
Chapter 6 Pregnant With Twins

"You've been in a coma for two years. You're too weak to stand right away." Charlotte quickly walked over to the bed and started massaging Jack's legs, then she asked, "How is it? Can you feel your legs?"

Jack nodded. "There's just a bit of pain and stiffness in my legs."

Charlotte was rather relieved to hear that. "His legs should be fine," she thought.

While Jack was unconscious, Charlotte would drop by the hospital every week to give him a massage, focusing a lot on his legs. Whenever she could not make it to visit him, she would instruct the nurses to do it instead. She was worried that his legs might get stiff if they don't massage them regularly.

"Charlotte, was I seriously in a coma for two years?" Jack was suddenly reminded of the look of surprise on the doctor's face when they had met just now. He could not help asking, "But it really doesn't feel like that much time have passed by?"

Charlotte nodded gently and said, "You've suffered multiple stab wounds during that brutal fight. Someone even made a nasty slash on the back of your head, and you almost died because of that. Thankfully, the doctors managed to save your life. However, you fell into a coma right after the surgery. Mum and I were so worried that you might remain unconscious for the rest of your life."

Upon hearing that, Jack ran his fingers through his hair. Sure enough, he found a long scar on the back of his head. He felt very guilty as he looked at Charlotte, whose cheeks were wet with tears. "I'm sorry, Charlotte. I must have put you and mum through a lot all this time."

"It's alright. What matters most now is that you've come to." Charlotte wiped the tears from her eyes. "It's just that I hope that you wouldn't get involved in such a dangerous situation again, Jack. Can you imagine how devastated I'd be if something bad were to happen to you?"

"I've always aspired to become a soldier. Isn't it only right for me to help someone, whose life was clearly in danger?" Jack said, "And I also hope that someone would do the same for you if ever you were to find yourself in a difficult situation."

Charlotte was rendered speechless.

She was touched by Jack's caring and thoughtful words. But when she thought about how difficult it had been for her during the past two years, she spoke adamantly, "No, I won't allow it! If you were to act so recklessly again in the future, then I'll cut ties with you!"

"Alright, alright. Please don't be angry with me, Charlotte. I will listen to you." Jack immediately tried to calm her down when he saw that Charlotte was clearly displeased. "I will definitely not do those things that you don't want me to. I promise!"

Only then did Charlotte's face soften a little.

Not long after that, a nurse brought some porridge for Jack, but he did not find the bland food to his liking. However, he had no choice but to finish it under Charlotte's watchful eye. He then asked, "Oh, right. Why are you here alone, Charlotte? Where's mum?"

Charlotte paused briefly as she was peeling an apple right then. Her expression suddenly turned grim.

Two years ago, the doctors had informed them that Jack had fallen into a coma and that he might not hold out for that much longer since he has also developed a rare disease after the surgery. Mrs. Simpson was so stricken with grief that she just couldn't stop crying after hearing the news. That night, she suffered a relapse of an existing illness and died despite the doctors' efforts to resuscitate her.

While she was still pregnant with Jack, Mrs. Simpson had separated from her husband and proceeded to bring up two kids all by herself.

Although Jack had a naughty and playful side to him, he was nevertheless a dutiful son, who had not once gone against Mrs. Simpson's wishes. If he were to find out that his mother, who had always been very dear to him, had passed on right after regaining consciousness, he probably would not be able to handle the news well.

Moreover, Charlotte just couldn't bear going through the loss of another family member yet again.

"Mum... mum is..."

"What's wrong?" Jack immediately sensed that something was wrong upon noticing the hesitant look on Charlotte's face. He stopped eating his porridge, and he stared intently at his older sister. "Did something happen to her?"

"No!" Charlotte denied reflexively. "I can only tell Jack about our mother's death after he's made a full recovery," she decided inwardly.

Jack frowned slightly. "Then where is she?"

Charlotte forced a smile at him. She was going to tell him a white lie when she felt an awful pain in her abdomen again. The pain racked her whole body to the point that it was utterly unbearable. Her eyes rolled as she fainted, and she fell onto the floor from her chair at that very instant.

"Charlotte! Charlotte!" Jack was absolutely shocked to see Charlotte lying motionlessly on the ground with a ghastly pale face. However, he could only press on the nurse button frantically to call for the medical staff since he could barely move his legs.

In less than a minute, several doctors and nurses rushed into the ward and moved Charlotte out of the room by using a gurney.

Jack requested a wheelchair from one of the nurses. Just as he was about to manoeuvre the wheelchair himself and follow behind the medical staff, a phone on a nearby cabinet rang suddenly.

It was Charlotte's phone.

Jack picked it up and took a glance at the screen. "Vicente Matthews. I wonder if he is Charlotte's colleague?" He pondered. He hesitated for a moment, then he decided to answer the phone. "Hello?"

When he realised that it was not Charlotte on the line, Vicente spoke in a low voice, "Where's Charlotte?"

"My sister fainted just now, and she's been sent to the emergency room," Jack replied honestly. Then, he asked, "You are my sister's colleague, right? Do you need to speak to her urgently? Would you like for me to pass on your message to her?"

"It's fine."

Vicente hung up right away after saying that, leaving Jack slightly baffled.

"Is it just me, or was this colleague of Charlotte's rather assertive?" He pondered.

A nurse was pulling a curtain open just as Jack had arrived at the emergency room in the wheelchair. Charlotte still looked very pale as she lay on the hospital bed. Jack hurriedly asked the nurse, "Excuse me, miss. How is my sister?"

"Your sister is pregnant, and she is even carrying twins!" Since Jack was being very polite to her, the nurse could not help but explain more to him, "But it seems like your sister has suffered quite a huge impact on her abdomen, and that had severely affected the foetuses' heartbeat."