
Married to The Duke Twice

Bree watches her husband, Duke Radford of Marseilles, choose to sleep with another woman on their first night. The marriage was an arranged one, but Bree still feels hurt and humiliated. After that it got worse. Bree was falsely accused of murdering her own father,, accused of having an affair with the Prince—Benjamin, and implicated in a plot to assassinate the King, for which Bree was sentenced to death. But Bree didn't die when her head rolling. Bree is thrown back in time, replaying the day she married Radford. Stupidity will not be repeated, Bree is determined to change fate, avoid accusations, and not fall in love with Radford who is too charming. But the choice of different paths certainly results in different ends of fate. Bree may hope to change fate, but what if the path she chooses leads to an increasingly dark fate? Fate made him meet things that have been considered fairy tales from the dark.

Aisakurachan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

I Have a Suggestion

Dinner was served quite quickly. Under Campy's guidance, all the servants worked efficiently, preparing a substantial amount of food for the castle's standards. Rabbit was the main course, and there were also fruits and wheat bread brought as provisions.

Bree wasn't eagerly anticipating the dinner, as her mind was still preoccupied with tent-related issues. She couldn't fathom how she would spend the night there. However, Bree knew she had to join the meal; otherwise, her father would become suspicious.

As more people began to gather around the bonfire, carrying plates of food, Bree and Aima started to walk toward it. Bree, being lost in thought, arrived last. Bree's already somewhat diminished appetite, due to anxiety, decreased even more upon seeing the scene by the bonfire.

Her father was eating and discussing something with Auclair. It was a normal scene, one that wouldn't erase the remaining cheerfulness in Bree.

What worsened Bree's mood was Amber, sitting next to Rad, enthusiastically talking about something. Her head was close to Rad's as the crackling fire drowned out the surrounding noise.

Rad was listening attentively, his eyes fixed on the fire, but his expression showed no objection. The sight made Bree's steps pause momentarily. What she witnessed reminded her of the moments before a death sentence. Amber deliberately whispered affectionately to Rad, intending to make Bree feel more miserable.

Before leaving earlier, Bree had the intention of letting Amber do whatever she wanted. Surrendering because teasing Rad was too troublesome. However, her heart was now reignited with resentment. Bree vividly remembered Amber's smile on the day of her death. Allowing them to be together made Bree feel like they were mocking her suffering once again.

Regardless, Bree wouldn't allow them to be together. Even though Rad wasn't worth fighting over, it didn't mean Bree would let Amber have something that rightfully belonged to her.

Bree walked back and sat lightly next to Rad. The movement was a bit rough, causing the wooden seat to shift. Amber glanced at her, disapproving of the roughness. Rad didn't react; he just remained silent with his eyes fixed on the fire.

Amber clearly wanted to attack Bree but held her tongue when she saw Trey handing food to Bree.

Trey, familiar with his daughter's eating habits, had been worried since Bree hadn't come out of the tent.

"I thought you'd skip dinner," Trey said, handing a plate full of food to Bree, who managed to smile.

"Not really, Father. I was just a bit late, but I'll still eat," Bree replied. She also smiled at Trey to alleviate his concerns.

"You always make things difficult. You should have come earlier, so everyone wouldn't have to wait and wonder," Amber criticized Bree's lateness.

"I didn't mean to cause trouble, and I see you didn't wait for me," Bree retorted. She noticed Amber's plate was almost empty, unlike Rad's. There was no reason for Amber to wait for Bree, making her scolding even more baseless.

"I'm not foolish enough to wait for someone who's late when I'm hungry." Amber shrugged.

"In that case, you have no right to reprimand me with such words! It makes you seem bothered when you're not. Just trying to make yourself look good!" Bree replied.

"Bree! Amber! What's going on with you two?" Trey intervened in surprise.

He had never seen Bree and Amber have such a heated argument before because Bree always yielded. Bree remained silent in the face of Amber's insults, so they never openly argued. Amber just needed to launch attacks with evil whispers that could usually make Bree cry. This was their first open dispute in front of Trey.

"Talk properly. It's embarrassing in front of others. Shameful for Rad. He'll think you both are childish," Trey said.

Trey looked around at the others by the bonfire. They all gazed in surprise at Bree and Amber, except for Edmond, who was staring at his plate, and Rad, who remained silent, staring at the fire.

Bree and Amber both lowered their heads simultaneously. They had clearly forgotten the unwritten rule not to create a disturbance in front of Trey.

The only common ground between Bree and Amber was Trey. At least they both still had the desire to keep Trey at peace, appearing peaceful when in his presence.

"Sorry," Bree muttered in an apology to her father, and Trey nodded, though with a disappointed expression.

He then turned to Amber, who seemed reluctant. She initiated the argument, yet she still felt that Bree was solely to blame for being late.

"Sorry." After struggling with herself for a while, Amber finally uttered the apology. Her face clearly showed reluctance, but it was enough for Trey.

"Now apologize to Rad; you've disrupted tonight's dinner," Trey instructed.

As the host here, Rad was entitled to receive that apology.

"No!" Bree shook her head almost instantly. There was no way Bree would apologize to Rad.

"Bree!" Trey reprimanded her, but Rad raised his hand.

"No need for that. I just want to ask you something."

"Oh?" Trey looked at Rad, waiting for the question.

"Please find a husband for your daughter here!" Rad pointed at Amber, who was instantly shocked.


"So that she stops teasing her sister's husband. It makes me uncomfortable. Or is it her habit to flirt with other people's husbands? Having previously rejected me, her attempt to flirt with me is disheartening. I'm just trying to save her dignity here."

Rad cut off Trey's sentence, wiping all color from Trey's and Amber's faces. However, it lasted only a moment. Both Amber and Trey quickly blushed, both angry and embarrassed.

"If you don't have a potential husband for her yet, I can choose one from Marseilles. That way, you'll get more assistance." With irony, Rad diminished what little dignity Amber had left, especially after claiming to preserve it earlier.

No one spoke after that. Everyone stared silently at Rad, Bree, and Amber, taking turns and trying to anticipate the unfolding drama.

Rad didn't want to end Bree and Amber's game so soon, but suddenly he didn't want to prolong it. He couldn't stand the scent of Amber.

Bree and Amber were complete opposites. Amber exuded a strong, overwhelming perfume. Fragrant but repulsive to Rad due to its excessiveness. Even sitting briefly near her made him want to move away, as he did earlier this afternoon. And tonight was worse; Amber increased the amount of perfume she wore, making it even more nauseating for Rad.

Rad then turned to Bree, the next target he wanted to teach a lesson to.

Bree sat silently, looking at her father, Amber, and Rad in turn. Her mind, previously full, suddenly went blank.

"Bree, I need to talk to you." Still with a tone that revealed no emotion, Rad took Bree's hand and pulled her to stand. Bree's plate and the food on her lap spilled onto the grass.

Bree didn't resist, unable to resist Rad's strong grip. However, her compliance, without resistance, stemmed more from bewilderment.

Bree had no idea what was happening; her head, once filled, was now empty.