

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"My lord! Your daughter is made ready." A monstrous beast called out.

"Yes! The hour has come for me to release her to the chosen groom. The hour has come for the sketch to bear to life that which is upon it.

I can sense her ambiance - my daughter is made ready! MuwHahahahaaa!" The great dragon laughed mystically.

As he descended down the throne to behold in pride the exoticness of his kingdom, another demon approached him and presented him a garment;

"My lord, the apparels for the union of your daughter with the bearer of truth is ready." He said and was swallowed up by the smokes of hell.

All of a sudden, I saw an army of demons, dragons, serpents, beasts and monstrous creatures appeared upon the chambers of the kingdom too numerous to be counted.

Lucifer began to address them;

"According as it is written in the mandate book, all hell recruited for the mission must stay tuned to it and execute with precision the mandate.

Have I spoken?"

"Yes, Lucifer, the lord of the disobedient ones have spoken. Hell shall travel in the direction of the assignment as it is writing in the mandate book." All the demons responded.

"Look at them," He turned towards a screen that was showing humanity.

"Even their shepherds have been blinded by their flesh such that they have forsaken the will of the righteous one over their lives.

But I am sending you as an army, begin with the bearer of truth, the one called Aondofa Daniel." Lucifer, the dragon instructed.

""Yes, Lucifer, the lord of the disobedient ones have spoken. Hell shall travel in the direction of the assignment as it is writing in the mandate book." All hell answered.

"Bring me the faithful messengers of darkness." He instructed and the monitoring spirits as well as other thousands of demons were brought forward.

Each was promoted to a higher rank with demons to answer to them.

With their new ranks, they would be more tenacious, more persuasive and more fierce to hunt for the souls of men, chief of which was that of Apostle Aondofa Daniel, the man mandated by hell to cause his downfall according to his taste for the class of woman to marry.

"To you my daughter," The devil turned to Vivian (Rifha).

"I am sending you to the world with your sister, you and thousands of others. The hour has come to manifest.

As it is written in the constitution, destroy their ministries and callings, stir up anger in them and make them too weak to rise.

Quench their fire and dilute their faith. Make life a living hell for them.

They have not yielded to the will of the righteous one who sits on the throne, we must therefore come in to take advantage of their Ignorance and destroy them.

Have I spoken?" The dragon asked.

"Yes, Lucifer, the lord of the disobedient ones have spoken. Hell shall travel in the direction of the assignment as it is writing in the constitution book." All hell responded.

We will feed them with their appetites and make their stomachs suffer what is sweet in their tongues."

"Yes, Lucifer, the lord of the disobedient ones have spoken. Hell shall travel in the direction of the assignment as it is writing in the mandate book." All hell responded.

"Now make way, prepare the terrain and usher me in my beautiful damsels which I am sending in for the sons of man.

Bring me Quisha their leader, the one chosen for the bearer of truth, the one most beautiful, the one more charming and adoring, the one who's beauty hell has taken years to carve.

Let her match in front of others, with her sister Rifha beside her."

"Yes, Lucifer, the lord of the disobedient ones have spoken. Hell shall travel in the direction of the assignment as it is writing in the constitution book." All hell responded and a great crowd of the elbibs who administer before the synagogue of Satan rushed to duty to usher in Quisha, Rifha and thousands of others who were chosen and adorn to be sent among the sons of men.

"You!" The devil turned to a section of demons.

"Go! Prepare the vessels upon which, my daughters will be hosted to carry out the fulfilment of the mandate book." He instructed.

"Yes, Lucifer, the lord of the disobedient ones have spoken. Hell shall travel in the direction of the assignment as it is writing in the Constitution book." Hell responded and the demons addressed hurried down to earth to recruit the daughters of men whom the daughters of Lucifer were going to possess to carry out the assignment written in the constitution of the devil for the section of marriage.

In the next season as according to the time of man, hell would be busy, more busy would be the devil, attending the weddings of his daughters and giving them out in marriage to the lustful sons of men who had forsaken to sort the will of God for marriage.

For this reason, I looked down and saw the earth weeping with tears of blood flowing out.

As I sat with the angel of the Lord upon the cliff, I expected him to do something but his arms were folded.

The trees mourned, the mountains skipped, the valleys covered themselves with the blankets of the soil, the grasses withered, th sun bled blood.

"Why do all nature and earth weep this much?" I asked the angel which shew me this things

He turned to me with a gloomy face and responded; "Calamity is coming upon the earth and man shall suffer. Man will wish there was nothing like marriage - they have forsaken the will of God."

And I, Apostle Anee A David woke up from the vision. When I did, my body was shaking, tears streaming down my face.

I tried to withhold myself but I couldn't stand the agony in my soul.

I wept on and on falling upon my knees and pleading with the Lord for mercy.

In the course of my prayers, I was back into the vision again and asked to take up my pen and Continue writing the new chapter - "Daughters of Hell Among Men."