

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


The great light of mother earth waved by as the moon crawled out of her warm to attend to her duty.

The overwhelming darkness which journeyed across the terrains of man frowned while he folds his mat to kiss his bed for the night

Apostle Aondofa Daniel and wife, Mrs Daniel Pamela stood ashore their gate and waved a goodnight rest to the two love birds who glamour in their garments just as has been the case since their union as husband and wife.

They had been a joy to the household of the beloveth Apostle of the Lord and his wife to have them both find their joy in the divine ordination of marriage by the creator of all things.

These two whose love and union was a testament of blissful emeralds of glory were none other but Esther and the beloveth evangelist of the Lord, whose name is called Victor.

This day, they had not only come in their exotic presence and wealth of glory like none other but they had come to answer to the scripture whose inscription attest that they overcame he the devil by the blood of the lamb and by the words of their testimomy.

It was a golden season in their lives after a year old marriage.

The Lord had without delay caused them to smile beyond their Sudden expectation when Esther who was suspected to have fallen short of health visited the family clinic and was told to have been a month pregnant.

The news elated the two and without delay ran to their friend and spiritual co-labourer to disclose that which the Lord had done in no time.

The Lord's Apostle Aondofa Daniel and wife, Pamela were so entwined with the perspiration of joy that emitted from the realms of the spirit and filled their souls.

They were happy, danced and glorified the name of the Lord for the goodness to which they were witnesses.

At the close of their union that night, they failed not to pray as usual for Pastor Simon who was still under a complicated trial by the law.

It was until they waved a blissful night rest to the two that Pamela could notice the countenance of her husband failed.

"Love, what is it?" She reached for her hand and asked him with a caring look.

"Nothing my queen. I am okay." He responded.

"No, I know you very well. Something is not right." She pushed further.

"Mm, I said I am fine. It's just that...See love, let's not push further on this. I promise everything is under control." He tried to cheer up.

"Okay, okay, mm." Pamela gestured as they walked into the sitting room.

She had Apostle Aondofa Daniel sat down and brought him something chilled which he drank and she sat on the piece of rug beside him.

"I understand daddy. We have been married for three years now without an issue. Your heart is prompted by the testimomy of evangelist Victor and Sister Esther..." Pamela accurately narrated.

"How do you know that was what was in my heart.

See darling, it's not as if I am jealous or i am not happy for the good news but I am just concerned about us. There is not even a sign that we would be having our own child soon." He tried to explain.

"I perfectly understand daddy. I am sorry. This is all my fault. I have not been able to give you a..."

"Shhh! no! I don't want to ever hear that from your mouth. I am not blaming you or saying you are childless. If at all we are to blame any, then it will be us both." He admonished.

"I understand love, but..." She paused and looked away shylishly.

"But what?" The Lord's Apostle asked suspiciously.

"Daddy," She called and went on her knees.

"Daddy I am sorry. Please I am sorry." She pleaded persistently.

"What are you sorry for Pamela? Why are you acting strangely?" He angered a bit.

"There is this I have tried telling you so many times but I don't know how you would take it. Ah, please I don't want to lose you nor our marriage. I believe we serve a miraculous God. There is nothing he cannot do." She quoted the scripture confusing Apostle Aondofa Daniel the more.

"You should know you are talking to a man of God aside being your husband. Okay, you should know I love you with all my heart Pamela. I promise not to be angry. What is it?" He asked caressing her shoulders and bringing her into his arms.

"Okay. Daddy, I don't have a womb!" She broke the bombshell.


You don't have what?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel screamed and stood up to have a proper look at her.

"I am sorry daddy. My womb was removed during my last abortion that threatened my life. The doctor..."

"Save that explanation to yourself Pamela. How will all that you are saying profit me?

Tell me if that is going to give us a child!

For God's sake we have been married for three good years and you have never made mention of this for once. Are you sure you are..."

"Daddy I am sorry!" She shouted back.

"I say I am sorry. Remember how we all started. I was not myself. It wasn't me. this is the new Pamela now. Your beloveth wife."

"Then this new Pamela should give me a child otherwise she is same with the old one."

"Ah daddy!"

His word pierced Pamela's heart and she sloped to her knees crying bitterly.

"I should have blamed you anyway...No wonder!"

Apostle Aondofa Daniel looked at her and pushed her leg by the side as he walked into his bedroom and jammed the door behind him muttering words unheard.


"Let's go! A great door has been opened for us." A monitoring spirit told the rest and they flew to bear witness before Lucifer, the ancient dragon who is the accuser of brethren.