
Martial Dominator

A Guy who returned back to earth after immense training and survival, only comes back to figure he isn't still strong enough,with a heavenly pledge he vows to be above all wealth,martial artists and of course harem kings.

Emp3r10n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs



As the wind blew so did he maneuver his body to the direction of the door and leaving the building then he took his origin form why working straight in search of shen Xia.

with hours of walk it was all in vain as he couldn't find shen xia, just the moment he lost hope to search for her he heard a shout' Zhao fan! wait up' looking at the direction he saw slim waist big boobs with beautiful laps big ponytails eyebrows and then refined lips running to him on full charge.

In stance ready to apprehend her but his luck couldn't give him what he wanted as shen xia run in gentle steps and ended with a halt as she breathed heavily.

panting heavily as she held Zhao fan Heidi and she herself up saying' Zhao fan why are you so fast any anytime I try to catch up puff you're gone' she stood straight' here' she brought out a Jade tablet with his name on it, a key to his house and the ring' elder ming ordered me to give these to you' she said handing on zhao fan's hands.

With I need different look his third as the items which was handed to him.

understanding what he had to do, putting on the ring as he circulated his qi within it analyzing the space within it before he put the tablet and key within it.

Then he pleaded can you lead me to my room with a smile which dazzled he sight as she nodded in affirmation. Upon seeing the nod he willingly followed her as her as she looked the way.

17 minutes later,

shen Xia and zhao fan stood in front of a small gate within it's grounds is the boys dormitory while opposite it is a majestic which represented the girls lounge.

That's the boys done where you can ask for your room' said shen Xia "thank you, can we meet you have time when I have settled down requested Zhao fan after is thanks no problem buy next time replied shen Xia as the edges of her lips curled upon showcasing a smile as she ran to the girls lounge.

Zhao fan with a smile on his face gave a nod as he thought 'what a nice girl let's hope to see her again' then he turned an enter to the gate walking straight into the building.

as he marched floor by floor on a search for his wisdom or we saw him felt immense pressure and a very good guys a meeting from his eyes after a couple of minutes he founded the room written ninety eight. with the gentle movement took out the Key, opening the door and feeling well furnished and lighted room hmm what a nice room he commented as entered the room.

at the centre of the bedroom in the bathroom there is to do as I began to hear flowing sounds like water he that he became as he moved towards the angle the sound came from gently and softly he walked to the door as a gravity they handle and quickly he opened it only to be or something he had never thought of a stacked naked beautiful lady the eyes of both individuals clocked on as this was a shock to both party quickly he slam the door as he goes sorry turning around his feet I have forgot my twitch for the door but his speed wasn't enough as a loud bang who said she's getting a figure running very fast as in an instance to be in front of you a surprise look too busy on his face as he thought Wilder quickly his book sorry I'm a lady this must have been a mistake I swear someone down his face we can settle this peacefully he completed as he feels the killing intent which surged from the ladies body after he spoke the lady died as he selected to Howard's you expect me to forgive after looking at me fine if you fall on your sword I'm I think about it as it's not coming up on her lips looking so sinister enable just like a scorpion facing a rat Zhao fan knowing what she meant was that made up one thing on his mind that is he is not going to kill himself.

suddenly as his thoughts run wild and idea came to his mind making the sides of his lip to call it up into a smile with a proud look and cold case he quickly regain his stature and phone as he spoke without without fine is just a sword bring it on let's push it into my body make it quick'. his words we are surprising for the lady still not understanding what is glassware but without Anthony she just installed it to him as he got it with one hand not bothering to waste any more time to start dating his body as he felt pain wow blood flowed out of his body the action got the woman off guard mention not actually thinking that day young man knocked on her girls and such heart and sense of what is right hmm she not dead and she said due to feeling your heart I have decided to let you go now move out just when she could finish our words her eyes widened as she behold something she hadn't seen since she was little REGENERATION. An ability which is not easily gotten or learnt even higher and convert this ability.

Zhao fan on the other hand has just put out the sword as he stopped his blood why utilizing his energy in order to heal these wounds argh he sounded his wound healed, with his mind he thought why do I feel that this be the last time we'll meet but first this is the room I was given, I should act like the boss not the other way round.

with a clearance of his throat he stood proud as his gaze turned cold then he spoke now I have done my part it's time for yours as he tonned in voice higher with the use of qi.

His voice woke the towel clothed lady from her thought as she said what do you mean as she became more curious on what the guy in front of her could do again to amaze her.

Seeing the change of gaze on her he let out a smirk as he continued in a More thick and serious tone as you see he brought out his jade tablet and key I am the owner of this room so everything and everyone inside this room is mine and under my control say that she kept working closer and if any attempt of mother is done to me you know what it means right.

he transform into red smoke as he moved to her back and turned back to human form quickly grabbing her by the waist as he moved his mouth towards her ear as he said well I can shut my mouth if you can, I bit her ear has his hand moved around her body heading toward her boobs.

in response to the sudden touch her face turned red as her legs began shaking then her thought began vulgar activities.

Noticing the follow and go ahead given to him with the use of his hands, he slipped into the towel as his palms grabbed the two mountains twisting and turning he fondled the mountains.

As he continued the lady will release the lustful moan *aahhh* as she urged him to continue, with wryly smile he moved his fingers as he touched the cherry bosoms on top the mountains with a twist of finger the nipples twitched as he moved one arm or of the towel.

this action made the lady a little disturbed but she could still enjoy the feeling from one hand, still endorsed in the feeling so pleasant zhao fan moved his hand under the towel as his fingers touched the entrance of the holy region real quick or manipulation of his fingers slotting the middle one in.

Aahhh! moaned the lady as her tongue slipped out of her mouth as she leaped into lust crazed State, just as she was about to get drowned into the sea of lust a voice shouted in her head*WAKE UP!!.