
Martial God Asura Rebirth

This is a story of how a youngster got an opportunity to reincarnate into the world of Martial God Asura by an old man of unknown origins, albeit at a price. Who is this old man? Why was he given this opportunity? Why does he need him? Watch as he overcomes every obstacle thrown his way as he tries to get stronger and solve these mysteries only to peek into an even greater world. Unlike the original MC he is going to have an adventure of a lifetime. What is the identity of this boy? How is he going to affect this new world? The Nine Galaxy better watch out ‘cause a lightning storm is coming. FYI. I don’t own Chu Feng or any characters from Martial God Asura.

Ravindra_1996 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Overlord Realm

Wang Yuxian then had a thoughtful expression and said,"No wonder she didn't recognise you at that time. Also, she had a disdain for the Holy Light Galaxy."

She then looked at her master with pleading eyes. However, Lady Sea Immortal was very clear about what to do.

She shook her head and put on a stern expression,"Lele, you are not leaving this room until you completely recover."

I then looked at Bu Lingxue and said,"I know this was supposed to be a short detour but."

She interrupted me and said,"If it really is that important, then go to the Nine Soul Sacred Clan."

She the looked at Lady Sea Immortal and requested,"Lady Sea Immortal, Is it alright if I stay here until he comes back?"

Sea Immortal nodded and said,"You are welcome. I will ask one of my students to arrange a residence for you."

I nodded and said,"It's very important. So, I have to leave right now. I will discuss it with them and tell you the story once I clarify the whole story."

Wang Yuxian looked disappointed that she couldn't come see Miaomiao with me.

I looked at her and smiled,"Don't worry. I am sure she will visit you as soon as she learns of your situation. Get better soon."

Lady Sea Immortal also nodded and said,"You were correct in retreating. If it really is as serious as you said, it should be consulted with the Nine Souls Sacred Clan."

With that said, I was then escorted to the teleportation leading to the Overlord Realm where the Nine Souls Sacred Clan resided. Compared to the Ancestral Martial Galaxy, Nine Souls Galaxy had more starfields.

The Nine Souls Starfield was the exclusive territory of the Nine Soul Sacred Clan. The scale of this clan was way larger than the Holy Light Clan. The Holy Light Clan resided in one upper realm called 'Ancient Master Realm' of their exclusive starfield.

The Nine Soul Sacred Clan however, was different. The main clan was located in the 'Overlord Realm' while the many different branches were located in different upper realms of the Nine Souls Starfield.

I was now headed directly to where the main clan was located. I stepped into the teleportation formation. It took a while but I reached my destination.

Lady Sea Immortal told me that I needed to show her token to be given authorisation upon my entry. I declined and told her that I had Miaomaio's token. I had another token but I won't publicise it unless necessary.

When I stepped out the formation, I was confronted by a set of guards wearing Nine Soul Sacred Clan uniform. The strongest among them was actually a 3rd level Martial Exalted. Weird but suddenly it clicked. They must have expected Senior Sea Immortal to exit through that gate or one of her students.

This tall and graceful woman who wore a general's outfit must have been her escort. She had a golden armour on her body and a long brown hair tied behind her back. She was holding a spear in her right hand which was an exalted armament. She looked like a valiant heroine with her spear and guards behind her.

As soon as she saw me, her expression along with her subordinates became alert. Ah, the immortal sea sect is supposed to only have women and also I looked really young. A young boy stepping out of the immortal sea sect's exclusive teleportation formation was definitely suspicious.

She had a dangerous expression on her face as she asked me,"Who are you? This is Nine Soul Sacred Clan's private territory. Coming here without permission is a capital crime. How did you get access to this teleportation formation?"

I smiled at here questions and answered,"My name is Chu Feng. Those are a lot of questions you have there."

She asked me with the same tone,"Do you think this is funny?"

I nodded immediately and still had that smile on my face.

Her expression turned cold as she started to release here oppressive might on me. As soon as her oppressive might reached me, all of them were surprised to see that it promptly disappeared. I waved my hand and pushed her martial power back into the body.

Everything went back to normal again. I could see that their mood fluctuated between shock and vigilance. She was about to call for help when she realised my strength was higher than her.

I then put my hands up and laughed.

I immediately said,"Sorry, I couldn't help it. I am not here by mistake." As I was saying that, I took out my Special Elder token and activated it. Suddenly, my name 'Chu Feng' came out along with a unique but powerful bloodline coercion.

As soon as that happened the guards weren't able to stand anymore. I didn't want them to kneel so, I stored the token back. Every single guard had a change in expression. They immediately bowed down and shouted in unison,"We greet Elder Chu Feng."

The woman cupped her hands in a salute and said,"General Jiuhun Yingyue greets Elder Chu Feng. I humbly apologise for the offence that I committed." I could see that she was flabbergasted by my status. The guards weren't doing any better.

I just chuckled and waved my hand,"Relax, I am not really into those formalities. General Yingyue, right? Just call me Chu Feng."

She too relaxed a little after hearing that. She then asked me with some hesitation,"Can I ask you a question, Elder Feng?" I guess that's as informal as I can get her to call me right now.

I gestured her to go on. She asked me,"When did you become a special elder? It's been a long time since that happened before."

I nodded and answered back,"It happened a few months back. Senior Guizhi gave me the token along with a mischievous girl."

She thought about something for a few seconds and asked me again,"Is it alright to ask where you are from? Which force do you belong to?"

I replied,"Ancestral Martial Galaxy."

Wow, I though they would suffer whiplash seeing how fast they turned their heads towards me.

I continued with a helpless expression,"I'm not joking. I am from your neighbouring galaxy. So, stop being so surprised."

Their expressions turned awkward when they heard that. I just asked them to relax. I then explained General Yingyue of my relationship with Immortal Sea Sect.

She nodded and asked me what my purpose was.

I then looked at her and spoke seriously, "I have some urgent business with that girl right now. Can you please arrange a meeting." I then took out a token that said 'Jiuhun Miaomiao'.

She was shocked when she saw that token.

I urged her,"I know that she might be busy right now but this is urgent. Just tell her that Chu Feng came and she will definitely come see me."

She just nodded absentmindedly and took me a guest mansion where I had to wait. Normally I had my own mansion, which would be assigned when I first come to the sect, but now that I am in a hurry, I decide to stay here.

She then left to inform Miaomiao of my arrival. I then called the guard who was present outside the mansion. This one of General Yingyue's subordinates. She wanted to follow the highest etiquette according to my status but after my persuasion, she settled for this.

I asked him to sit but he immediately rejected. I sighed and asked him,"I have a question if you don't mind. I am new to this post so I am not quite knowledgeable about the clan."

He nodded and replied,"I will try my best to answer."

I then asked him,"What is the hierarchy within the sect? Where does my position stand?"

He looked at me with an odd expression and answered,"Every branch of the clan has a leader. They are the highest authority in that branch. Above them are Generals of the clan. As soon as one becomes a general of the clan, he/she no longer is a part of the branch that they originate from. They belong to the Main Clan. The Elders of the Main Clan have same level of authority as the Generals but their roles and duties are a little different. Above the elders are Special Elders like yourself. These are special positions that are rarely given and you must already know why."

I nodded and he continued,"Above the special elders are the Supreme Elders of the Clan. Other than Lord Clan Head, they command the highest authority inside the Clan's territory. They are also the guardians of the clan. Well, that's the basic hierarchy but it's way more complex than that."

"Some younger generation have more authority than some elders. Some special identities also exist that don't fit into this flow."

I nodded and replied,"Yeah, I think I understand where I fit in."

I saw him hesitating a little and urged him to say it out. He then said,"Elder Feng already has such strength at such a young age. I think the clan might provide you with more privileges than your status dictates."

I am sure there are hidden guardians of the clan who are in seclusion. Every noteworthy force has such experts as trump cards. The Hidden Dragon Martial Sect also has them but the Nine Souls Sacred Clan is on a much larger scale.

Someone with General Yingyue's cultivation would be ruling one of the upper starfields in the Ancestral Martial Galaxy.

I asked the guard,"I don't mean any disrespect, but, is General Yingyue's cultivation sufficient to be a General?"

He was a little taken back by that question. He composed himself and answered,"No, in terms of strength, General Yingyue is the weakest out of all the generals of our clan. But, her position is special. She is also considered one of best talents of the Nine Souls Sacred Clan. Her age is also less than 500 years so, this general position is actually a sort of test that the clan imposed on her."

Oh, it's like that. She did look young for her position. Yeah, like I am the one to talk.

I thanked him for the information and sent him out. This next explanation will be tiresome but I was prepared. I recorded the whole process of my time inside the Black Ghost Palace using a formation technique. I just have to show them that recording. It is only one perspective but it will suffice.

However, I will keep my cards close to my chest. I will only show that recording if they ask me for proof. There is no reason to be so transparent with them.

I waited for a couple of hours before the General came back. She immediately told me,"Princess Miaomiao is waiting for you inside her residence. I was ordered to escort you there."

I nodded and followed her. We went through many different palaces and structures and I could finally see the interiors of this clan.

The Nine Souls Sacred Clan has a heritage that dates back to the ancient era. Unlike the Holy Light Clan, they have always been the rulers of this galaxy after the ancient era. It's just that, I heard their clan used to be very strong in the past. They also have a unique and powerful bloodline that lets them possess nine souls.

At that time, Ancestral Martial Galaxy was a very powerful place filled with experts. It was also much stronger than Nine Souls Galaxy. After the ancient era, an incident took place where the top powerhouses of the galaxy disappeared. That was the starting point of it's decline along with the ascension of Holy Light Clan.

The Nine Souls Sacred Clan used this incident to quickly establish their prestige and dominate the Eastern Region. The different forces of the new Holy Light Galaxy began to grow weaker with time. The holy light clan is also responsible for this, as they eliminated any talents that appeared after they started to rule.

However, with my current world view combined with my experience back in Asura Burial Ground, I am really not that impressed by the Nine Souls Sacred Clan.

As we went towards our destination, General Yingyue introduced me to different areas of the Clan. She also showed me some interesting sites to explore. I guess Miaomiao ordered her to do that.

Many clansmen looked at me with curiosity but as soon as they saw my special elder badge, they bowed in respect. I just nodded to them.

General Yingyue however, wasn't an ice lady. She was actually quite enthusiastic but also had that dignified tone in her voice. She was also a calm and patient individual.

I asked her,"The hierarchy seems very strict inside the clan."

She looked at me and smiled a little. She then replied,"If you are asking about the clansmen's attitude towards your status, then yes. In fact, if they were not the main clansmen, they would have knelt in front of you."

I just shrugged helplessly as we continued forward.

We came to the core part of Overlord Realm.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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