
chapter 22

Meanwhile, a group of young boys and girls flew up. They were almost the same age as Chu Feng, most of them a couple of years older than him, but their practice had only reached the initial levels of the Heaven realm. Most likely, they did not ignore Chu Feng's outstanding abilities and wanted to make friends with him, which is why they greeted him so warmly.

- The affairs of the Most Ancient Era are so far away. Who is now able to distinguish truth from fiction?

Chu Feng smiled slightly. He did not want to pay attention to people who were looking for benefits from communicating with him, so, jumping up, he rushed into the very depths of the Eternal Sea of Blood.

- Damn it. We treated him with kindness, and he brushed off our good intentions. He's too arrogant.

One of the young men showed displeasure, seeing how Chu Feng carelessly flew away.

"The arrogant have the capacity to behave like this. Whatever it was, don't grumble and don't speak ill of him. People like him have decent strength or they are patronized by an influential owner. If he hears you talking about him, we won't be able to save you.

- Really. Don't pull me along just because you can't keep your mouth shut.

The young man's comrades ridiculed him, so that he lost the power of speech and forgot about his anger. And they were right. Different people met in this place. Judging by their strength, they seemed to be pitiful creatures. They were looked down on wherever they went, and they wouldn't dare offend anyone they met on the way.

After a few more centuries, Chu Feng reached the central part of the Eternal Sea of Blood. In this place, the special energy was felt most clearly

But at that moment, thunder suddenly sounded. A few miles away from Chu Feng, the calm of the sea surface was disturbed, and violent waves appeared on the water, plunging people into panic.

Immediately, many people fled, fearing for their lives. Many ascended into the heavens, quietly watching what was happening. And only Chu Feng, jumping up, flew to the exact place where the waves were rising.

In the heart of the Eternal Sea of Blood, the calm blood-red surface of the water shot up, forming waves tens of meters high. They let out a deafening roar like enraged beasts. But it was not a terrifying monster that excited the sea, but two people. Two middle-aged men.

One of them looked big and fierce, his face and hands were covered with black hair. If you looked closely, you could see a man, but from a distance he resembled a gorilla.

But despite the wild and harsh appearance, this man's cultivation was not weak. The power emanating from his body was Combat Power. A huge man who had reached middle age was a Martial Lord of the first rank.

Although the other man was also not young, he still attached more importance to his appearance. He looked very young, and at first glance seemed to be an elegant, neat, pale-faced man. He stood out very much against the background of the savage. Despite his frail build, he was absolutely not weak. He was also a Combat Lord of the first rank, and in the meantime, he and his huge comrade were engaged in an intense battle. These two were responsible for the changes that took place in this place.

Although their fight was fierce and the outcome was uncertain, looking closer, it wasn't hard to figure out that they weren't feuding. It seemed as if they were fighting a training battle. The reason for this was their identical clothes. Three big words were clearly visible on their backs: "The Archipelago of the Punishment of the Immortals"!

But not all people were delighted, many expressed their indignation. Behind Chu Feng, one man who was doused with seawater was swearing. Judging by his appearance, he was a victim of their games, because of which he was doused from head to toe with water.

- Hmm!

Meanwhile, the pale-faced man chuckled indifferently and fixed his gaze on the man behind Chu Feng. He heard his curses. But that's not all. Turning his head, he spewed out a fighting force with his mind. Before the Fighting Force burst out, everyone felt its pressure. A violent force disturbed the sea surface, after which a wall of bloody water moved towards Chu Feng and the others.

- Damn it. You really don't accept criticism. I can't even say a few words about you?!

The man shouted, after which he immediately ran away. Although the seawater itself was not dangerous, it was not in his power to resist the Fighting Power. A weak blow could seriously injure him, a stronger one could kill him.

- Damn, let's run!

At that moment, everyone scattered for their lives. The woman who worshipped the Archipelago was no exception. She also made every possible effort to escape. The pale man attacked not only the man who insulted them, but also everyone in that direction. If they hadn't escaped as quickly as possible, they would have suffered with him.

- What a tyranny. So, what are the people of the Archipelago of the Punishment of the Immortals?!

Now Chu Feng did not want to conflict with the people of the Archipelago because he wanted Zi Ling to destroy them herself, but if they attack him, only death awaits them

- Wait a minute.

Sensing that something was wrong, Chu Feng hurriedly turned around to look. He noticed that on the crest of a wave reaching the sky, there really was a baby girl. It was a girl, and judging by her appearance, she couldn't have been more than three years old. Although she was at the top of a huge wave, she wasn't a bit afraid. On the contrary, she rejoiced and kept on top of the wave, giggling continuously.

Seeing the courage of the baby, Chu Feng, if he guessed correctly, this little fish Did not hesitate, Chu Feng flew towards a huge wave like a walk in the park

- Look! Is he crazy? Not only is he not trying to escape, but he is rushing against the Fighting Force!

- Wait! He wants to save the baby!

- Aah, kind man, it's a pity that the lives of such good people are short!

The audience watched the approach of the Fighting Force and the actions of Chu Feng. No one doubted the imminent death of the little girl and Chu Feng.

Although a wave of fighting force crashed down on him but Chu Feng did not feel anything as if a pebble had fallen into the sea

Lifting his head and looking through the blood-red waves, Chu Feng discovered that the experts of the Immortal Punishment Archipelago had paused their fight and were staring at him with displeasure.

- I don't want to play with ants, so I advise you to leave here

−How dare you, you arrogant bastard, talk to me like that? If I don't teach you a lesson, you won't take the Immortal Punishment Archipelago seriously.

At that moment, the huge savage went on the attack. He threw out his palm. The heavens suddenly acquired a different color, and the people gathered could not believe their eyes, since the strength of the second man was many times greater than the strength of the pale-faced man. Now everyone could see what Combat Power really is.

But Chu Feng just looked at them, their fighting power burst like a bubble and behind and he released the fighting power of this people of the Kara Immortal Archipelago were horrified and under pressure they knelt before him shock and fear filled their gazes, they could not imagine that a young man has such power, they think disguised senior

- Senior forgive us we didn't mean it

- Our apologies. We didn't know you were a powerful senior

- Senior?

- Haha, don't address me like that, your age is greater than mine

Having heard these words,. The surprise in their eyes became even stronger.

Younger, but stronger than them. The people of the Kara Immortal Archipelago looked at each other. This could only mean one thing... the person they provoked had a high position. They think that this man of the holy land of militancy

is our apology. We're really sorry. If we had known that a little girl has someone like you behind her, we would never have dared to attack you or think about killing her," the young man began to apologize

After a long time, there was still no reaction

– Can we leave now?

- Leave? Ha-ha…

Hearing his voice, the people of the Kara Immortal Archipelago became nervous. They all knew... that they wouldn't be able to escape unscathed.

However, they still didn't try to escape. Even though there was fear in their eyes, their expressions remained unchanged.


- Then what do you want from us? The young man asked cautiously. His tone was very respectful.

"A light punishment," Chu Feng said.

With a light glance, their dantian was damaged, they were horrified, but he knelt down and thanked them for saving their lives.

Only now did he discover the white-haired old man flying towards him. This person also wore the special clothes of the Immortal Punishment Archipelago, and moreover, his aura belonged to a third-rank Martial Lord.

- So it's a sucker. Although I do not know who you are, there is no one in the Eastern Sea Region who dares to act so wildly in the territory of my Immortal Punishment Archipelago. Right now, I'm going to teach a lesson to an ignorant boy like you," obviously he didn't see that the two boys who were kneeling in front of Chu Feng

After the old man appeared, he did not expect any protests and attacked Chu Feng, but Chu Feng still destroyed him with a glance and took the little fish and headed away

The crowd around them had been dumbfounded all this time, they swore to their soul that they would never provoke this young man