
Her family

Feng Mei reached her home by nine-thirty due to heavy traffic. It was supposed to be only thirty minutes travel but due to heavy traffic it became an hour travel.

She saw her mother watching some drama on the TV in their living room.

"Hello, ma", she said then kissed her mother's cheek.

"Where's papa?", she asked as she didn't saw her father.

"Hello dear. He is in the study room probably doing his works again. I always told him not to bring his work at home. Alas, he never listens", her mother who named Ming Lian said while frowning.

"Also, have you eaten?", her mother added.

"Well, I haven't yet ma. I'm stuck again in the traffic", she said then chuckled.

"Hmp, you probably do your workmates work 'again' that's why you came home late 'again'. Me and your father always told you to be not too compassionate that's why they are taking advantage of you", her mother nagged at her for the nth time as she always pitied her workmates ending up, that she will do all their works.

"Well, they have some proper reasons so I pitied them and just did their work. At least, I also received some overtime pay, ma", she said while laughing at her own joke.

"Hmp, we don't need a lot of money if it will cost you your health. I am contented with what we have as long as we can still eat three times a day and can buy our needs that's all that matters", her mother said with full conviction.

Feng Mei's mother is an accountant while her father who named Feng Hua is a professor in a university. Their family can be considered as middle class and not some wealthy and powerful family as they are living a humble life.

"Yes ma, I will remember your teachings", Feng Mei said while smiling to her mother.

"You must be starving. Go now in the kitchen and reheat our food inside the refrigerator", her mother said though she didn't show it but she truly cares for her daughter.

"Yes, ma", Feng Mei said to her mother then went to the kitchen to reheat her food and ate happily.

After eating she bade goodnight to her mother as she really felt tired now. But, before going to her room she went to her father's study room to greet him.

"Hello, pa", she said then reached for her father's hand then touch her forehead to it as a sign of honoring gesture.

"Hello, dear. Overtime again?", her father asked while lifting one of his eyebrows.

"Yes, pa. There are some rushed works that needs to be finished", she said then smiled weakly to her father.

"I know your mother probably nagged at you already so I won't add more. I know you are tired now you can sleep now if you want", her father said while sighing as he knows that she's already tired from work.

"But I will just remind you that you must also look after yourself first since, you went to work early but, also went home late. We are just worried for you", her father said sincerely.

"Don't worry, pa. I will take care of myself", she said then smiled again to her father.

"Okay, go now to you room. Goodnight child", his father said and bade goodbye to her.

"Goodnight, pa", she said then went now to her own room to rest.

Hello, thank you for reading this story :) Have fun reading :)

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