
Marry Me: Perfect Husband for Mutiara

Bian married Mutiara because he wanted to make his ex jealous and make her come back with him. He married the girl to help her and keep her, one day he would let her go to the one she loved. Mutiara or Mumut married Bian because she needed him help to pay for her mother's hospital fees, pay off her debts at the company and her college fees. Will marriage bring them together, or will they eventually separate and choose to marry their loved ones as Bian hoped? He's with his ex and Mumut with the person she adores ???

AlanyLove · Urban
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357 Chs

Chapter 22 - The girl's Attitude is Important


After hours later, they were already cruising down the road. Mumut sat silently beside Bian. Her eyes scanned the path they were on. Suddenly Mumut realized that the road they were on was not the road leading to the Cempaka Hospital, where her mother was treated. Mumut felt scared.

"Where are we going?" she asked anxiously.

"We're going home to my house," Bian replied wryly.

"But Mother ..."

"Your mother has been transferred to my house temporarily, a doctor and a nurse are taking care of her. My mom is also there."

Mumut imagined Bian's mom's house they visited some time ago.

While driving, Randy seemed busy giving instructions to several people. Occasionally he would ask something to Bian, at times to convey something to his boss.

The car finally stopped at a two-story house with a large yard. The home was minimalist in style but still looked luxurious. The place was busy. Several people were seen decorating the living room to be used as the party venue. Bian brought Mumut into a room where Mumut saw Mom and Mother talking, accompanied by Muna, the nurse. The two of them turned their heads as Mumut entered the room.

"You're already home?" asked Mom and Mother almost simultaneously.

"Yes, Mother, Auntie,"

"Mom, Dear. Don't call me auntie! I've told you about that from the first time we met. Alright, now you go and have some rest. You're getting married tomorrow, so don't sleep too late!"

"Auntie, hmm, Mom, are you going to sleep here too?" asked Mumut.

"No, Honey. I will be here again tomorrow. I was just saying goodbye to your mother."

"Well … who will take you home, Aunt ... hmm, Mom?"

"Arya is ready to take me!" Bian's mom stood up. "Come on, beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow, huh." Mom hugged Mumut and kissed her cheek.

"Be careful, Auntie ... Mom." Mumut returned Bian's mother's hug. Mumut felt nervous and happy with Bian's mother's treatment.

After Bian brought Mumut to the house, Mom immediately investigated the girl, so even though she knew that Mumut worked in his office, she didn't mind. What's important for her was the girl's attitude, especially when she learnt that Mumut was the daughter son of her husband's first trusted driver.


"Ms. Mutia, if you want to rest, I have already prepared your room," said Aunt Atik, entering the room used by Mumut's mother. There were two beds in the room. Mumut's mother occupied the relatively large bed, while the smaller one was already used by Nurse Muna.

"Right, you go on and rest, Mut. I'm sleepy too," Mother yawned several times, as she covered her mouth with her palms.

Mumut was also sleepy, but she was confused about where to sleep.

"Ms. Mutia's room is above, next to Young Master Bian's room," continued Aunt Atik, as if she could read her mind. "I have arranged Ms. Mutia's clothes in the wardrobe, you can just go in. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a rest as well," said Aunt Atik as she left Mother's room.

