
Kiss me back

On her way to the kitchen to see what they were cooking for dinner, one of the guards ordered Sylvia to turn on the lamps in the hall.

With that 'I-am-lost' face, Sylvia walked to the entrance, it's so cold and she lit the lamps shivering. That time Maximus got down from his horse and came inside. Once Sylvia saw him, she tried not to look at his side.

He walked past her, keeping his head straight. She left a sigh once he was gone. Her heart is racing, telling her that there is something wrong with the way she feels, yet she has no idea what it is.

She's afraid and nervous, but they were different; she felt that lot of times. A little part of her was eager to see him and urged her to look at him. Which is so wrong yet she's drawn to do that.

Sylvia isn't keen to understand her emotions, she concludes that she's scared and wants to stay out of his eyes.

If Maximus hadn't done such a thing on that day in the palace, Sylvia would have enjoyed her stay here to the fullest.

After lightening the lanterns, her anxiety subsided. She looked around, standing at the end of the hallway. The old Doric architecture still stands in its best form. They must have taken care of this building so well.

That time, the same guard came to her, "I have got other work for you," he said.

"But I need to go and see the cook," Sylvia reasoned.

"That can wait. The cook is now preparing the meals," he responded.

She nods, not able to talk back.

"Go to the prince's room. He wants you to clean his room," she knew who he's mentioning. It's Maximus.

"Me?" she points her finger towards her.

"Yes, he particularly mentioned you. Do you know his room?"


"It's right above us,"

Heaving a sigh, Sylvia walked into the room the guard pointed. After knocking on the door, she prayed nothing like last time should happen now.

Maximus opened the door, he's wearing a loose apron. Sylvia's nervous-ridden gaze met his piercing hazel eyes.

Even in her dull, worn-out clothes, she's beautiful to his eyes.

"Your highness," Sylvia bowed shifting her eyes to his foot. "You asked for me,"

"Yes, I want you to clean my room," he said, feeling low.

Being in a room alone with him isn't the best choice she can think of. How can she say no?

"But I.."

"Are you talking back to me," he frowns.

"Forgive me, your highness. I will do as you say," she panics hearing the severity in his voice.

He moved aside to give her way to walk in. The room is a mess, his stuff was all over the place.

The thud of the door closing made her edgy She dare not to turn to his side and went to take off the bedspread.

"The new sheets were in the cupboard," he pointed to the small wooden cabinet. Sylvia took the green silk sheets and draped them over his soft cotton bed. She beat the pillows to make them dust-free and in the meantime, Maximus picked up his books and scrolls lying on the floor. She's surprised to know that he's helping her.

His messy hair, toned physique, and his handsome face were all hard to resist. She can't understand why someone like him, wants her attention anyway.

Once it's done, the room looked much better. Picking up his laundry and dirty bedsheets, Sylvia walked to put it for washing and came back to sweep the floor.

Maximus sat on his bed and watched Sylvia, though it's painfully uncomfortable she did her duty perfectly. She lit up incense to make this room refreshing.

"Is there anything else you want, sir?" she asks and Maximus ambles to the door and locked it.

With her wide-eyes gaze, she looked at him realizing that she's trapped. What she has feared is going to happen, he still hasn't forgotten anything at all, and he's never going to leave her until he gets what he wants.

"C-Can I go, sir?" she stutters and her eyes almost welled with tears when he came closer.

"Why are you trying so hard to escape?" he came close to her and Sylvia stepped back in anxiety. She stood between him and the wall; there's no way she evades this.

"We should talk," he said.

"I have to go, please," she answers.

"Why are you doing this me?" Maximus grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall. He made sure that she's looking at his face. His hot breath on her skin makes her crawl.

Her tears roll down to her cheek.

"You know what you did last time? I can punish you for that? Everyone will know about our little secret, do you want that to happen?" He asks.

"No," she nods.

"Then you need to do what I say?"

"Please I can't. It's so wrong," she whispered.

"It's wrong when you fail to do what I say,"

"I do everything you say," she replies.

"Not these maid duties," he scowls. "You know what I am talking about,"

Sylvia can understand it too, but what he expects from her is something she can't do. It's immoral and might put all her life in shame and resentment.

"Your highness, forgive me if I have done anything wrong, but I have already told you. There are many women out there, you don't need me," she said.

"You don't have to tell me what I should do," his grip on her throat tightened. He's so pissed off because of her rejection.

"And I don't need your permission either,"

Maximus slammed his lips roughly on hers. A small scream escaped her lips to his mouth. She parted her lips when he bites her lower lip. It was a rough open-mouthed kiss, his tongue tempted her to kiss him back but she fought him, pushed him, and punched him but nothing worked out. Right at the moment, her fear is greater than her desire.

She gave up when she realized his touch has softened and he's no longer grabbing her arms. Tears glide down to her cheek when she opened her eyes to meet his face.

He left her lips yet staying closer, he whispered. "Kiss me back,"

Sylvia has no choice, she knew this is what she wants and the only way she could escape is by doing what he says. She knew what kind of man he is and he might go to any extreme to submit to him.

With much hesitation, she leans closer to his lips, standing on tiptoe to match up with his height. It started with a gentle brush of their lips, she placed both her hands on his shoulders and Maximus didn't break what she's trying and he parted his lips for her to kiss him.

Once he felt that she's into the kiss, he wrapped his hands around her hips and her hands went to his face as he kissed her with deep passion.

This breathtaking moment, she will never forget. The kiss is more decent than the first kiss, which he stole from her.

Their kiss ended when she pushed him to catch her breath. She gasped and turned to another side, hunching one of her shoulders against the wall when she can't able to face him.

What I have done! God! Sylvia screamed mentally. This is the reason she was afraid to come here. When she thought everything is going fine in her life, Maximus came like a storm. Why did he even notice me?

What I have ever done to get this kind of attention from him? Sylvia thought, but nothing came to her mind.

"Hey," he held her hand to see her face, and as he guessed she's too sad about this.

When he came close to her, "Please, I have to go," she begged.

"Fine, you can go now. But you should come here tomorrow night," he ordered. She nods, looking down. Before letting go of her hand, he nibbled her shoulder blade which made her tremble.

"Don't try to get away from me," he warned. That hit her hard, she came out of the room and walked to the balustrade out of breath. She wiped off her tears and scurried downstairs.

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