

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs



Mrs Anee Mbazedan heard the shrilled cry of her son from what seemed to be a wanderer's land in need of help.

The wail caused her to jump up from her bed and assume a sitting position.

"My son!" She muted repeatedly as her heart panted for him.

"He must be in danger! He is calling to me.

Oh my son, my son please Lord show mercy on my son. Please Lord show mercy on my son. He has sinned against you but cause your mercy to vindicate him from the hands of his voracious captives - mercy Lord." She sloped to her knees and began to intercede heavily for the Lord's Apostle, her son.

"I won't spare any of you. Can't you see? The lost sheep is regaining his ground with the rise of intercessors. It's time! Strike him and destroy him at once."Lucifer burned with fierce anger.

"My lord, we have done everything. There is presently a thick cloud - a wall of protection and covering around him. The angel of the righteous Lord stands beside him with a mighty flaming sword. He is irresistible by lord." One of the monitoring spirit spoke.

His speech angered the ancient dragon the more. He smote him at once and he was bounded with mighty chains and thrown into the heart of hell where he will be banished from ever rising again.

"Hear me all hell. No one escapes from our hands. We have laboured for the bearer of truth. We have sacrificed and offered all to bring him to utter destruction.

Now go! I want to have his soul and that of Simon tonight, go!" He instructed and a legion of warring demons departed his presence down to earth.

"The rise of this fire has a source. Search and let me know who has been the intercesor for him. For the Intercessions of the righteous is too mighty for us to resist. We must fight to ensure all his allies interceding for him are completely cut off." Lucifer tutored angrily.

"My lord!" a demon stepped forward.

"His spiritual parents are responsible. They have Continued to intercede for him since his falling away. Day and night, they have not ceased to pray for him. In this wise, the righteous one has risen to show him mercy." He narrated.

"You!" He commanded pointing to another legion.

"Go! Ensure all who are rising as walls of defense around him are strongly opposed and weakened."

With this instructions, Lucifer was on the standby should the demons fail, he would attend to duties by himself.

Then I was carried in the realm of the spirit to the basement of the throne of the righteous one who reigns forever and ever.

The glory and beauty of his presence, I am not worthy to describe, for even the word splendor would fail to depict and fathom a percentage of its nature.

As I stood watching, I saw a mighty angel came and fell at his feet. On his chest was a template with the name; "Recompense". He is the angel in charge of the Lord's battalion of angels of vengeance and rewards for disobedience.

The devil loves their ministry because it brings him ease in destroying the lives of people, most especially God's people who have strayed.

As he stood waiting, a book was brought forth and handed to him by another angel. He opened it and began to read from it, Chapter to chapter, all the disobedience, atrocities and unfaithfulness of Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

As he read and the Lord of host listened, I heard the sound of mighty winds and turning, I saw that it was Lucifer.

What is he doing here? I asked myself. Then I remembered that he is the accuser of brethren and obviously he has come for that purpose.

"Dup!" He landed and walked to a standing position beside the angel of recompense.

"Dark one, what are you doing here?" The angel asked.

"I have not come to see thee but the righteous one who sits enthroned forever.

My Lord! I have seen that you have decided to show mercy to Aondofa Daniel, but here is the book of all his records and misdeeds (he pointed to the angel).

For over years, he has wronged thee, disobeyed your precepts and lusted over my children.

This same mortal deserves to die. Give me the go ahead and let me smite him to the grave, then will others learn and take caution." Lucifer beckoned on the Lord.

Then out of the great clouds that clothed the almighty's presence, I heard his voice;

"I am the Lord and there is none beside me, neither will any ever rise to compete with me.

Is that not the sound of intercessors? Take a look." The Lord instructed and all heaven could see Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mother and spiritual parents praying for him with all seriousness.

"My Lord!" The devil continued

"You have ordained seven years for the recompense of thy disobedient servant Aondofa Daniel.

You gave same to Nebuchadnezzar and you changed not thy mind until the seven years wear brought to brim. Why change thy mind, for thou are just and would not repent of thy standard." Lucifer pressed further.

Then the Lord replied;

"The dealings of the things of the earth has been handed over to my children.

In time past, when any of my people turn away into perdition, they were required to bring to the priest blood of animals and grains as the penalty for their sins was.

The priest would then stand in their gap and make sacrifices for the adornment of their sins, but now I have made the blood of my son who died on the cross a means for repentance and salvation.

The kingdom on earth and heaven has been given to my children to decide what comes of any.

To whom they forgive, their sins are forgiven and to whom they cry out to me for mercy, I would show mercy.

My servant Aondofa Daniel has been interceded for, therefore I have shown him mercy.

Take a Look." The Lord instructed and there was an opening which revealed Apostle Aondofa Daniel praying fervently on the mountain.

"That is my servant Aondofa Daniel. He has repented and cried out to me for mercy, I shall now go and show him mercy. For that which I planned teaching him in seven years, he has learned in this three months." The almighty Lord of the universe concluded.

Burning with great and fierce anger, Lucifer, the ancient dragon flew out of God's presence.

When he returned to his throne, all hell trembled because of his fury, for his prey, Apostle Aondofa Daniel had slipped out of his hands without him knowing.

Now, most of his attention would be on destroying Pastor Simon before he too would gain wisdom from the bearer of truth.

In the next revelations, the Lord would be showing me what became of him, Apostle's battle with his known witch-wife, Esther's disposition, and hell's fight to reclaim him.

But so much await, that which you do not know until i, the author of married to the devil unveils to you.

Will Apostle Aondofa Daniel's ministry be safe until his return?

How exactly will the battle of light against darkness look like.

"MARRIED TO THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER" book of ancient, present and time immortality.