

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


[A year later]

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline had gone to bed in tears, with the picture of her late husband beside her.

She had fought to ensure what was coming didn't come but there was nothing she could do again.

That night, as she cried upon her late husband's picture and fell asleep, she began to see a revelation of the Lord walking into her bedroom.

His presence was foreran by a gentle still wind and the emission of pure rays of light filling the entire room.

She could feel the tenderness of the Lord's love more and more as he walked close to her and sat by her bed side.

The Lord took the picture and beheld it closely with love for her daughter, then he began to speak with her.

"My son Anee is doing well. He has been enjoying the love of his father in the kingdom ever since I called him home."

"I wish to join him there too my Lord. The troubles of this world are much. I have fought but I feel I cannot fight further. Please don't leave me behind my Lord. Take me to be with thee.

I cannot stand it to watch my son Aondofa make a mistake in marriage that would result to a demonic ceremony.

I have prayed but his mind has not changed. Please my lord, take me home." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline pleaded tearfully.

"My daughter, the hour has not yet come. You still have a part to play here, but it shall not be so long and I will take you home.

I know the agony you are going through for thy son Aondofa who has become stubborn to heed to my voice. He has denied my voice and has taken after his flesh. For this reason, it is agreed upon in heaven that he would be used to set an example for all my children who have taken after their lustfulness.

His heart is hardened. Not even the strongest of my angels can dissolve it." The Lord told her.

"Will he come out of this my Lord? Please show him mercy, he has sinned against thee by taking after his flesh. Please help him." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline pleaded.

"His coming out from the trap the enemy is setting for him is dependent on how he responds to it when the hour has come - but it shall be as difficult as having an elephant out of a crabhole." The Lord told her.

"Your husband left behind an excellent path but thy son has built for himself an adamant heart. His being alive is of the Lord's mercy, otherwise he would have been drowned by the enemy in his net.

I am with you always.

Take this book and give it to Aondofa. I instructed one of my faithful servants to put into writings, the precepts of my word regarding marriage.

I will speak to him in it, but if he still hardens his heart he would be given up onto the enemy to be taught the hard way." The Lord told her and stood to his feet to depart.

"When Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline rose to her feet and realized she just had a revelation, she went on her knees and prayed fervently.

The following day, she was out early morning to the city and began a manhunt for the book.

It took her a lot of time, moving from one bookstore to the other until she came across what she was looking for and made purchase.

Purchasing the book, she came to her son's house unannounced and handed over the book to him.

"Here, the Lord asked me to give you this.

I have glanced through it and seen that it has a lot of biblical references, guidelines and the will of God regarding marriage.

Ensure you read it line to line and to study the scriptures in it so as to guide you." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline placed it into his hand and went into the kitchen to get some water for herself.

When she was out, she told her son she was taking her leave.

"Ah, ah mommy, you are just coming. Won't you even sit and rest, you will go back tomorrow." Apostle Aondofa Daniel pleaded.

"For the past year, I and you have fought hard about Pamela. My staying here won't make any difference. It will rather cause me more pains.

I have done what the Lord brought me here to do and I am leaving.

I will be praying for you my son. I want you to know that no matter what happens, you are still my son and I would take you same.

It is your right to know what is best for yourself and bear the consequences when you take actions." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline said and picked her bag from the table.

"Mommy you did not even ask of Benjamin." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said moody.

"I know he must be in school by this time. We spoke yesterday on phone and I believe he is doing well.

When he is back, greet him for me." She said tearfully.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel was heart broken at this moment as he stood watching his mother wipe off tears with an edge of her wrapper.

He held her by the hands and went on his knees with his head against her legs.

"Mommy I am sorry for have causing you this much pains. I don't just know what is happening.

Pamela hasn't done anything bad to me. For the first time in my life I have been tenderly loved by a woman who perfectly understands me."

"Do I hear you said perfectly understand you?

And same woman cannot fit in into your calling?

Answer me Aondofa! You are already losing it. How is your prayer life now?

You use to share with me revelations and God's direction of you per every step but since this Pamela of a woman came into your life, you have gone mute.

The move of the spirit of God in your ministry has drastically reduced.

Can't you see AONDOFA? Answer me! Can't you see?

Open your eyes and see.

I am trying to imagine what is happening to my son. They have worked on you. This is not my son! Where have they taken my son to?" Mommy asked turning around.

"Mommy this is me." He said standing to his feet. I don't see myself getting married to anybody aside Pamela. Please trust me. I know what I am doing." He protested.

Seeing that she wasn't making headway, Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline commanded Apostle Aondofa Daniel to go on his knees;

"Son!" She cried out with a loud voice.

"Go on your knees."

Overcomed by fear for the way his mother acted, the Lord's Apostle went on his knees.

Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline approached him, held his head firmly and anointed him then prayed for him and blessed him.

"My son," She said with a calm voice and a smiling face.

"From today, you may not see me step foot in your house again. Anytime you wish to see me because you count me as anything, you can come home and see me.

I have nothing against you and will be praying for you." Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline said and walked out of the house.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel was perplexed with emotional trauma. He couldn't imagine his world still standing without his mother.

An hour after mommy left , evangelist Victor drove in angrily and went in to confront Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

"Man of God, do you know what you have done?

Aondokuma called me and informed me that mommy left home early morning, I should try calling to know where she was in town. I learned that you have not been picking his calls.

I had to call mommy when she told me she was on her way back home from visiting you.

Man of God, you mean to tell me that you allowed mommy to leave your house just like that?

O' come on, you are not getting this right.

Man of God what is happening to you?"

"Evangelist Victor nothing is wrong with me. If you don't mind, stop asking me questions.

This is my life. I do what I feel right for me to do. I didn't make the choice of who mommy or daddy was to marry before they married each other.

Mommy has fail to understand me and I can't let that stop me from loving the woman I feel connected to just for this reasons." He defended.

"Man of God whether you like it or not, you are not getting it right in this direction.

Imagine all that have transpired within a one year duration of meeting Pamela. Is it not even better to remain single than to marry in this regards?

We are not moving on the same page again I must tell you." Evangelist Victor said and the Lord's Apostle responded with a yell.

"If you feel so, fine! That's the door over there. I have had enough from everyone including you Victor. Please I want you to leave right now." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said.

"Oh You want me to leave?" Evangelist Victor asked pointing to himself.

In response, he walked to the door and opened it;

"This is the door. Take the exit Victor." He ordered with a stern face.

Without a word, evangelist Victor walked out of his house and that would be the last they would ever see again - even if, maybe not as friends again.

To every stubborn goat, there is a day its owner would take it to the market and sell it off.

That was what evangelist Victor had finally done - He sold off the goat.

To Mrs Anee Mbazedan Roseline, she had taken the goat and handed it over to the one who would discipline it and bring it to wisdom.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel would face seven years of agony like Nebuchadnezzar turned into an animal to be fed on grass until the period elapses.

God is patient but when the cup of man is full, he would take him through the tunnel to be made into shape. He would spare and warn, but won't endure disobedience forever.

That day, as soon as evangelist Victor left, the spirit of anger which Apostle Aondofa Daniel had battled with for years before overcoming found its way back into him again and possessed him.

Like one who has missed his home, the spirit of anger caused him to burn with rage and disgust for everyone that was against his marriage with Pamela.

He took the book mommy had brought for him and trashed it into the dustbin.

"I am marrying Pamela!

Nobody will stop me!" He screamed out and fell on his cushion.

On this day, October 23, Apostle Aondofa Daniel slipped away into the hands of the dragon and hell rejoiced.