

Beginning: Main characters: Martha Jordan - the protagonist of the story. A girl who was abused and raped severally. She escapes her rapist and learns how to love again but the love is threatened by a secret organization who want her dead. Nathan Martin - Martha's love. A very handsome man who is one of the leading members of the biggest secret non governmental organization in the country. Supporting Characters: James Jordan: Martha's foster dad Michael Jordan: Martha's brother Seth Jordan: Martha's brother Lily Rudolph: Martha's best friend Gabriel Martin: Nathan's father The tragedic exit of Martha's parents and her going to her aunt's house where she was heavily maltreated by her aunt and constantly raped by her aunt's husband, Dr Matthew Stone. Development: When she turns nineteen, Dr Matthew tries to continue his assaukt but she musters up courage and fights with. During the fight, she ends up stabbing him and running away from the house. She enters the vehicle of a middle aged man, James Jordan, and escapes from that city. She starts living with James Jordan on his farm and saw him merely as a farmer and a man that distributes oil for heavy duty vehicles. Unknown to her, he works for a secret non governmental agency that protects civilians from government clashes and the snares of powerful men in the society. Crisis one: Martha is being looked for in the whole country for attempting to murder Dr Matthew. James Jordan gets to know and with the help of his organization, protects her. They take up the court case and they win the case. She meets a member of the organization who falls in love with her. He is about to begin a relationship with her when the organization faces a big threat. Crisis two: A rival organization is out for them because they have been countering a lot of their attacks. They begin to kill some members of the organization and also want to kill Martha without her knowledge. The man who loves her and who she loves is known as Nathan, Nathan Martin. He leaves the country without telling her to protect her and to gather information about this rival group but he doesn't know the extent to which Martha is in love with him. s Crisis three: She is in college and her best friend happens to be a forced member of the rival organization who was asked to watch her every move. Nathan tried to discover who these hidden forces are, that are against his organization. He discovers them and comes back to the country to be closer to Martha but it seems she is in love with someone else. Climax: Martha finds out that that the organization that helped her and that she works for is under attack from a rival organization. She also discovers that her best friend is a part of that organization. She feels betrayed by everyone and decided to go on a solo hunt. She discovers some things but she is kidnapped. A war breaks out between both rival groups that takes the life of her Savior and foster father, James Jordan. They win the war but the scar of James' exit, stays fresh in her memory. Ending: Nathan gives her time to recuperate from her loss before he confesses his love to her. She tells him and they are both extremely happy on the turn out of things.

Sapphire_Peter · Urban
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32 Chs



Dzzzz! Dzzzz! Dzzzz!

Who in GOD's name is calling at this odd hour!

I picked up my phone and discovered that it was my dad. "Hey Dad!" I greeted as I rubbed my sleepy eyes.

"Hi son! Did I wake you up from sleep?"

"Yes you did but its all good. What's good?"

"All is good Nate. I just wanted to know your progress on the case."

"Oh! For now there isn't much but I'm currently trailing something and I bet a lot that it would yield something cool this time around" I said as I stood up naked from my bed and walked towards the computer I left on throughout the night.

"That's good to know"

"Uhmm, about that Martha's friend, has she gone there already?" I asked curiously.

"Yes she is. That is the reason why I called. James and I are going to try, if we can get anything on her, along with Martha's other friend" my dad replied.

"Martha's other friend? Who could that be?" I asked thinking of any possible person that can be allowed to James' house.

"I think his name is Marcus"

"Mar…Marcus is in Martha's house?" I asked gruffly.

"Yes he is. Any issue son?" my dad asked. I know he knows I don't want that pretentious human anywhere close to my Martha and he is just trying to pull some strings in me. Well yeah he got me!

"Yes there is. Infact there Are! You know he has ulterior motives towards Martha dad" I replied in an angry tone. My dad understands it isn't directed at him.

"That is one of the reasons why he is in the house. So we can know if he has any link to those who attacked Martha" my dad stressed.

"You know that is not the 'ulterior motive' I mean" I replied as I began to imagine possible scenarios that could happen in the house between my Martha and Marcus.

"Alright, what do you mean then?" my dad asked. He really just wanted the words to leave my lips.

"What I mean is that, you know… I know that lousy human likes Martha and now that he is in the same roof as her, he did try to warm his way through to her" I said in one breath.

"Now, that was not so hard to say. Is there anything you want me to do?" My dad asked, reading me like an open book.

"I'd love it if you can put on one of those button cams, so I can see what is going on in the house and also…also" I stuttered.

"Also what son?" my dad pressed.

"So I can see her…Martha" I finally said.

"Definitely son. Anything for you, I did also love to have her as my daughter someday".

My dad is speaking of marriage between Martha and I. That would be beautiful, I have always placed it that Martha would be mine but now that my dad mentioned it, the way for her to be fully mine, is by marrying her. I need to settle all quickly and have her, if she would have me.

"Sure dad, thanks. Notify me, when you are close to their house so I could make the set-up"

"Alright. Go have breakfast now"

After speaking with my dad, I looked up the information on Lily Mark from the University but it wasn't enough. I hacked into cameras close to Martha's house and got a visual of Lily.

I decided to use the latest tech I created for the organization. I used her picture and the little information I could get on her but it appeared that there wasn't much on her still. It was like, she is a ghost or something!

Who are you Lily Mark?

I remembered that I have done this before, when Martha had gained admission to the school and Lily has become her friend, but I still didn't get much on her and I didn't pay so much attention to it then.

My dad soon sent a text telling me he is about to enter their residence. I linked up his camera with my computer and I could see the mansion of the Jordans. I really have missed this view.

My dad waited in his car for a while and soon the gate slid open and my dad rode in.

Mr James was outside the house and as soon as my dad came down from his car, they shook hands and laughed about something I had no interest in as I looked forward to seeing a certain someone. Mr James opened the door that leads to his living room and seated were Seth, Michael and Lily.

"Lily!" I said.

"Good day Mr Martin" Michael greeted. Always the reliable young man!

"Good day son" my dad replied.

"A pleasant day Mr Martin" Seth saluted.

"A pleasant day to you son"

I thought the title of "son" was mine alone but it seems Martha has introduced other sons to my father. The thought brought a warm smile to my lips.

"Good day Sir" Lily greeted with a bow.

"It's alright dear. What is your name again?" asked my dad and I could hear friendliness in his voice.

Way to go dad! Act like you don't know her name so she would have no thought whatsoever that we are on to her. Cool!

"Lily, Lily Mark" she answered with a small smile.

"Yes Lily! Hope you are good and trust you are enjoying it here?"

"I definitely am Sir"

"That's good to know and where is my daughter?" my dad asked.

"Daddy two" Martha screeched from above and my dad looked up the fleet of stairs and there was Martha, in the arms of…Marcus!!! Her arms were wrapped around his neck and he was carrying her princess style!

Why would she let him carry her? Her brothers, dad and friend are in the house, yet she is in the arms of that imbecile!

"Child two. How are you doing today?" my dad replied and I could feel his genuine happiness on seeing Martha. She definitely has a way of making every one around her comfortable and at ease.

"I'm good Sir and you?"


"Good day Sir" Marcus greeted.

"Good day. How are you doing?" my dad asked

"Fine Sir'

"You look pretty lively today Martha.' my dad complimented as Marcus reached the base of the stairs. I felt like punching through the screen of my computer and making sure the effect landed on Marcus.

"I always look lively you know" she replied and her dad and mine chuckled.

"Quit the haughty act Martha" Seth called.

"Quit poking your nose in the businesses of others Seth. You did live a longer life that way" replied Martha. She always bickered whenever she was with Seth.

"That's alright kids. Breakfast is ready and served" Mr James announced and I heard feet shuffling towards the kitchen obviously.