
Married to The Duke Twice

Bree watches her husband, Duke Radford of Marseilles, choose to sleep with another woman on their first night. The marriage was an arranged one, but Bree still feels hurt and humiliated. After that it got worse. Bree was falsely accused of murdering her own father,, accused of having an affair with the Prince—Benjamin, and implicated in a plot to assassinate the King, for which Bree was sentenced to death. But Bree didn't die when her head rolling. Bree is thrown back in time, replaying the day she married Radford. Stupidity will not be repeated, Bree is determined to change fate, avoid accusations, and not fall in love with Radford who is too charming. But the choice of different paths certainly results in different ends of fate. Bree may hope to change fate, but what if the path she chooses leads to an increasingly dark fate? Fate made him meet things that have been considered fairy tales from the dark.

Aisakurachan · Fantasy
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42 Chs

You Know to Much

"Be careful with your words!" Rad snapped.

"Are you going to try wearing a dress and practicing with a sword? If you do, I'll be the first to laugh. I'm sure you'd look very pretty," Bree said, barely holding back laughter, imagining Rad in a dress, trying to swing a sword. It would be hilarious.

"Enough! The point is, you can't wear clothes like that again." Rad insisted. Ending it before Bree's imagination got wilder.

"I will still wear it!" Bree, of course, refused Rad's order.


"Duke Valois, you must calm down." Campy, who had been silently accompanying Rad, interrupted with a smile, though his eyes betrayed panic. He wanted Rad to remember their earlier conversation.

Rad gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, holding back his frustration and anger.

Bree folded her hands in front of her chest, impatiently waiting. She was ready for another round if Rad wanted to argue again. Arguing with Rad like this, according to Bree, was more satisfying than facing a silent Rad.

"Fine, if you want to wear that, but not for anyone else. I will be the one to train you again after this! And mind you, I'm not a friendly instructor like Edmond," Rad declared.

"No! I want Edmond!" Bree, of course, rejected Rad's command.

"No!" Rad shouted, then walked away under the tree.

"Camp, fetch my sword!" Rad yelled at Campy, who quickly ran inside to get the sword.

Rad's face still looked fierce, while Bree's mood worsened.

"Show me your progress!" Rad said. Bree remained silent in response.

"This is enough foolishness!" Bree scolded herself and complained inwardly, feeling delighted when Rad said he would teach her again.

"Listen, I don't care about what others say! They can say anything, and I couldn't care less." Bree is protesting again.

"But I will still care if someone says something bad about my wife!" Rad shouted.

Bree's controlled anger burst again. Rad was talking about caring, which was nonsense to her. Just like when he mentioned protection. Care and protection were two things Rad didn't provide for her before.

"You care now? Do you care that I'm your wife? This is strange! What about when you hugged those women and slept with them? You never cared that I was your wife when you did that!" Bree was still rational and made sensible arguments. She avoided repeating the foolishness of mentioning her death.

Rad's face became even scarier after hearing Bree's words.

"We're not discussing that now! We're discussing your attitude!" Rad exclaimed.

"Why not? Because it's too sensitive for you? Or because I'm pointing out your flaws?" Bree guessed, with a sly smile.

"Silent, and don't mention it again!"

"I won't be silent! I'm not at fault here!"

"Reflect on yourself! Do you consider this not to be at fault?" Rad pointed at Bree's outfit.

"Yes. I already said earlier that this outfit makes me comfortable and free. I will wear it, and I will never feel guilty for wearing it! It's my right to wear whatever I want. You ought not to intervene, just as I refrain from interfering with your interactions with those numerous women." Bree asserted.

Terrifying. Rad's face looked terrifying, and normally, anyone else would cower at the sight. Except for Bree, who still looked at Rad boldly.

Rad's lips appeared very thin from clenching them too tightly.

"You will regret saying this!" Rad growled.

"Hah? You will make me regret it? With what?"

Bree challenged him with a fearless face. In this world, she was the only one who had ever confronted Rad in such a way. Campy might also not be afraid, but he used persuasion on Rad, not challenging like Bree.

"Are you already bored with life?!" Rad scolded.

"You're threatening my life? Ridiculous, because I know you would never harm a woman. I know you would never actually kill me!" Bree smiled sweetly.

Rad's eyes, which had widened in anger, slowly narrowed in surprise.

"How do you know I would never actually kill you?" Rad surprised. The threat earlier was surely just a bluff, and he was surprised Bree could see through it.

"That, hmm... I know you need something from me. You need me to be here."

"You know too much for someone who just arrived in Marseilles!" Rad was squinting his eyes. Skeptic.

"I don't know much. What I know is just ordinary, but I observe carefully," Bree retorted, trying to maintain calmness in her voice. She has to be more careful not to make Rad suspicious.

"Alright, say you concluded that from observing. What about Blanche? How do you know she's not my half-sibling?"

A storm hit Bree again, causing her face to turn pale. She didn't expect Rad to hear about her quarrel with Irene.

Rad revealed suspicions that had been kept for a long time since the day of Bree and Irene's argument.

Rad heard, and he was surprised when Bree said it to Irene. Bree's victory intrigued Rad because that information was not supposed to be known. Before, Rad found it amusing because seeing Irene defeated was interesting. But after thinking it over, Bree's knowledge was suspicious.

Few people knew about Blanche's secret, not even Bree's father, because Rad knew he wouldn't tell Donovan.

"Where did you get this information?"

Bree's sudden nervousness was clearly suspicious. Bree wasn't prepared for this attack.