
Martial Dominator

A Guy who returned back to earth after immense training and survival, only comes back to figure he isn't still strong enough,with a heavenly pledge he vows to be above all wealth,martial artists and of course harem kings.

Emp3r10n · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Peace Ends, Slaughter begins

Just as this was a shock to all zhao fan wakes up,noticing the weird looks and the soft but has a little weight on top of his body.

Looking to see what was on his body, his eyes,

showed a shocked look as his eyes met with 

the female's naked body on his arms. Speechless on what to say, stunned and confused he stared continuously on  zhui yan and the naked slender body with his mouth slightly open.

Zhui yan seeing the look on his face her head she confirmed that it was true that zhao fan really raped a girl but the love She had for zhao bu fan was so much that she didn't have any other solution but just to ask to make sure.

Stepping out she stopped as her Stance and

aura were showing domination traits, just as

this happened she asked him with a sad tone.

"bu fan did you rape this Young lady" zhao fan

who was gathering his thoughts couldn't answers her question. 

Zhui yan receiving not a simple answer was more deeper in sorrow but the fear of the sight being true,was something she couldn't let happen, so she gathered

enough Courage and repeated her question "did you

rape this young lady" but unfortunately she didn't receive an answer which to was a verification that he did.

Shocked and angry she slapped zhao fan very hard as she couldn't bear it again as she ran away Crying

leaving the building.

Her grandpa on the other hand seeing the drama

was very pleased then he smirked turned and

followed his granddaughter,zhao fan who couldn't fully understand instantly received the information

which infuriated him but he knew he was no match for the old man's strength.

Keeping Calmness as he waited for the old man to have gone as far as fifty metres.

After the Old man left, this followers both his

guards and family elders had one thing in mind

to kill zhao bu fan.Zhao fan who Could feel their murderous intent just stayed numb,waiting for them to attack first before he considered them as foes.

While they were all about to act one within the

elders walked out and spoke with an arrogant

voice »" boy did you really think you're enough for

the mistress, well now the patriarch is gone we

just have to take care of you.

"Any last Noise you like to make" he Halt to hear whether Zhao fan would respond but unfortunately

he didn't receive an answer seeing this the

elder sighed as he Continued 'fine I will just make you do so " he flicked his fingers Commanding

the people to attack.

Instantly they all advanced aiming for the kill but unfortunately as the first guard reached Zhao fan's

body his head fell off.

Zhao fan with rage in his eyes ,he emit dark red aura which signified slaughter as he gently moved the body of the young lady off his body.

In battle stance he ran for the next prey quickly cutting the head ,blood from the body spilled as some slipped into his mouth.

Surprisingly the blood drop made him thirsty for more.Quickly he sprang to the next guard as he used his hands to perform ghost level technique

* Heaven's Slaughter 1 skill Blood hand* his hands

became enveloped by the red aura as he swiftly struck his claws towards his neck ripping out the throat and brought it near his mouth.Sticking his tongue out and licking the blood, while Smiling Wryly he exclaimed "Delicious!!

Onward he went to the next that is 5th elder who was already in his attack position but due to zhao fan's enhanced speed he couldn't even make a move before be became a headless body • This action stunned the guards remaining for a second before they all ran away with there full speed but unlucky individuals don't "live long as Zhao fan sprung forward Unleashing another Claw Skill * Heaven's slaughter 2 Skill Oni's wrath* a demon formed grabbing

guards with it's hands and squashed them

making their blood spill like falling magma from a volcano, painting the floor in blood.

The sight marvelled the four remaining

elders but thy Summoned Courage as the 1st elder stepped up speaking arrogantly "Hmph boy do you really think you can defeat the four of us", of Course Come on old geezes he replied while picking his nose with his little finger and thrust the buga into thier direction.

Enraged by his act,he spring towards zhao Bufan aiming a punch right into his face when the punch Landed,zhao bufan disappeared, appearing in the front of the other elders, and instantly attacking as he whispered "HEAVEN'S SLAUGHTER 3rd SKILL BLOOD CLAWS DOMAIN" .

The blood on the land covered ten meters in which

the three elders were, as they formed claws gripping hold of the elders legs then their blood drained till they turned into pile of bones.

All these happened within the state of 2 seconds. The scene was too Stunning and sudden, making the 1st elder to be a state of Confusion for three seconds only Snapping back as he heard "Old man

what is it, to scared, you wanna pee on those pants

of yours".

The statement enraged him so much his face disfigured from it's original look as violet rays of qi surged through out of his body speaking as he walked closer" boy you really pissed off and killed my brothers in order to honour their deaths i must kill you".

He took a quick breath before he shouted* DARK DRAGON FISTS!* Springing forward as he arms were filled with dragon Scales emitting dark aura from it, as he reached zhao fan, he punched forward aiming for

his kidney. The minutes of impact were the most enjoying time of his life I.e the first elder.

Suddenly it felt strange he recalled the way Zhao fan fought and concluded something was wrong, quickly he returned his first and struck again with the exact skill but instead the surroundings began to destroy *Boom!, Boom!!, Boom!!!

Hearing this he was amazed at what, happened and the eagerness to see if his prey was dead.As the dust which formed from the impact of the skill revert lifted.

He noticed Zhao fan figure and body was still unscathed shocked to silence, but it got broken as Zhao fan spoke in serious tone'that attack was really dangerous if I didn't act on time I would've been heavily injured,well now I see you are a potential threat it's high time I ....

He vanished, the first elder still in daze couldn't comprehend but before he could, Zhao fan appeared whispering the last words he heard before his death 'will kill you'.

The first elder got cut, while Zhao fan swiftly ran forward as the first elders body split into two.

After he killed everyone, Zhui yan was in her room shedding tears, her grandfather walked in her room seeing his grand daughter in tears his only thought were" Yes at least she can realize her full potential when he isn't there".

while his words were" sorry for that baby girl, i told you he is a fake you shouldn't have trusted hi..before he could finish she shouted No! he promised he said he would be with me why did he do such a thing, even if he wanted such he could have told me.

Immediately she finished her sentence she received

a slap which made her stop for some time in which her grandpa said as a scold" why will you say such

don't you know that you are the only heir, what you

should be thinking is how would get strong

to finish off all who disgraces Our family


Just after he scolded her he left, Zhui yan lost in deep thought's not on what her grandpa said but for the fact this was the first time her had ever scolded and this was all Zhao fan's fault, finalizing her thoughts "Just you wait Zhao fan I will make you pay".

Few minutes later,

Zhui yan stepped out of her room Only to see her grandpa waiting for her, in a steady and determined voice she spoke, grandpa am sorry for what I said and I promise not to ever disgrace our family

again, in response to what she said her grandpa held his

beards while nodding as he said "nice that's my girl is there any other thing you want to tell me", "yes grand pa can you do me a favour, what's it, grand par Can you we shift the date in which we move to the Academy"

Not expecting this he exclaimed "WHAT!! * Instantly before he could continue Zhui yan cut in something much shocking" Grandpa can we depart in 30 minutes time, no time needs to be wasted when

you aim for power grandpa".

Astonished as to what his granddaughter said he was still happy to what was in front without any further ado he agreed' fine baby girl you can go

prepare let me go and inform the steward to bring the best creature for the journey to the academy.

While in the Abandoned building,

HAA, looks like I went a little too far, he looked around, at least I survived, where're my clothes. He looked around trying to spot where his clothes were but he couldn't find it, he then decided to use his divine sense, as it spread round the house but all to no avail.

As he came to conclusion he took a deep breath then spoke looks like I have to use it again, with a halt he circulated his qi as he continued 'come on guys wrap around we don't have much time.

As he spoke his eyes glowed bright red as all the spilled blood rose up heading towards him forming a mini tornado which lasted about three seconds then

it dispersed bringing forth a new being one who's hair red like blood, his robe blood like with its prime ability life steal and his shoes were ox blood in colour with spots of black.

If seen now he would be mistaken as a false god, especially feminine like glow, handsome and cute face.

After this, he gasped in relief for the process, went perfect, isn't because it's dangerous but if interrupted his appearance and power in realm increase might had been a hazard which can't ever be easily changed, well at least he was done.

It was time to leave the building and head out to the world which had changed ever since he left earth.

After little planning on what to do his body emitted red smoke as he flowed through the air.

In The Zhui clan,

Zhui yan and the steward had just mounted the seven colored glazed sparrow,awaiting flight as Zhui yan gave her grandpa their final farewell as they took flight heading or more to say their destination*THE SAINT ACADEMY*.

Outside The town,

A thick red smoke gathered in an area revealing Masculine fine figure which looked at the sky in contempt seeing a lady on a sparrow leaving for the north, after second if gazing he turned as morphed into the red smoke and departed.

Once a time, where they were like the compatible franxx but now it was different they had grown into iron fellows who Ara on their journey to plant their star marks on the world.