

Brought together by fate and forced into an arranged marriage together. Bryann and Flora find their lives in an unforseen chaos, from heartbreaks to grief, from mystery to deceit,from pain to love and all sort of unexpected events.They begin to fight various battles while doubting if they either wanted to dread or care for each other or if they were for or against each other. Will they both be victims of cruelsome scheme plotters that will stop at nothing to achieve their selfish goals or will they fight their way out of the cruelty and selfishness that surrounds their lives?

Eniola_Paquerette · Urban
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15 Chs


I woke up feeling a sharp pain on my head, I had rolled off my bed and hit my head on the nightstand, just as I was caressing my sore head, the alarm on the nightstand beeps loudly in my ears. I turn it off immediately almost knocking it off the table.

"what a way to start the day"I thought to myself, squinting my eyes as it struggles to adjust to the bright light beaming from the curtains.I stood up drowsily, rubbing life back into my eyes, I walked to the bathroom to do my usual routine, there was simply no time to ramble on how hard I had partied last night after I had plotted that devious revenge. However, my mind was solely on one thing now, to make use of my dad's recommendation to relief the company's debt. If all goes as planned then am on my way to some sort of financial breakthrough for the company, maybe my life wasn't over afterall. I walked out of my room feeling energetic and optimistic for the day, I have to be in good spirits to push off any bad luck threatening to get in my way.

My parents were engaged in a heated conversation in the dining room when I got down the stairs and had paused when they saw me.

"Good morning flora" my mom announced with what seemed like a forced smile, I wasn't going to let any thing get my spirit down, at least not today, so I acted as if I hadn't just seen them argue.

" I spoke with the man who's going to help you out with the company, I hope you still have the address I gave you yesterday" My dad's voice sounded harsh and tense, his eyes didn't hide the rage that had filled it earlier, I ignored his gaze, sat on the table while mom served.

"Yes dad!! I still do, I'll go there after I drop by the office to do some couple of things, you don't have anything to worry about dad" I assured wasting no time digging into my food while avoiding unnecessary eye contact with my parents, I didn't want them to suddenly dive into their familiar sermon of how precious and meaningful the company meant to them because I understood clearly how this affected the family and what it meant for us, especially my mother.

" I heard about the fire outbreak at the warehouse and was quite worried for you" my mom's eyes flashed with sympathy as those words left her mouth, I smiled calmly at her.

"mom!....it's nothing to worry about, I'll be fine" I assured hoping this allays any sort of fear surging within her, she smiled back at me and we ate in silence through out with everyone meditating on something within them.

After dropping by the office and giving some important instructions to cherry, I was back inside my SUV, pulling out a squeezed sheet from my purse, with one look at the address, I zoomed my car off in the direction, practicing some sort of business proposal in my head, if I hadn't gone to the reunion last night I would have written my plans more formally. My mind wandered here and there as I took turns, searching for the address i had in mind. Our city was small but highly segmented, the street I had found myself held the most prestigious and famous people the city, I am clearly not visiting an ordinary person, but since I'm in my business mode....I am fully prepared for whomever it is I will be meeting. I parked the car at my destination, the street was clean and quiet, each one of the mansions stood out distinctively and elegantly, I came out of the vehicle and headed to the gate of the mansion seeing two bodyguards standing by the gate, I approach them, and they simply asked for my name and affirmed that I had an appointment. I entered into the gate and upon seeing the mansion standing majestically, I could only awe in silence, I was feeling intimidated at the elegance and luxury the the mansion eluded, I was accompanied into the mansion and my eyes widen in awe, it was white huge and more elegant than the outside view, then I was led into what seemed like an office at one end of the room and was told to wait there, I watched the guard exit the room and I hoped I am accompanied out again because I was certain I'd get lost if I was left to wander off myself. I shifted my attention to the office and continued my awestruck gasps and wows, The office was vintage yet elegant,painted in bright yellow, surrounded with tall wooden bookshelves that encompassed the room round,the shelves houses tons of books that one would think of it as library rather than an office, a table was at the end of the room, two white sofas were stylishly placed at another end of the room facing the desk. I sighed and took a seat on one of sofas,they were soft and elegant. My eyes caught the huge picture that was hanging on the wall just beside the desk, it was a wedding picture of a cute couple, I admired the elegance and beauty radiating from the bride, I walked up to the picture to get a closer look, they looked so happy and beautiful together, I reached my arms to touch the frame wondering if my parents were this happy on their wedding day and I also wondered what mine would be like if Tim would ever propose, a voice shook me back to reality.

"Your sister had met them too when she came a long time ago" I turned to look at the owner of the voice and I saw an old man standing at the doorframe, I was alarmed.

"I'm sorry.....I was waiting here and I saw the picture....I wanted to get a close look at it....uhm and I got carried away" My voice shakingly replied in effort of sounding professional.

"it's okay...I get carried away too when I look at that photo of them.....how happy they were"He paused to look at the picture himself affection blaring in his eyes, "....have a seat Miss Collins". he points to two seats that were directly facing his desk, he made his way to his desk and sat down,flashing me a warm smile.

"Thank you sir" I said feeling my nerves calm down at his warm gesture. "I'm flora Collins, my dad uhm gave me your---" I said before he cuts in calmly.

"I understand your company is going through a difficult time now". I watched him settle in his chair more comfortably and I took that as my cue to present my mentally prepared business proposal.

"Yes sir...there are some certain investment that we could work on that could benefit both parties like--" he interrupts with a loud clearing of throat and I stare cluelessly.

"You don't need to convince me to invest flora.....my family is actually indebted to yours." he laughs warmly removing his glasses from his eyes and I sigh in curiosity. "You see those two couples you were staring at the other time...your sister had actually helped them out with their company before...so i simply see it as a way to pay it back....you have no worries.....I'll set up an appointment with you so we can work up a loan or something... although it's more like an aid....but that'll require I and my grandson's signature.....I'm actually just like a proxy for the real owner of the company so--" he laughs absentmindedly as if he had just cracked a joke that he only understood, I was still in shock at the outcome of this meeting I just laughed nervously, he smiles at me. "but more importantly, I'm always fascinated when I see young people take up such a tiresome responsibility and handle it so well... look at you..... you're young, pretty and smart and you're helping out your folks with something this tiresome...that's quite incredible of you" he added and I felt my face reddened, I hadn't been complemented in a long time and I didn't know how best to react. I felt overwhelmed with confidence and gratitude.

" Wow....how kind of you sir.....thank you" I replied feeling all kinds of grateful.

"Now only if all young people are the same, old men like me would be resting peacefully in bed all day long....but unfortunately some people just treasure living a wasteful, fruitfulness and irresponsible life...they don't know they aren't the only one affected by their irresponsibility..... always remember this my child....there are always people's life attached to yours and whatever you do will always influence them.... either for good or bad.....now it's up to you to choose what type of influence you want to give to them, that.....my child is the greatest responsibility of all" his eyes sunk deep into mine as I resonated the meaning of his words, he smiles warmly again after seeing the confusion written on my face as a result of the impact of his words.

"I will remember that sir". I let out a genuine smile while my brain ruminated on those words, it felt directed to a deeper person in me that I didn't realize had existed. I was so deep in thoughts I didn't hear the door open.

"Now speaking of the devil.....Miss Collins...meet my grandson..." he gestures his hand towards the door and I stood up instinctively turning around to face the door, I froze instantly receiving the shock of my life.. an all too familiar feeling settled within me, my heart races violently and beads of sweat oozed on my forehead, my stomach threatened to rumble.

"---Bryan Jones." I felt my breath sucked out of me as he said those words and chills went down my spine as those familiar dark eyes stared a hole in my soul, his face was stone cold and heartless, there was no way yesterday had vanished from his memory as quickly as it did from mine.

"Bryan.....this is Miss Flora Collins... we'll be lending her a helping hand with her business." The old man's voice sounded like a distant echo in my already frozen world and the creepy smile that crept on Bryan's alluring face at that moment could not be unseen.

"Miss Flora Collins.....nice meeting you....again" Bryan's voice boomed loudly in my head, the intensity given to the last word made my heart skip a bit...no that's an understatement...it literally stopped beating.

guess it's getting more interesting..... remember, more collection=two pages per day. enjoy!

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