

Beginning: Main characters: Martha Jordan - the protagonist of the story. A girl who was abused and raped severally. She escapes her rapist and learns how to love again but the love is threatened by a secret organization who want her dead. Nathan Martin - Martha's love. A very handsome man who is one of the leading members of the biggest secret non governmental organization in the country. Supporting Characters: James Jordan: Martha's foster dad Michael Jordan: Martha's brother Seth Jordan: Martha's brother Lily Rudolph: Martha's best friend Gabriel Martin: Nathan's father The tragedic exit of Martha's parents and her going to her aunt's house where she was heavily maltreated by her aunt and constantly raped by her aunt's husband, Dr Matthew Stone. Development: When she turns nineteen, Dr Matthew tries to continue his assaukt but she musters up courage and fights with. During the fight, she ends up stabbing him and running away from the house. She enters the vehicle of a middle aged man, James Jordan, and escapes from that city. She starts living with James Jordan on his farm and saw him merely as a farmer and a man that distributes oil for heavy duty vehicles. Unknown to her, he works for a secret non governmental agency that protects civilians from government clashes and the snares of powerful men in the society. Crisis one: Martha is being looked for in the whole country for attempting to murder Dr Matthew. James Jordan gets to know and with the help of his organization, protects her. They take up the court case and they win the case. She meets a member of the organization who falls in love with her. He is about to begin a relationship with her when the organization faces a big threat. Crisis two: A rival organization is out for them because they have been countering a lot of their attacks. They begin to kill some members of the organization and also want to kill Martha without her knowledge. The man who loves her and who she loves is known as Nathan, Nathan Martin. He leaves the country without telling her to protect her and to gather information about this rival group but he doesn't know the extent to which Martha is in love with him. s Crisis three: She is in college and her best friend happens to be a forced member of the rival organization who was asked to watch her every move. Nathan tried to discover who these hidden forces are, that are against his organization. He discovers them and comes back to the country to be closer to Martha but it seems she is in love with someone else. Climax: Martha finds out that that the organization that helped her and that she works for is under attack from a rival organization. She also discovers that her best friend is a part of that organization. She feels betrayed by everyone and decided to go on a solo hunt. She discovers some things but she is kidnapped. A war breaks out between both rival groups that takes the life of her Savior and foster father, James Jordan. They win the war but the scar of James' exit, stays fresh in her memory. Ending: Nathan gives her time to recuperate from her loss before he confesses his love to her. She tells him and they are both extremely happy on the turn out of things.

Sapphire_Peter · Urban
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32 Chs



After the court incident, I was so super grateful and made some decisions concerning my life. 

I joined The Heart and I am currently one of the recruits training for combat. I currently take online courses to make up for my lost educational years. Mr James asked if he could adopt me as his daughter some months later and I could not have made any better decision. 

Nathan and I have become very close as he has also taken it upon himself to see me succeed in my studies. He also helps train me in combat and I must admit that being close to him during our personal sparring, gives me giddies in the pit of my stomach. I always look forward to those moments and I yearn to see him daily.

 My dad has decided to leave Cradon and come back to the city. I was so proud of him. He is currently in search of a proper house for us in Cradon, a house that can have an underground passage so he can house not just his but the things needed to help our secret lives properly. 

Though Anne Stone has not yet been found, but I am free to live a better life now. I might not have the fondest memories as a Stephan but I feel so much alive as a Jordan. 

I still miss my parents but the pain is bearable now because I have found an anchor and I am on a journey to finding myself but one thing I am  sure of, is that I am a Jordan. Strong and resilient - I am Martha Jordan.

Note: Everything so far is to enlighten us on how her name came to be Martha Jordan, patiently follow me in the next chapters please.