
Married to The Duke Twice

Bree watches her husband, Duke Radford of Marseilles, choose to sleep with another woman on their first night. The marriage was an arranged one, but Bree still feels hurt and humiliated. After that it got worse. Bree was falsely accused of murdering her own father,, accused of having an affair with the Prince—Benjamin, and implicated in a plot to assassinate the King, for which Bree was sentenced to death. But Bree didn't die when her head rolling. Bree is thrown back in time, replaying the day she married Radford. Stupidity will not be repeated, Bree is determined to change fate, avoid accusations, and not fall in love with Radford who is too charming. But the choice of different paths certainly results in different ends of fate. Bree may hope to change fate, but what if the path she chooses leads to an increasingly dark fate? Fate made him meet things that have been considered fairy tales from the dark.

Aisakurachan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Noisy Pain

Bree now understood why Edmond had opposed every request for training tomorrow. Her entire body felt sore and achy. Even though she didn't fall off the horse, Bree felt as if she had, because everything was painful.

Another regret. Bree had refused to bathe with warm water earlier. She was too lazy to wait for Aima to prepare it, as her body was sticky and sweaty.

Bree thought cold water would make her feel refreshed. It did feel refreshing, but now the cold water made her body feel stiff and achy, not to mention the annoying pain in various parts. Bree now also understood why Edmond had chosen to stay silent rather than explain what would actually happen to her body.

The center of all her body pain was in her thighs. More precisely, the inner thighs. The area that collided with the saddle and Briar's back. Edmond had been polite by just staying silent, not wanting to discuss that painful area further.

Bree turned to try to find a more comfortable lying position, but it was futile. The issue wasn't her sleeping position. This pain worsened Bree's already unpleasant night.

Since waking up and repeating time, almost every night Bree has had bad dreams. Dreams filled with the events she experienced in prison. It made her sleep uneasy, but at least she slept. But tonight, she couldn't possibly sleep with her entire body feeling sore.

Bree pulled back the blanket, struggled to sit up, and then lifted her nightgown. Her lips let out a sigh when she saw bruised inner thighs.

"Très mauvais!" (Very bad)

Bree muttered softly, then rubbed her face. Once again, she had to admit that Edmond was right. Forget about horse riding tomorrow, let alone practicing with a sword. If she could sit normally, Bree would be grateful. Her body was not accustomed to such strenuous activities. Painting and riding a horse were very different.

Bree lowered her feet to the floor, wanting to reach for the drink Aima had placed on the table.



Bree exclaimed in annoyance as her body collapsed when she tried to stand. Her legs were too weak to support her and very stiff when moved. They didn't respond to Bree's desire to walk properly.

Bree moved, dragging her feet toward the bed, forgetting her desire to drink. Bree chose to return to the bed. The slipping blanket caused Bree to fall again, and it covered her body as she was thrown down once more.

"Fool!" Bree raged while messing up the blanket.

"What kind of foolishness is this?"

"AGHHH!" Of course, Bree screamed. She didn't hear anything, or perhaps she was too busy to hear or see her bedroom door opening.

Rad stood beside her, looking down at Bree, who was still lying with a messy blanket on the floor.

"What do you want here? GET OUT!" Bree wanted to avoid Rad seeing her in a weakened state.

"Should someone who can't even lift their own body onto the bed be saying that?"

It wasn't difficult to guess what Bree had done.

"Is horse riding enjoyable?" A sarcastic remark. Of course, Rad also knew the consequences for novice riders.


Bree rudely chased him away. She didn't need taunts.

"I also didn't want to come if you weren't making noise like a fallen tree."


Bree knew her ridiculous denial. The second floor consisted entirely of wood. The sound of her fall must have been quite loud on the ground floor.

"I thought there was a storm causing the roof to collapse. It turns out it was just the sound of your fall. That doesn't count as quiet."

Rad crouched down while Bree shifted to try to move away, but Rad's outstretched hand was faster. Both of Rad's hands grabbed Bree's body, lifting her effortlessly.

"You're light, but why was the sound of your fall so loud?"

A question that startled Bree from her dazed state. She didn't expect Rad to lift her body.


Bree shouted, pushing Rad's chest, squirming to get down. But Bree's hands seemed to push against a wall. With a casual movement, Rad shifted the hand on Bree's back, tightening his embrace so that Bree couldn't squirm anymore.

"LET GO! Where are you taking me?" Bree continued to struggle, though it didn't seem to have any effect on Rad. His face remained flat, not disturbed at all.

"Where are you going?!"

"You smell terrible!" Rad hissed, and for a moment, Bree stopped resisting.

"No!" Bree protested clearly. She had taken a bath before going to bed.

"You smell like Edmond!" Rad wrinkled his nose.

"Nonsense!" Bree snapped at Rad.

"You're close to him?" Rad still looked frowning.

"It's obvious, isn't it? He taught me how to ride a horse. I think your nose is damaged; I'm close, but not quite there... Wait!"

Bree's panic returned, and she struggled again when Rad entered his room. The room he used after kicking Rad out. The room Bree used was Rad's before she arrived. Still on the second floor, not far from Bree's room, with a living room in between.

"What do you want?!" Bree yelled. She definitely didn't want to be in the same room as that man.

Rad still chose not to answer Bree's question and continued to walk into the bathroom in his room.

"I don't..."

Before Bree finished her sentence, Rad had loosened his hug and bent down.

Bree's body sank into warmth. Rad took her to the bathroom in his room and immersed her body in warm water. Bree, who was momentarily confused, finally managed to sit by holding onto the wooden tub's side.

"You.. Uhuk!" Bree began to cough as water entered her nose. The wooden bathtub was wider and deeper than the one in her bathroom.

Bree's head had sunk because she had moved too much in her efforts to free herself from Rad.

"The pain will reduce with a warm soak," Rad said.

Once again, Bree suppressed the protests that had been hanging on her tongue and replaced them with an open mouth. Rad brought her here because he knew Bree was in pain and told her to soak to alleviate her suffering. This was the attention that choked Bree.

"And it's an interesting sight. You're more voluptuous than I imagined."

Bree rubbed her face—especially her eyes—that were wet to see more clearly. She stared at Rad, standing beside the tub with slightly wet pants. Rad's eyes looked downward, and Bree followed his gaze, apparently focused on her body.

Bree was only wearing a nightgown without anything underneath, now in a wet state. The loose white gown clung tightly, no longer concealing Bree's body shape. And because the material was thin, the color difference in the prominent areas of Bree's body was clearly visible, catching Rad's attention earlier.


Disgust replaced the little emotion Bree felt earlier. She regretted judging Rad to be better for a moment. For a moment, Bree had been fooled. Of course, Rad would care more about a woman's body.


Bree shouted in anger, covering her body by curling up. If she didn't remember that she didn't want to appear weak in Rad's eyes, Bree wanted to cry.

Embarrassed and angry.