
Marry Me: Perfect Husband for Mutiara

Bian married Mutiara because he wanted to make his ex jealous and make her come back with him. He married the girl to help her and keep her, one day he would let her go to the one she loved. Mutiara or Mumut married Bian because she needed him help to pay for her mother's hospital fees, pay off her debts at the company and her college fees. Will marriage bring them together, or will they eventually separate and choose to marry their loved ones as Bian hoped? He's with his ex and Mumut with the person she adores ???

AlanyLove · Urban
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357 Chs

Chapter 26 - The First Night


By evening, the atmosphere at Bian's house was quiet again. There were traces of the party that had been cleared up. The workers had gone home since the afternoon. Atik and Arya were in the back room, while Mumut's mother and her nurse were in their room.

In the living room, Mumut and Bian accompanied Bian's Mom. Mom and Mumut seemed to be talking intimately, while Bian was looking seriously at his smartphone.

In another place, in a luxurious room, a woman was furious when she saw some photos sent from her friend. The man in the image was very familiar to her. Still, she didn't recognize the woman in the ivory white headscarf who looked shy next to Bian. She scrolled through the photos she received, and they made her even angrier. Those were Bian's wedding photos. He looked manly and very handsome, and the girl next to him was beautiful and cute.

Ristie growled. It wasn't her goal to send him a wedding invitation! She wanted Bian to keep chasing her and stopped her marriage. But what had happened was that Bian got married first. Ristie suspected that Bian's wife must be the woman his mother had chosen because Bian's Mom had never liked her. The more she saw the photos, the more emotional she became. She slammed her cell phone and screamed, which made both her parents and their maids immediately run to her room.


"I'm sleepy. I'll go to sleep first," said Mom as she walked to the room where Mumut stayed last night. Today Mom decided to spend the night here. Since Mumut's mother used the guest room, she would sleep in Mumut's room.

"Yes, Mom," Mumut's body stiffened when Mom left her alone with Bian. Mumut glanced nervously at the man in front of her. Bian only smiled at his mother.

Mumut didn't know what to do. All this time, It was limited interaction between Bian and Mumut to greeting him with a smile and nodding her head. The man was only glancing at her than continuing work. Mumut didn't dare to start a conversation, nor did she know what to say. If mom hadn't been there, she would have been so awkward earlier. Mumut opened her cell phone. There were a lot of chats in the employee chat group, hundreds of talks in there. Mumut missed all those chats. She opened a private message from Harti.

(Did you know that Boss got married today, Mut?) Harti wrote. (Read in the employee group, almost everyone is grateful that he didn't marry the witch) Harti put a laughing emoticon on.

(Really?) Asked Mumut.

(The boss' wife is so beautiful, many people praised her beauty.)

Mumut's cheeks flushed when she read it, and she couldn't help smiling. She couldn't imagine how her friends would react when they found out that the bride was her.

(Isn't the boss's girlfriend also beautiful?)

(She was, but his wife is even more beautiful! You must haven't seen his photos in the group?)

Harti sent her some photos, some of them with Mumut's pictures and some even close-ups of her, some of them was her pose with Bian. Mumut stared at the image with a frown. She felt that the woman in the photos was not her. The woman was too beautiful to be standing right next to Bian. Mumut thought that it was only the camera effect and the makeup she was wearing that had made her look gorgeous.

The two of them were still sitting in silence. When Bian saw the frown on Mumut's forehead, he asked himself what the girl was thinking. But, a moment later, he saw the smile on his wife's beautiful face. He became curious, so he brought himself closer to Mumut. Mumut was surprised to find Bian so close beside her. She was so shocked that she dropped her cell phone, broke the screen, and turned off the phone. She looked sadly at her favorite thing. She immediately picked it up. Feeling guilty for surprising his wife, Bian took the cell phone from her hand and looked at her.

"Tomorrow we'll buy a new one," Bian put Mumut's broken cell phone on the table.

"Now, let's sleep. It's late." Bian continued casually. He immediately grabbed Mumut's hand and took her.

Mumut felt like her hand was charged with powerful electricity. She felt tense, and her heart was beating even faster as Bian led her to the room.

