

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"...My son, by all these, you are giving room for the enemy to take over your home and ministry as he has done before."

"Mommy I am saddened for my stupidity. I was not wise even for once. I plundered myself into the lust of the flesh and it's hurting me, it's hurting me mommy..."

"Shhh." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline shut him with a finger over his mouth.

"That's another mistake you are making my child. Don't you dwell on the past, otherwise you are inviting same enemies of the past to join force with those of the present and war against you.

Put your past behind you my child. It is true you made mistakes. Several mistakes that led to one thing or the other but my son, that's your past! Are you hearing me?"

"Yes mommy."

"Face the battles of today and fight them gallantly as the Lord's soldier you are. Don't even think about it any more about all that happened. The Lord has forgiven you and has given you a beautiful woman.

Let me tell you what happened while you were on that mountain; while on there, the Lord took you into a deep sleep as he did Adam. It was there that he broke Pamela and grounded her, then made her into the bone of your bones and the flesh of your flesh. She is now regenerated, no longer the devil's daughter you knew of to have married. She is now the apple of God's eyes and I want you to see her and treat her same no matter what comes and goes." She explained.

"Hmm, mommy, sometimes I wonder where all these depths is coming from. You should be overseeing a ministry of yours." Apostle Aondofa Daniel praised.

"And I am doing so already my son. The Lord has long told me that you are my ministry. You and all your siblings. If any of you fail, I have failed the Lord as a mother. I didn't just bring you all into the world, I am more a mother if I stand to see to the fulfilment of your callings. Now back to what I was saying, there are a few things the Lord told me about you and your wife." She restrained and searched her thoughts carefully.

"What is it mommy?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel pulled himself close and asked curiously.

"I am examining my spirit to see if your maturity can handle this which I am about to say and if it is time for it to be disclosed to you." She said.

"Please tell me mommy. Maybe that would be all I need to have my heart healed." He pleaded.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline turned and looked at him, then held his face with her palms;

My son, I am your mother. Remember how much I fought you against marrying Pamela when it was against the will of God. I was doing so only because God was against it. But now my child, I am for your marriage with Pamela because the Lord has shown you mercy and he is for it.

Listen carefully to what I am about to say to you and allow peace to dwell in your heart."

"Yes Mommy. I am with you ma." He answered.

"My son, in my last visit, the Lord spoke to me about you and Pamela, he told me that it is in his plans for the two of you not to give birth, but he has made the provision of a son for you whom he would use mightily." She summarized.

"Mm, mommy this is difficult for me to understand. Are you saying we are going to adopt a child since Pamela won't be able to give birth?"

"Point of correction my son. Pamela is not barren despite what she told you. It is true she removed her womb. But in her tears this few days, the Lord felt insulted and has given her a new womb. He did this to make you two believe that he not giving you a child is not as a result of her lack of womb. Is there anything the Lord cannot do?"

"No mommy." He answered mesmerized.

"Nothing absolutely. Pamela has a new womb. You two should go for medical check-up and confirm what I am saying. The Lord spoke to me last night in this regard.

But, it is God's plan not to allow her bring forth a child.

You won't adopt a child as well. I want you to return back to your wife and have a happy marital union. In due time, he will bring to fulfilment his word.

With that said, she left him soaked in his thoughts and returned to the sitting room where Pamela sat reading the Bible as she awaited the outcome of their meeting.

"My daughter, please get me some food to eat. I am now hungry." She said taking her seat.

"Let me hurry up mommy." She said and left for the kitchen and returned setting the dinning table for her.

"What are you doing my fine woman?"She asked with an amusing look.

"I want to set the table for you to eat mommy." She answered.

"Abeg, my child. Forget dinning table. Bring the food here for me let me eat. And, you are eating with me." She said causing Pamela to smile broadly.

Moment later, she returned with a plate of rice and salad, then went in and brought another containing fried meat and sauce.

She placed the food down and they both began to eat as she occasionally fed her.

Such a time without deny, made heaven smiled.

"Wait mommy, what of daddy?" She asked as there was no sign of him.

"That one, I left him to think." She said amusingly.

"Okay mommy." Pamela answered simply as it wasn't to her duty to bring up discussion regarding her talk with him.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline without doubts was a woman of much humor. She does it so well when she was having her best time. She would be so comic at such moments that her lively attitude would cheer everyone around her.

This aside, she was as serious as anyone could be when that's the demand of the moment.


"Yes my daughter."

"You are so full of humor despite all these." Pamela said.

"All these?

Let's eat up, there is nothing happening - nothing to worry about. I and you have already discussed as I have done with your husband. Everything is under control my beautiful daughter.

When your husband is out, I am sure there are things he would have to share with you."

Just as she was speaking and eating with her, Apostle Aondofa Daniel was seeing walking out of the room sober.

He headed straight to them and stood for a while then brought Pamela to her feet and hugged her tightly.

But that wasn't enough. He sloped down to his knees asking her to forgive him.

"Pamela was instantly uncomfortable with the act most especially as Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline was watching them.

Without knowing what to do to stop Apostle Aondofa Daniel from embarrassing her before mommy, she went on her knees too and hugged her husband.

With this action which the two had taken, mommy sat minding her food and dissolving the fried chicken into her mouth with pleasure.

The monitoring spirit which stood by were angered. They had a report for hell, but this time around it was a bad market.