

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Francisca, I have not seen Esther in church for the past two Sundays. What is the problem with her?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked his secretary as he passed through her office with Pamela to gain entrance into his.

"Papa, I don't really know sir. We tried reaching out to her as to why she has not been turning up for service lately but she only gave us a cold response." She answered.

"What were her exact words and reasons?"

"En, she told us that she is waiting upon the Lord for a new direction, as she was no longer okay working with the ministry." Fransica explained.

"It's alright.

Can I see the attendance for last Sunday?"

"Papa I am sorry, it's not a good one. we had a massive decline in attendance of our members. I am afraid sir." She said humbly with much fear dancing on her face as she handed over the attendance report to the Lord's Apostle.


You mean to tell me that we had a decline of five hundred in our attendance and no one alerted me about this? What is happening?" He yelled tossing to and fro.

"Papa we are sorry sir. This isn't a good report as it has been with the ministry. Things hasn't been same lately, but this was too damning for us to sing about it to you. It was difficult explaining to you." She spoke with caution.

Pamela stood by the side giving her a disgusting look.

"How about the meeting with the church elders tomorrow?" He asked.

"Preparations are met sir." There is eagerness among elders to discuss issues threatening the ministry."

"Swap!" Pamela jumped from behind her husband and landed her a dirty slap to the face.

"You disgusting, ill-mannered sec, why do you speak so negatively?

How do you get to know that the elders are eager to discuss issues threatening the ministry and what are those issues if I may ask?" She verbalized trying to throw her another slap when Apostle Aondofa Daniel held her hand from behind.

"Try it again! Try it again woman and I will burry you alive.

What has come over you? Are you sick in the head or something?

How dare you yield such bastardized effrontery to assault my secretary that has worked five years with me without mayhem?" The anger in the Lord's Apostle boiled out and hell trembled.

As he faced Pamela breathing with vigorous threat, Fransica fell onto her knees begging with so much fear and trembling.

She felt like the ground should open for her to go underneath.

Having his beloveth Apostle and boss fight his wife openly on her account deemed fit to her a terrible sin.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's action awakened the demon in Pamela's soul. Her coven was shaking and boiling in terrible anger.

The evil part of her left the coven and was traveling back with full speed to cause the Lord's Apostle great horror.

If not that she was on a mission, ordinarily, Apostle Aondofa Daniel, the lost Apostle could not dare to molest her in such a manner. Her rage would burn him to anger.

As she traveled fast, the Apostle and Francisca could watch her eyes change in their skulls.

Her tongue was getting twisted, her claws were pulling out of her fingers and her feet were dragging out of their shells.

If nothing obstructs her, she would melt Fransica in seconds before facing her husband.

But it was not yet time.

Lucifer the dragon was not yet done ruining the work he had been used of the Lord to establish over years. If mistakenly he is destroyed, another would rise to be wise and correct things.

In this wise, one of the monitoring spirits had to stop her. He flung his hand and she was struck to the chest. She held the place and and groaned in terrible pains.

"Pamela!" The demon called out.

"Your assignment here is not complete. You have to first destroy the

testimony of the lost Apostle before weeding him out.

We have to act fast. I can sense a great cloud of help coming for him, for the righteous one will not watch forever without coming through." The demon tutored.

Only Pamela was aware of what was happening. She quietly slope down to apologise but Apostle Aondofa Daniel stoped her.

"Please come to my office." He instructed and she followed him into his office.

"Pamela what on earth is wrong with you?"

Take a careful look on my ministry. This is a once boisterous place with people and God's power in display but since we got married, I have not found the favour the word of God promise.

It has been from one problem to another.

The ministry is now empty. We have lost two thousand worshipers in the last two weeks.

Everyone is leaving and I don't blame them because the wife i married is using her own hands to pull down what I have built for years."

"Love!" She screamed on the Lord's Apostle.

"Are you saying I am responsible for all the damages in your ministry?"

"There you go again Pamela.

"Your ministry!" The phrase kills me anytime you mention it.

Look here Pamela, you promised me during our courtship that you will stand with me, support me and be the help meet I need to fulfill the assignment of God over my life, but I am seeing otherwise.

You don't see this ministry as your duty which is why you don't care whatsoever becomes of it - you are bent on destroying it.

Pamela, for God's sake why must you go around fighting everybody?"

"I am doing it for you! I am doing it to protect us - protect you!" She responded rudely.

"Protect us - protect me, and the end product is having the sheep scatter right?

You have sent away two thousand worshipers in the last two weeks.

Ah mommy!" He screamed on his mother and regretted heavily ever having anything to do with the woman called Pamela.

The Lord's Apostle reached out his hand on the table and fetched some handkerchiefs to ease himself as he cried terribly.

Pamela stood for a while disgusted and picked the key on the table then stormed out of the office angrily.

She met Fransica back at the deck attending to her Job, instead of leaving quietly, she walked over to her and cautioned;

"You poor rat, you want to destroy my home.

I will close down your legs with mud if that's what is giving you audacity to challenge me in the presence of my husband.

Whatever you two have in common, keep it a secret. The day I find out, you will be in a total mess.

With that being said, Pamela stormed out of the house and vowed to deal with Fransica.

Everyone in the church vicinity trembled as she walked pass, shaking all her endowed nature.

Her aids comprising of not less than twelve girls and three men ran to her and spread her red carpet as she walked into the car and was escorted away by security officers.

This was the new order of things in the later two months of marriage between the Lord's Apostle and Pamela.

She had taken total mastery of everyone and everything around the beloveth of the Lord, Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

Those who appeared too strong for her were cheaply handled and taken care of Spiritually.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's house which formerly had no maid now had eight maids attending to different functions.

Life had taken a bitter and soar turn for the Lord's Apostle.

As it was with him, so it was with his friend, pastor Simon.

Truly, these two were married to the devil's daughter.