
Martial Dominator

A Guy who returned back to earth after immense training and survival, only comes back to figure he isn't still strong enough,with a heavenly pledge he vows to be above all wealth,martial artists and of course harem kings.

Emp3r10n · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

A vast land encompassing many other does with tags signifying what one would see once they stepped in' explained shen xia then she asked isn't it amazing' with a delightful smile.

Zhao fan on the other hand indifferently gave a nod, but instantly he noticed the energy here was pure and abundant.

Looking at different does and their tags, he found out that the tags were grouped from martial techniques to formation/arrays then finally beast control skills.

On the air some words were shining as Zhao fan read them out" In courtesy to the Great lord and god, the demon who overcame and stood above all. #4th Demon God.

Contemplating a little bit he said so this place basically only helps in giving a conducive area for practice' still looking at shen xia receiving a nod as a reply.

Not wasting much time shen xia headed for a door tagged silent voice as she tread her feet into the door and vanished.

Quickly understanding the mechanism of things he spread his perception in order to look for the claw imprint. luckily he did but he noticed the energy around it was a little chaotic.

A slight worried look appeared on his face but weekly changed into his fog like form as he flew there.

Appearing in front of the door he change back to human his gets fixated upon the door feeling the exact energy did when he saw old man gu perform his.

A glint of excitement could be seen on his I just quickly stepped into the door with one thought let's get going.

Inside the claw imprint room,

Zhao fan stood as he gazed at what was before him immediately he felt a sharp pain on his legs, on looking he couldn't find any sign of attack.

Feeling something was off he quickly sat cross legged with his eyes closed as all thoughts were abandoned, only fixing his mind in one purpose to comprehend the imprint .

Zhao fan sat as his body was rendered to all types of pain as the claw energy was unceasingly creating more claws which impacted immense pain into the body.

Amidst the pain he thought what is pain, a feeling of being urged with vigorous discomfort but no that's not it for this imprint what is a claw a weapon which suddenly manifested from animals as they revolted from The kills of humans turning them into beasts a weapon formed from wage of what was did so that means it is connected to pain.

As he aimed on comprehension of the essence of the claw imprint his body began slowly accepting the claw energy of the surroundings through his nails.

Continuously his body accepted and assimilated chi and to him as hours turned days.

Unknowingly to him he sat there for weeks his qi turned into a more destructive qi, his aura turning more chaotic and devastating.

Two weeks later,

Zhao fan's body suddenly had a bust of chaotic qi after which open his eyes slowly as a smirk could be seen on his face.

finally I gained little success on it he stood up as his other gushed out creating a body protection of 2mm as he quickly circulated the claw chi to his fingernails as a vicious looking beast claws manifested.

Adorned which fiendish honour violet-coloured chi with a sweep of his arm it slashed forward destroy some club chi coming his way.

with a smug he said destructive very destructive' applauding and happily' good that is the very reason I learnt this imprint.

retracting his satisfaction knowing fully well of the fact that this is just a spec of the iceberg not wanting to waste more time he quickly turn left and aimed for the door the imprint instantly appearing onto the worst area.

Sweeping his gaze he noticed the door which shen xia stepped into was still glowing Jenna said she should be that she is still inside the room if you with a few line of thought he quickly decided to head back into the claw imprint room.

Inside the claw imprint world he thought of perceiving kind of energy in it does this energy become thicker by the depth one takes further into with a curious look.

He began to walk forward after falling a depth of 20meters. He good feel the ferociousness of the claws and the chi that smashed into his body trying to split him apart.