomaru bowed in response. "I hope I haven't disappointed my honored master."

"May I ask why honored master has asked Martial Aunt to summon me?" Sesshomaru asked.

"I see you're quick to get to the point as always," she said with a chuckle. "With your talent, you're more than likely to achieve the Transcendent Realm in a couple dozen years. But you'll need your own opportunities."

Sesshomaru bowed again. "What task would honored master like this disciple to complete?"

Qing Ya (sect master) chuckled slightly. "I've you grown since you were a toddler; there's no need for you to be so polite."

Sesshomaru asked again, "May I inquire what task master wants me to complete?"

With a sigh, she replied, "I want you to leave the sect to participate in the Red Lotus."

Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly. "This disciple understands... but may I inquire why I have to leave the sect right now? The Red Lotus doesn't bloom for another six years, and even then, the chances of me getting it are really slim... as history books stated that every time it was suspected to bloom all the energy it accumulated would just vanish... and this continued for past few thousand years."

"That's a decent point," Qing Ya replied. "But that doesn't matter; it was a task given by me."

Sesshomaru bowed in respect once more. "This disciple understands."

As he turned around and exited the room, leaving both his Martial Aunt and Master behind. "Sighs," said Qian Yue as she looked at Qing Ya. "Are you sure he's ready?"

Qing Ya sighed as she looked towards where Sesshomaru left. "You and I know he's not just a mere coincidence... not including the fact that that boy wasn't born through normal means... but came from an egg... and even his physique and the way he adapts to cultivation so fast... and those eyes of him exude power higher than his Realm... even though in our presence it's nothing but just imagine if he has time to grow to the same level as us... how would we be compared to him then?"

After hearing those words, Qian Yue shuddered at how terrifying an existence Sesshomaru would be after he achieved the same Realm as Qing Ya.

A few minutes after Sesshomaru left Qing Ya's presence, Sesshomaru was busy packing his special bag with some spirit pills to aid him in his cultivation whilst on his journey and some cultivation resources. Meanwhile, a figure was floating above him as he descended towards Sesshomaru's position. As he landed behind Sesshomaru, he felt a pair of eyes watching him as. He quickly turned around to see a tall-built person with long brown hair who was a 2nd Order Saint Realm Master like Qing Ya. He quickly bowed greeting Qian Hao: "Disciple greets Martial Uncle Qian Hao; may I ask what brings you here?"

Qian Hao let out a slight chuckle: "You don't have to be so polite; I basically watched you grow up from birth; you're basically like family."

"Anyways," Qian Hao continued: "the reason I came here was to give you few things to aid you on your journey if you ever get into any serious situation... although knowing you I doubt..."

He then pulled out a blade and handed it to Sesshomaru as Sesshomaru inspected it; it was Heaven-grade high-rank. He then bowed towards Qian Hao thanking him for the gift.

"No problem," Qian Hao said: "you won't be able to unleash the true potential of that blade if your cultivation isn't enough... so cultivate diligently and don't slack off."

"Martial Uncle need not worry," Sesshomaru said: "this disciple will ensure he does not disappoint."

Qian Hao smiled after hearing that ruffling Sesshomaru's head before heading off before leaving he looked back at Sesshomaru and said " there will be a ship arriving with some supplies in about a few days... you can get a ride from them towards land."