
Married to The Duke Twice

Bree watches her husband, Duke Radford of Marseilles, choose to sleep with another woman on their first night. The marriage was an arranged one, but Bree still feels hurt and humiliated. After that it got worse. Bree was falsely accused of murdering her own father,, accused of having an affair with the Prince—Benjamin, and implicated in a plot to assassinate the King, for which Bree was sentenced to death. But Bree didn't die when her head rolling. Bree is thrown back in time, replaying the day she married Radford. Stupidity will not be repeated, Bree is determined to change fate, avoid accusations, and not fall in love with Radford who is too charming. But the choice of different paths certainly results in different ends of fate. Bree may hope to change fate, but what if the path she chooses leads to an increasingly dark fate? Fate made him meet things that have been considered fairy tales from the dark.

Aisakurachan · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Lust and Hunger

There was a low groan as Bree's body hit the bed. She squirmed, then lay curled up. There was no strange movement, but that movement again scattered a scent that was intoxicating to Rad.

Before this, no one's scent had ever captivated him, and Bree's scent was ordinary—usually. Nothing special. However, the scent was changing and getting sweeter, and this was the peak.

Rad stroked Bree's face, as well as her lips. Considering in his head what he should do. Rad knew what he wanted to do because his mouth now felt dry. Every touch of his fingers on Bree's warm body made his throat even drier.

"It's nice..." A hissing murmur escaped Bree's lips, making Rad pull his hand away. However, just like before, Bree only mumbled. Now, annoyance furrowed Bree's brow.

"Again." Bree had a fever, and she instinctively looked for something cool to touch her body. And the cool thing she wanted was Rad's hand. Bree protested because Rad stopped rubbing her body.

"Yes or no?"

It was a glimmer of common sense for Rad, who was still trying to weigh, not to indulge in the lust that was currently invading.

Rad could no longer distinguish whether he wanted Bree's body or to eat it. Neither choice was bad. Bree's body moved restlessly as Rad's hazel-colored eyes continued to stare, her demands unmet.

Rad's hands clenched into tight fists, holding back the two fluctuating desires that came together. He could normally resist easily, as he had received extensive training to resist such desires and eat without lust. But not this time.

Rad reached out again, touching Bree's neck. There was a satisfied grunt from Bree's lips, while Rad chuckled. The grunt pumped up a new passion that made his brain foggy again. Rad caressed the alluringly exposed neck. Since Bree liked Rad's cool hands, she opened her neck wide.

"You don't know what you're inviting." Rad hissed and looked down again to inhale the scent of Bree's neck.

"This is fun." Bree's next murmur wiped out what little self-defense Rad had left.

"You asked for this!" hissed Rad as he tore off the front button of his clothes and turned Bree's head to the side.

"Let go!" Bree suddenly whimpered.

"No! It's too late!" Rad growled.

"Get away! You can't touch me!"

That sentence made Rad realize that Bree still wasn't talking to him.

She was babbling, and it wasn't the first time Rad had heard it. This exclamation was familiar to Rad. He had heard this cry several times during the night, when Bree had nightmares. Tears and sobs followed the cries. And Bree was still begging for the same thing.

"Don't touch me! Go away!"

"Go away! Don't!"

That second moan, dousing Rad with realization, killed the flames of lust that consumed him earlier.

Rad frowned. Bree's dream must have been very specific, because she always said the same thing. Not only this time, but Bree always said something like that every time she had a nightmare.

"And what do you care? What do you think you're going to do?" Rad reprimanded herself in a hiss, then pulled the blanket over Bree's body. He continued cursing himself in his head.

"She's just a tool. Remember that!" Rad muttered with an exasperated face as he walked out of the room. That was a great opportunity for him to complete his task, but the desire has vanished. He should not dwell on her nightmare or anything else.

He pulled the door roughly, startling Aima, who was standing waiting in front of the room with Bree's dress in her hands.

"Tidy her up!" Once again, Rad growled, his jaw still clenched.

"Okay." Aima bowed, not commenting on why Rad looked messy too, and opened the door.

"Is the doctor here yet?" Rad asked before Aima closed the door.

"In a moment, Your Grace."

Rad didn't ask any more questions, and he walked downstairs. He was hoping that Campy had returned with his meal.


Bree felt bad, worse than all the usual fatigue. Worse than the fatigue she experienced after swinging the sword two hundred times for the first time. She was too lazy to even open her eyes or squirm.

"Duchess?" Aima's voice called out.

"Hm..." Bree only muttered, still closing her eyes.

"Your fever has gone down." Aima continued his sentence.

Bree finally opened her eyes after hearing that.

"I have a fever?" Bree couldn't remember. She only remembered how it rained heavily when she returned to the castle.

"That's right. The doctor said you were too tired and asked you to rest for a few days." Aima relayed what the doctor said last night.

Bree began to understand why her body felt so broken. It was the fever that made her feel like this.

"I'll bring some food for you." Aima said goodbye and left the room.

Bree nodded while trying to get up and sit up. Despite her weak body, Bree remained determined to avoid becoming dependent. She would force herself to move, hoping for a faster recovery.

"Where am I?" Bree, who had just opened her eyes wide, was confused to realize she was not in her own room.

"In my room."

Bree gasped and almost squealed when she saw Rad sitting on the chair. He answered, but did not look at Bree. Rad was reading the document in his hand.

"Why am I here?" Bree looked around, making sure this was Rad's room. Bree had only glimpsed it yesterday but could recognize the interior.

"How did I get here?!" Bree repeated it a little loudly, as Rad ignored her after that. Bree also tried to remember, but nothing stuck. She only remembered entering the castle, and everything was shaky.

"You fainted, and I brought you here. Isn't it obvious?" Rad sounded exasperated.

"What did you do that for?"

"I don't know! I should have just left you on the floor! There is no need to care. What a hassle!" Rad replied curtly.

"You really shouldn't have cared!" Bree snapped. She was annoyed at Rad's answer. She didn't request assistance, and now Rad was blaming her as if it were her fault.

"I don't want to be here either!" Bree pulled back the covers, smoothed out her nightgown, and lowered her legs from the bed.


Bree's body simply collapsed as she tried to stand up. Bree cursed inwardly. This was the umpteenth time she had fallen and made a fool of herself.

However, it was impossible for Bree to walk. Her fever may have gone down, but her body's strength had not. Such a high fever was enough to make her body lose strength while she was trying to recover.

"Don't come any closer!" Bree exclaimed when she heard Rad's footsteps.

It was evident that Rad would never listen to Bree. Moments later, Bree's body was back in Rad's arms, and he walked out of the room.

Bree's struggles were not much, and like yesterday, her resistance was not much different from a gentle breeze. It was useless.

"Campy, change the blankets and sheets from that bed!" Rad exclaimed as he came out and saw Campy, who was indeed waiting for orders in front of the room.

There was no insult to Bree, but Bree took offense. The order implied that Rad considered any of her 'marks' to be dirty.

"Let go!" Bree screeched, pushing Rad's body as much as she could.

"You hypocrite! You're the one who's dirty here! Not me! What did you bring me there for?!" Bree felt close to tears, and her neck felt choked. She didn't need insults right now, especially not her desire to be there.

However, Rad now took a tree-like stance. It was silent, neither responding nor reacting. Rad walked into Bree's room and threw her on the bed. Not lying down gently, but almost like throwing Bree's body, as if Bree's body were just a big doll to be thrown away.

Fortunately, the bed was large and soft, so there were no injuries or painful impacts. Then Rad turned around and walked out. Bree scooped up the jewelry box beside the bed and threw it at Rad.


Rad's reflexes were as good as his swordplay skills. Although he didn't turn his head to look at the object coming at him, he nimbly shifted, and the box hit the door, scattering its contents onto the floor.

The attack didn't make him react either. Rad ignored everything perfectly, opened the door, and exited.

Bree threw something again, this time a pillow, and of course it only hit the door. Bree knew the pillow wouldn't hurt Rad; she just wanted to express her annoyance.

The man was so strange. Bree didn't seek attention, let alone assistance. And now he was talking as if Bree had caused him trouble.

"You'll see! I'll kill you!"

Bree shouted threateningly. Whether Rad heard or not, Bree didn't care.