

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


Apostle Aondofa Daniel sat in the parlor satisfied with everything happening around him, except for his bride that is yet to come.

To that he had left unvisited since the day before, hoping that things would surely fall in place for him.

Dreaming and envisioning her (lady on the sketch) alone brought him satisfaction and hope that she would soon be his.

With a great smile beaming on his face, he called in Benjamin who was preparing the last of his well ironed dresses for the journey.

He had rounded up with his first term Senior Secondary Examination and was only awaiting his result before he would travel back home for a break as usual.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mom was already on his neck to bring him home.

The Apostle had told Benjamin to ensure all his things were in place so that as soon as the result was ready, they would travel home together.

He cleared his throat and called Benjamin who came running to the sitting room.

"Benjamin!" He called out as Benjamin greeted bowing his head.

"Come! come here my boy!" He pulled with the snapping of his fingers.

Benjamin knew the excitement on his face must have been as a result of his result which he was sure he performed excellently.

"My boy! My intellectsia! You always make me proud." He praised him.

"Come and see this." He pulled him close and showed him a file containing his performance for the term.

To everything on the e-sheet, Benjamin got an A.

At the overall rating, he got a distinction and was voted as not just the best performing student of the term in his class but in the entire school.

In the past two years, this had been his pace except for the previous term when a determined female student in the senior class defeated him.

"My chef! I am so proud of you. With this, I am sure you will do excellently well in your University education."

"Amen sir!" Bejamine responded feeling overcomed with the Expression of love shown to him.

"Thank you sir! Thank you for my school fees and all the expenses for my education." Benjamin slopped to his knees in appreciation.

"No my boy. Just keep it up and I will spend every needed dime on you.

Stuff your things. We will branch at your school, collect your result and buy all that is needed to carry back home." He concluded.

Benjamin became excited knowing that surely, with the impression he had created, his brother was going to buy the whole world for him once they get to the market.

Just as he thought, Apostle Aondofa Daniel bought him clothes among many things he needed.

He also bought a bicycle for him and kept back in the store to pick it when he was returning home.

From there, they went to provision stores and bought bags of so many things - virtually every thing known to be a necessity in the village.

With everything set, they took off.

They drove three kilometers away and his phone began to ring without ceasing. It was his mother calling.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel had a hate for making calls while driving, especially on the highway. to avoid such, he parked by the road and responded to her call, assuring her that they were on their way.

The journey took three hours and a slide of few minutes which saw them to the banks of the steaming river Benue.

Before he could stop his car engine, canoeists of the terrain consisting of young unkempt boys rushed to him demanding he hand over his key so they could get his car to the other side.

Inspecting their faces properly, he handed the key to the one who appeared a little more modern than the rest.

Two weeks earlier, a boat had capsized into the mighty Waters consuming the souls of those it carried.

It was the only boat on the shore. It would be until dry season when the waters had fled to their hiding before it could be sort after and restored to land.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel pondered over all these yet there was nothing he could do.

He stepped down from his car and waited for the young man who had gone to properly fix his canoe to return.

When he was done checking through, he pulled the canoe closer to the shore and hopped into the Apostle's car, reversed roughly and drove with care into the massive wooden canoe.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Benjamin went in with a large number of other people.

He went into the car and sat at the drivers seat to control it sporadic movement.

Ensuring that all had gone in, the canoeist ignited the engine which was at the back side of the wooden vehicle and it began to move as he controlled it.

In about ten minutes, they have crossed the two mitres long river Benue onto the other side.

Benjamin alighted and went into the car which was now on the shore.

Payment had already been done so the journey progressed for a little while and they were home.

As he drove his flashy Sport Utility Car into the compound, everyone rushed out to Welcome them.

His mother, Anee Mbazedan Roseline rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

She then released him and went for Benjamin doing same, then went back to Apostle Aondofa Daniel and touched his face;

"You must be hungry my children. Please come, come quickly." She hastened them and took them into the edifice that Apostle Aondofa Daniel had just built for her.

The Apostle's elder brother's wife rushed to the kitchen to make food ready.

Children were seeing outside admiring the car.

Neighbors began to pour in to welcome them and praise him for the height he had risen in life.

His elder brother Aondo'aseer had seen when he passed at the community center, so he left with other brethren to come greet the Apostle.

It was indeed a lively home coming with a massive reception.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mom pulled the table to the center of the sitting room and dressed it with a knitted cloth she had taken from her back.

His elder brother's wife and other women brought in the food one after the other and set it before him - the table was largely built of local delicacies; Pocho soup with Nyam bua (pepper stew soup with beef), Fresh okro locally prepared on grounding stone.

It was boiled and then crushed on the stone which already had pepper grounded with other ingredients to give it taste, In the bigger plate was egusi (melon) soup made with bitter leaf and massive rounds of smoked fish.

The swallow to push down all the soup was pounded yam.

Not to forget, the table was stuffed with chicken that had been stewed with pepper and surged with the heat of burning coals.

This had been prepared three days earlier awaiting the apostle's arrival.

He was amazed and at the same time pleased by the love and reception.

Surrounding the table was him, Benjamin and his elder brother. The three descended upon the meal and devoured it to their satisfaction, his elder brother cautioning his moves.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's mother, elder brother's wife whom he called mother as well as his elder brother and family were a great gift to his life and ministry. No one could argue that.

"Mommy di mom'my!" Apostle Aondofa Daniel called his mom as usual whenever he felt excited.

His mom delayed a little and came in with a plate of fried bambaranut mixed with groundnut and beniseed.

"I made this for you." She said fetching some to his mouth. Apostle Aondofa Daniel smiled and shylishly threw his mouth opened - "Mommy, you still treat me like I was born yesterday." Apostle said smiling.

"And what do you think? You will always be my baby boy. I still feel like you were born just yesterday.

I'm shock how much you've grown and the Lord is using you." She acknowledged and sat beside him.

"Thank you mummy for this love. I love you so much." Apostle said throwing his arm around her neck.

Benjamin had been watching. He couldn't take it anymore as he felt jealous and neglected. He got angry and stood to leave their presence.

"See this one." Mrs Anee said and called Benjamin in, dragging him to fall on her.

"So in your mind now you are jealous." Mummy said and everyone including Benjamin laughed.

"Oya go and open the boot and bring in all the things we got for mommy." He instructed handling to him his car key.

His mom got excited knowing fully well what his son does when visiting home.

She ran out and saw the ground full of items raging from foodstuffs, beverages, costly garments and wrappers, ingredients and those beyond count.

With all the stuffs on ground, mama screamed and ran in.

"My son, you want to finish me with enjoyment. The things you brought four months ago hasn't been used to half." She expressed gladness

"Mommy I will do more. For years, my prayer had been that the Lord should bless me so that I will take care of you. Now he has blessed me. I still feel guilty that I am not doing enough. Apostle Aondofa Daniel said sadly.

"O my son." Mommy said as a tear dropped from her eye and she wiped it.

Apostle had wanted buying an edifice in the city where she would stay to enjoy the rest of her life but she said no. Her preference was for him to build for her same edifice in the village and it was done.

After all the running around, the evening approached and the Lord's Apostle wished to take his leave.

He hardly spend a day old in the village.

He had counseling the following day and other programs to honor.

Mommy was not too pleased with his early departure but it was necessary.

As usual, the family gathered that evening for a meeting. This happens anytime he or any of the family member traveled home.

After the general family discussion, mom called him to a private talk and inquired keenly if he had found a bride whom was modeled after God's will.

"No mommy. I am still searching."

"Searching for what my son? Are you searching for your will or God's will? It must be God's will or nothing, otherwise it won't go well." She paused and looked into the Apostle's face.

He was not always happy whenever his mom spoke to him in this wise regarding the will of God for marriage.

"How about that girl in your ministry? My heart has glued on her ever since I mate her the last time I was around.

I keep having a heart for her.

What is that her name again?" She thought carefully.

"Are you speaking of Esther mommy?"

"Yes! Esther! How is she. I keep having her at heart regarding your marital life." She said somewhat worried.

"No o' mom, it can't be Esther naw" He quarried.

"And what makes you think it can't be her.

Are you sure you are seeking for the Lord's will my son? My mind is telling me you already have a description of who you want to marry.

No my son!

You have to search out for God's will.

You are doing well in virtually everything.

Right now the devil is waiting for you to get it wrong in marriage so that he could come in through that and destroy all that the Lord is doing through you.

"God forbid in the name of Jesus." He prayed.

"Amen!" Mommy said

Her words weren't to be taken likely. She had prophetic insight in abundance, only that she wasn't running a ministry. She herself didn't know she possessed it, only that what she said came to reality and she could see things hidden from the mortal eyes.

Her words cautioned Apostle Aondofa Daniel's heart and made him think deeply.

After all and done that evening, his mother, Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline laid hands on him, prayed for him and he departed back to the city.