
Marsil The Mage - LITRPG - Fantasy

Marsil, an unknown man with an unknown past, lives in the Grimrock Silver Mine Prison for three months. He did not know that his future and destiny would change in a heartbeat because of some words from a fellow prisoner named Eval. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/72337/marsil-the-mage-fantasy-litrpg ( Early Read)

GoldFear · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Political Movements - Magician - Lady

A woman, dressed in a black gown and exuding an aura of nobility and profound wisdom, sat in a red leather armchair. She turned her head slightly to the right and looked directly into Lenkas's eyes before starting to speak.

"It's disappointing to see such a situation happen under your watch, Lenkas."

The woman's voice was condescending as she spoke. After finishing her words, she cut off eye contact. Lenkas knew the meaning behind these gestures, but he couldn't complain in any way.

"Lady Amber, I am aware of how bad the situation appears, and first and foremost, I apologize for my failure."

Amber didn't respond and maintained her silence. Lenkas swallowed lightly and thought to himself.

"You would be nothing without your father's support. Because of him, you think too highly of yourself."

However, he couldn't express this thought openly.

"Our investigations indicate that there was an explosion in the north area of the prison, where it opens to Whiterock Forest. Our initial impression and the findings of our researchers suggest that the explosion was caused by a magician."

"A magician?" Amber hesitated this time and began to play with her black hair.

"Yes, Lady Amber, we are almost certain that it was a magician. It's quite evident that an explosion of this magnitude couldn't have been caused by a weapon or an object."

Amber massaged her forehead with her hand and murmured.

"Why would a magician, a real magician, attack Grimrock Prison and act in such a manner?"

Lenkas shared Amber's thoughts, but there was a clear fact they both knew.

"As you know, Lady Amber, most magicians are peculiar and talented individuals who exhibit strange behaviors. Although we are trying to find a reason for this situation, we might be dealing with a bored magician, even with such a random act."

Amber listened to Lenkas's words thoughtfully and then stood up, adjusting her dress before speaking. Her tone was calm and icy.

"I want to see a sample of the prisoner list. It's worth checking if there's someone the magician might want to rescue."

"Although the possibility of encountering such an incident due to a random act exists, dealing with a magician and the potential danger involved mean we can't leave this situation to chance."

Lenkas agreed and responded, "Understood, Lady Amber. I will send you a sample of the prisoner list as soon as possible."

Amber smiled and was about to leave the room when she hesitated slightly and spoke again.

"Lord Felgar, the Leader of the Winterkeep City in the North, will visit Whiterock City in a few weeks. I am not entirely sure of the reason for his visit, but there will be important political matters at hand. Please be careful, Lenkas."

Lenkas didn't respond; he just took a deep breath. After Amber left the room and closed the door behind her, he lightly pounded his fist on the table.

"I hate having to listen to and be threatened by those damn bastards who owe their position to their father's power," he muttered to himself. Deep anger was evident on his face.

Lenkas calmed himself down and reached for the wine bottle, pouring himself a glass of red wine. He took a sip, feeling its soothing effects, and closed his eyes, starting to relax.

All these events were starting to put him under a lot of stress. Moreover, with the onset of political movements and these political movements coinciding with his own failure, the situation only worsened.

"Believe in yourself, Lenkas. You have overcome many challenges before, and you will find a way to resolve this as well," he thought, and he finished the entire glass of wine.