
Well I'm not going to break your heart

My last relationship almost cost me my mental health and I don't trust men but I'm not going to break your heart if you can give me a chance, I'll think about it i said and his face lit up with my reply it's getting dark so I'll get going ok thanks for the cake goodnight I said and rushed home. I quickly made dinner and took a quick shower and left for bed when I was about to sleep I remembered damien's face again his skin color was a little bit tanned a his hair was curly and his lips has the appropriate color as I was fantasizing about damien my phone rang and it was james I picked it up and waited for him to talk hel hello Ivory I just wanted to tell you that...before he could finish talking I hanged up and blocked him on my phone and all social media accounts but the memory of his betrayal flashed back and I cried a little before falling asleep.

Few weeks later.....

I woke early and went to go and shower and when I looked at my reflection I almost screamed, I looked like a raccoon .