
Marsy: Miracles on Mysterious Mars

Year 2080, humanity started colonizing Mars. It's a huge craze to go there, endless possibilities are waiting. Mostly youngsters are mad to go there. Everything seems to go well there. But smell of secrecy could be felt as one approaches Earth's so called twin planet. Deep down, something is wrong. Something unusual is happening on the big planet. Leaders are suspiciously good to each other there, a little too good. As our heroes dig further into Mars, it turns out Mars is not really what they thought it would be, it's more. What shocking secrets awaits our heroes? Why is a mysterious man finding some specific newcomers so desperately? Answer lies...

Confused_Wanderer · Fantasy
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59 Chs

2.9 Two Versus One

"What? ... well true I guess, I held them off for a little too long...but fighting is-"

This time Sat was interrupted by Connor and Archie, "We agree".

"What?" Sat was confused.

"Well, it's easy logic, we are your students and we sometimes manage to defeat you, and she's clearly a student too, and as we have never seen her, she's a newbie. So we are clearly at an advantage." Connor announced proudly.

"Well in the worst case scenario, she's equally powered as us, still defeating both of us is highly unlikely."

"Yeah sir, two normal friendly brawl won't hurt right?" Cécile asked Sat with a smile.

"Yes I guess...weird how you three quickly teamed up against me, anyway I have some work with higher authority, so I won't be here until afternoon so let this be a battle of honour and not blood. Friendly brawl, whoever falls on their back on the ground three times, loses. Boys don't underestimate her, she's a fighter too." Sat said cautiously while going out.

"Now decide who's gonna fight first." Connor said to Archie.

"I say you go first, if you manage to mess up, I won't play games." Archie said in a proud voice.

"Wow big guy, ok. Your loss, you lose the chance to fight because no way I'm returning with a defeat." Connor had a proud smile.

"Are you guys done deciding? I've got a coin you can toss with, and even buy two lollipops with that." Cécile yawned.

"What did she say? HEY PUNK-" In a span of 5 minutes, Archie managed to snap twice, if not for Connor holding him off.

"3, 2, 1 FIGHT" Archie marked the start of the fight. Connor went running towards Cécile and threw a slow punch which even a kid would be able to avoid.

"Are you joking?" Cécile threw a punch that was not slow at Connor but he backed off easily.

"Just make sure you're not all talk." Connor said smiling.

"Ah, testing me! Sure a good way to respect an opponent in a brawl." Cécile went running towards Connor.

The punch had speed but not enough for Connor, he easily avoided it. "So be it, I can go all out, no need to hold back." Connor kicked hard towards Cécile but Cécile managed to block it by hand, still she got pushed back a little. The fight was getting intense. Their attack speed was getting faster and faster gradually.

Nobody could avoid the attack anymore, both took a few hits but blocked most. Cécile almost lost balance two times, but managed. Finally a moment came when the speed wasn't increasing anymore. Archie looked worried. His concern was logical, even though she couldn't manage to shake Connor, he doesn't look like he got any real advantage over her too. Victory wasn't assured. "If she's keeping up with Connor, she might be able to keep up with me too... although in consecutive fights, I'll be at an advantage... still no assurance..."

Cécile and Connor both fell back intentionally to take some air. "Sorry about earlier, you're clearly a good warrior, it's a fair game." Connor said panting.

"Yeah you're a good one too, he always talks about you two, now I see why." Cécile was enjoying the fight. And they both got engaged in a fight. The same thing continued again.

Maybe it was gonna continue until their stamina goes down but things suddenly took a turn. When Connor threw a punch, Cécile noticed that the punch was a little off direction, towards her left. It was weird because it was easily avoidable that way. So she made a quick jump towards the sharp left, landing not smoothly but a distance away from Connor. And suddenly Archie popped from the sky with a thud.

"Ah, quick reflex, almost had her." Archie said with an evil smile.

"I think the fight was one vs one right? Did you boys forget counting?" Cécile still put on her smile.

"Oh yes, it is one vs one, I didn't even touch you, did I?" Archie grinned and they both went towards Cécile. Although Archie was more or less similarly skilled as Connor, his attacks were intentionally slow.

Cécile quickly understood their plan. She could avoid Archie but Connor will be using that as an advantage, and if Archie doesn't even touch her, there would be no proof of cheating in this refereeless fight. So Connor just needs to hit her while she's busy avoiding Archie.

"Wow Sat really taught you every other thing except for real fights!" Cécile giggled while maintaining distance.

"Heh, what do you know! This is real life, The plan to win is far more important than raw strength in a real fight, everything is fair in fight girl." Archie grinned like a proud hunter.

"Okay this is going nowhere. You're just messing around bending rules, what if we make 'no rules' the new rules?" Cécile asked leaving his fighting stance.

"Elaborate, I know you're taking a break and we are too, so it's ok. We'll hear." Connor said it but he remained cautious.

"Easy, no rules, you two can fight me together. The last one who can stand on their feet, goes to the competition. No rules, attack however with whatever, no rules." Cécile kept her smile.

Hearing that, Connor and Archie went silent for a few moments. "Is she out of her mind?" Archie couldn't believe what she said.

"Or maybe she thinks we'll mess up if we go as a team. She's taking a big risk considering he won't win against us if we keep going like this." Connor tried to figure out her plan.

"I think we should go, we have something to prove to Sat sir, we are far more qualified than her, if he thinks she's that capable, she should easily keep up with us." Archie was in favour of the proposal.

"Yeah, with our teamwork, we can finish it quicker." Connor faced Cécile. "We agree, you sure about this?"

"Yeah, and I should ask that, are you sure?" Cécile lowered her posture for a fight.

"Enough with the chit chat!" Archie almost flew towards her with a big jump. Suddenly the gentle smile on Cécile's face changed into an evil grin, the next moment Archie landed and she vanished from Archie's sight.

"What the hell?" Archie was taken aback as he felt a dash in the air beside him. As he looked back, Cécile was running towards Connor in a ridiculous speed. Connor was a little shocked but he was ready. "Now now, so that was not a bluff."

*SWISHH* Cecilia threw a jab that could have easily cut Connor's throat like a knife in the butter. Although he avoided that, he had to leap back quite a distance. He had terror in his eyes.