

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Agnes! This one that you are dressing heaven on earth.

It Seems like you are the one who wants to win this race.

Please hurry up before you paint blue and black."

"Of course what do you expect? We are all aware that not everyone attending the seminar is hungry for knowledge or impact much as they are for Apostle Aondofa Daniel...[she quickly switched to the point]; See Veronica, I'm dying for that man of God.

I have tried everything for him to notice me yet all efforts fails multiple times.

Take a look at me na. I know how many men, including men of God that are on my neck demanding my attention for marriage but I have turned them down waiting for the love of my life to recognize me..." Agnes kept preaching.

"Wait wait wait! Agnes I don't understand you! Is it because of what I just said that led to this preaching? Wait! Why is it that once somebody cough, you must end up preaching how much you love apostle and wants to be noticed? Please hurry up or we will leave without you.

The seminar is just some minutes to start and you know papa doesn't come late for meetings."

"Alright! You guys can go ahead. I will meet up with the two of you once I'm done. I want to take my time to appear cute. You know today is relationship seminar. It's a good day to catch my Love's attention." She said smiling and Patted Veronica on the shoulder lightly.

"Someone who wants to catch attention shouldn't be making it late for service. By now the only place left will be the galleries." Veronica warned.

"Well, hope you've found yourself where you will be sitting? As for me, I have already told Ngozi to reserve a seat for me in the front roles and I'm sure that's achieved." She said smirking

"May God have mercy on you." Veronica said and angrily stormed out with her bible and iPad.

Moving to her car where Cynthia was already waiting, she got into it and fell upon the steering bittered.

"Ah! Babe what's it?" Cynthia asked running her finger in-between the lines of her hair.

"I'm just felt up of Agnes. Come on, for God's sake, she acts regarding papa as if she is the only one who has a heart for him. It's just too much that most often I get my ears chocked by her verbalism."

"Nn, don't kill me with your english. I did not study Mass Communication like you, neither do I walk in a television station. But wait Vero. Are you saying you have a heart for papa too?" Cynthia asked staring into her eyes expecting a yes.

"Cynthia, the truth is that I have been wishing I could be the one destined for papa even before Agnes came to knowledge of him. I was the one that introduced her to the ministry not knowing that I was doing myself harm. I have been quiet about it all this while but she," She paused and threw her hands into the air in disapproving conclusion.

"Hmm, it is well. All of una wan marry papa. Abeg drive this thing, we are getting late. I won't say no if at the end I'm the chosen one." Cynthia said as Veronica started the engine with a glaring look on her.

"I don't have a problem with that. After all we are aware that one third of us single sisters in the ministry have eyes on the man of God.

Papa is blessed - a first class fast rising apostle with heavy dose of the anointing.

He is handsome, gallant, intelligent and full of wisdom.

He is an international figure with men honoring him from every corner of the earth.

At his age, he is already rich and commanding influence from men of affluence around nations of the world."

"Wait, Veronica this is not a news station. When you get to work on Monday, please you can broadcast who apostle Aondofa David is.

For now, let's get to church I beg of you. You and Agnes are just same with different wiring." Veronica yelled.

The two smiled and were about driving off when Agnes ran out to them.

"Wait wait wait!" She beckoned

"Agnes why don't you use your car?" Veronica asked.

"Is there any need. Let's just go with yours since there is space. I get tired of driving when unnecessary." She said, hopped in and Veronica drove off.

[groups of people walking into the church]

"Papa is just the perfect definition of a man of God. Cute, handsome, full of wisdom, intelligent, graduate of biochemistry, knows how to balance his life and accommodate people appropriately." Another group of ladies approaching the entrance of the church spoke about him excitedly.

"Dorcas can you believe that papa is also a good artist?" One asked

"Yes of course. I was there the day we visited his art gallery. He shew us some of his art works which he only does for pleasure and to ease himself of stress. I also learned that one of his art work was sold to a wealthy white man from America who came visiting, for a Whopping some of five hundred thousand dollars."

"Wow that's much. What a man! He also sings and features in movies too. I wonder how he is able to keep track with all of these at a success point." Dorcas said.

"Well, one thing I know to be his secret is that he prioritizes one measure thing above all others and that's ministry work. He is more passionate and committed to his field work and discipleship programs above anything else. This is why he is able to succeed in other things coming up as branches to the main thing he does." Beauty explained convincingly as they were just about entering the main building.

Others were trooping in numbers, some worshipping, others blasting in tongues and others expressing their amazement at what God was doing in the ministry within a short space.

This was the fastest growing apostolate to reckon with internationally.

Revival City Ministry was a ministry characterized by power, love, miracles, signs and wonders. Apostle Aondofa Daniel was indeed the man the generation was waiting for.

He was a happy man, but relationship wise, there were constant tears. Tears that tasted bitter and salty - so many were the tears, to which the enemy sort for and found a loophole where he would penetrate to cause distraction.