

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


"... Esther you can't continue like this. You have been fasting for the past six days now since the kidnap of Apostle. Please you have to eat something. You can't die waiting for Apostle. You have to stay alive and believe that he would be released soon." Sister Deborah encouraged her after the intercessory session.

"I don't feel tired nor broken sister Deborah. I have vowed to fast and pray until Apostle is released.

Thank you so much for your concern and sisterly love towards me.

I believe God is working on restoring his servant back to us." She prayed.

"Amen! I highly believe. Please take care, we will see tomorrow." Sister Deborah said and made moved to return home.

"Bye!" Esther waved and returned back to prayer, all alone in the church;

"Yakakakakaka..." She prayed in tongues.

"Father, be the hedge over your servant. Empower him wherever he is. Let the devices and schemes of the enemy be powerless over him. Let every weapon forged against him be powerless and void of effectiveness in the name of Jesus..." She prayed on.

[Blaze's Kingdom]

"How long have you been dialing the governor's number?" Blaze asked angrily.

"Boss, for the pass twenty four hours. He has refused to pick our calls." One of his men responded.

"Dial it again!" Blaze ordered and the governor's number was dialed yet no response.

"Ah!" He became provoked.

"This idiot has sold me out into the hands of my enemy." He said referring to the state governor.

[The governor's office]

"Commissioner," The governor began a mode of conversation.

"I want you to put every measure in place and level down anything that has to do with Blaze.

But that's not the measure reason I called you here. I know the inspector General has already directed you in this line of job as you are responsible for him.

I call you here because Brigadier General Usman Yakubu is Blaze's strongest ally in the state.

You must put him to book and do something about him if the mission must be successful."

"That sounds like you know much about this man called Blaze." The commissioner suspected.

"That doesn't call for any attention now. Blaze is a terror to my state and I want him completely destroyed." The governor said meaning all seriousness.

"Thank you your Excellency. I will have to ensure Yakubu is not in the team that would invade Blaze's territory." The commsioner assured.

"That will be awesome. I have a couple of calls to establish among my colleagues and other elites. I will inform them to withdraw their support for Blaze so as to have the military eliminate them. He has become too powerful to the beast that was made out of him by politicians." The governor finalized and the two made departure from each other.

When the commissioner left his presence, he was to have a meeting with a secret group of a militia he had adopted for hidden missions.

They were a private entity with the expertise to carry out missions secretly without an iota of its source disclosed to the society.

"... Kidnapping in this nation has gained head to become the most lucrative business among the elites.

Blaze has been used by the politicians as a spearhead to generate funds for those who work with him.

The police and the army are working together to eliminate him through the map which has been discovered about his hideout, which nobody has been able to discover.

Now your duty is to eliminate everyone that is on this list.

They are all-over as Blaze's allies. If they are not eliminated, they will make the fight tough and difficult for the armies.

You have a day and a half to fulfill this mission. Have I made myself clear?" The governor, obviously a powerful man asked his secret army.

"Yes sir!" Their commander responded.

"I am glad Brigadier General Usman Yakubu make the list..."

"Yes, I want him to be the first target. Eliminate him as you depart from my presence. Find him wherever he may be and bring him to book for all his misdeed, then proceed to procure and terminate every other one on this list.

When you are done, if there is need, a fresh list will be released for more of Blaze's men. By then he must have been captured himself." The Governor charged his army and released them.

[The presidency - the president addressing his service chiefs in a secret Meeting]

"I am glad a map with precision to the domain of Blaze has been disclosed.

I want every section of the armed forces to be on high alert and invade the terrain at once. If you can, bring me Blaze alive but if the mission gets too tough, kill him and bring me his head.

When the mission is over" He turned to the inspector General of police "I would like to have DPO Ternege to the villa. He deserves acknowledgement, he and everyone with sources to Blaze's domain.

With the president now involved, the mission was a successful one already.

The police, army, Navy and Air Force swung into action surrounding the kingdom of Blaze, covering in on him on air, land and water.

Different maps were quickly drafted from the original, creating three divisional routes for the military to cover in on all sides and close in on the territory as a special division would be launched directly through the air Force and the military with the accompaniment of DPO Ternege and two other police officers.

All in all, the forward wing comprised of one hundred and fifty military men to be dropped by military helicopters and fighter jets - It was a war well prepared against the enemies' hindrances.

All preparation were kept secret from the public until the mission was accomplished.

[Apostle Aondofa Daniel's home]

DPO Ternege had instructed that prayers be ongoing as the period was a sensitive one.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mom and everyone were praying fervently for God's intervention.

On the faithful day, Pastor Simon and evangelist Victor were together in his house praying too and asking the Lord to intervene in his case.

Despite days of undisclosed information about him, hope wasn't lost about his return except for a few who were begining to conclude that he was murdered.

The monitoring spirits were working hand in hand with Ayararh to secure his life in captivity meanwhile the devil was watching in hell as the battle prevailed.

If Apostle would be destroyed in his captivity, he (the devil) would save his daughter for another, but if he is unable to defile this particular scheme, then he would usher in his daughter for marriage. There, he would legally come in as planned and steal away his soul.

[In Blaze's Kingdom - few hours into the day]

"Boss," One of Blaze's high ranking commander called out running towards him.

"We have been surrounded. Our men have reported from different regions that the military is surrounding us and closing in. Already some of our men are reported to have been killed."

"As he was speaking, Blaze listened carefully and heard the sound of helicopters and fighter jets swamping towards the territory.

"Bring me Ayararh! Hurry up you fool and bring me Ayararh!" He screamed out the instruction.

One of his men ran to bring for him Ayararh but instead returned back with a disappointing report;

"Boss, Ayararh and all her disciples are dead. They seemed to have been burned down by a strange fire." He explains hurriedly.

"Confused and provoked to disappointment, He ran out;

"Mobilize! Mobilize! Everyone stand guard and shoot every living thing your eyes fall upon."

His command seemed to have come too late as his men took their position.

"Call me Yakubu." He yelled

"Yakubu is dead boss." One of his men responded.

"Arhh!" He screamed trying to imagine what was happening. Without Ayararh alive and with no one replacing her through a ritual that should have been carried out, he was just an ordinary man like every other.

He tried to disappear but to no avail. He felt weak and and overcomed by a strange presence.

With anger and range, he shot the man that reported Yakubu's death into the head.

"Fire!" He instructed as the military men began dropping dow from the helicopters and fighter jets.

As they were landing from air, they were shooting sporadically to exterminate any Immediate target.

The landing took place for the next minute and saw to the dead of two military men and twelve of Blaze's men.

The territory was large so the force spread across all regions killing anything that came their way.

A section of the force made headway into the main building that stood at the middle like a Warehouse.

DPO Ternege and his men followed on a parallel direction and fell stomachs flat when they came across targets.

The shooting intensified as more and more of Blaze's men were calling to the bullets, explosives and other artilleries deployed by the military.

The gun battle took place for two hours. Within the next two hours, there was no cease fire. Hundreds of Blaze's men had fallen to the bullets.

As the fight intensified, everyone's search was on Blaze, most especially DPO Ternege.

All his men had been leveled down but there was no sight of him.

"Search through!" DPO Ternege instructed his men and they spread across searching door to door and corner to corner.

They came to a large enclosure that looked like a container. When they opened it, they found a pile of suffering souls who were starved and tied down in pains.

As they searched through, DPO Ternege followed a path inside the Warehouse that led his instinct to Blaze's office.

He came to the door and met a hideout of two of his men whom he quickly and smartly leveled down.

He faced the door and called for backup from two army officers.

"Cover in on me." He instructed and they followed him behind.

He checked left and right, pushed the door with his left foot and it opened up at once.

Right before his eyes was Blaze, a gigantic dark figure sitting and inhaling smoke from a stick of tobacco.

"When the days of a man are over, he behaves tired, weak and worn out." Blaze spoke still smoking heavily.

Without wasting a mini second, DPO Ternege gave him a terrifying shot on his left foot and he fell down at once crawling in pains.

"DPO Ternege went over to him, Held him by the neck and dragged him out into the open compound.

Two of his men were apprehended.

The officers went to release his victims that numbered in hundreds.

"Where is Apostle Aondofa Daniel?" DPO Ternege screamed his gut out and Blaze gave him a face to a direction.

Ternege and three others rushed to it and broke open the enclosure to find Apostle Aondofa Daniel put on a standing position with his hands tied up.

He had been like that for a whole day and was overcomed by stress.

DPO Ternege rushed over to him and untied him at once.

"DPO Ternege!" Apostle Aondofa Daniel shouted weakly.

"You are here."

"Yes my Apostle sir. Sorry for have allowing you go through this. Sorry for coming late." DPO Ternege apologized and led him to where Blaze had been apprehended.

As they stood awaiting helicopters to pick them up, they could still hear distance gun battles ongoing between the military and Blaze's men that had been spread in the junipers.

The military made a thorough search and disclosed more captives which they release and assembled to be transported back to the police headquarters.

Soon, helicopters arrived in dozens. The first picked Apostle with a fraction of others.

The military men were the last to vacate the scene - they did so leaving the kingdom of Blaze in thick clouds of burning smoke.

[blank out]

After a three days period of Apostle Aondofa Daniel's return, all who had been arrested on his account were set free.

Seeing the Lord's Apostle alive again was a miracle - his story was that of walking out of hell alive.

As he who has labour deserves a good wage, his mom, family, Ministry and the entire nation celebrated his return in no small way, most especially as it had led to the return of hundreds of others.

Within this days, the intelligence department ensured all who had a deal with Blaze were arrested for trial and prosecution.

The judgement of Blaze and all that were apprehended in connection to him came sudden.

They would be kept for the next seven days to enable the military under-study them.

After the seven days period, they would be publicly executed by hanging.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel and DPO Ternege received national honors and awards from a gathering that was organized for same purpose by the president.

On the event, the president spoke extensively on the use of faith and spirituality to aid in military fight against criminals.

He addressed the issue of bad eggs in the force and government sectors making the fight against terrorism difficult.

On the issue of kidnapping, he expressed bitterness on how it had become the most lucrative business for the elites, but he hoped that in the leveling down of Blaze and his enterprise, kidnapping activities would soon become deserted.

A rehabilitation exercise commenced to ensure all victims were reintegrated into their health and well-being.