

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


Stepping onto the door way, she rang the door and held herself back waiting for the Lord's Apostle to respond from within.

Seconds later, the door swung slightly and Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked her to come in.

"Good morning papa!" She greeted with a beaming smile that caused dimples to dance on her fairly cheeks.

The Lord's Apostle beheld her and didn't wish for a second to take his eyes off her.

He glared sensitively, allowing his eyes travel from her head, go round about her waist and descend down to her heels.

Without doubts, Victoria had the gorgeous appearance near to the lady on the sketch. Just with some little things put in place and she would have been her.

"Victoria, how are you. Please come in. You are looking good." He appraised.

"Anyone with a spiritual father such as you would look same as I am." She teased humbly.

He smiled and showed her the way to the guest room.

"Please this way. You will see the guest room just some distance away.

When you are done checking in, you can come and I will show you around." Apostle Aondofa Daniel instructed and held himself back into his cushion.

Few minutes later, Victoria was back rocking in a bum short and an armless.

She came pouncing off the floor, displaying the might of one who is fully ready for work.

"I am back sir." She said.

Apostle turned and looked at her then bold his face to a corner.

His mind wondered why Victoria had changed into such. She would have worn something better. Maybe with a wrapper tied on it. Should he tell her? Well, he loved what he saw anyways, just that it was tempting.

He took a gulp and concluded in his heart; at least while she work around the house, stealing some looks off her beautiful physique won't be a bad idea.

I will be in the room.

If you need anything, you can just knock on my door - that way." He instructed pointing his finger to the direction while standing to his feet.

First, Victoria had in mind to make him something for breakfast of which Apostle wasn't expecting. Then she would clean the house and afterwards go to the market to buy all the needed things to prepare a large quantity of food ranging from soup, stew and others which would be used consequently.

Ten minutes whiled away.

A knock came through on the door of Apostle Aondofa Daniel.

He opened up and Victoria came to invite him to the dining table for his breakfast.

"Wait, you mean you have made breakfast already, Victoria?" He asked shocked.

"Yes papa!" She responded with a smile.

"What do you make?" He asked her.

"Bread and tea, egg source and steamed vegetables." She replied

Standing up from the bed, he followed behind Victoria sheepishly while she shook all her behinds in front of him - the mission was already heading the wrong direction.

As He sat at the dining to eat, his mind judged him about what was taking place.

He knew it was wrong and that things would for surety go off hand but he was adamant at fulfilling the desires of his flesh.

For many years, he would soon realize that there was a man infront of his trousers, behind his zip that wasn't dead but fully alive.

He dressed himself to eat, took a sip out of the tea and invited Victoria to join him.

She hesitated but the Apostle persuaded her and she obliged. This was her wish but she was being careful not to be too proactive about what was already her's.

There was an energy she was building and was being careful not to allow it burst open too soon - that would be detrimental.

Sitting down face to face. The two ate briefly and Apostle Aondofa Daniel could hold it no longer.

He began to lift his head little by little, stealing some looks from Victoria's beautiful countenance.

Victoria was aware but pretended as though nothing was ongoing.

When it became too obvious, she lifted her eyes too and there was a WiFi connection. The two saw blue eyes transmitting signals of love.

It was passionate and intense. It needed not to be told.

The connection was established. Apostle Aondofa Daniel registered his proposal and Victoria approved it.

Love could be expressed without words because she is a language of herself.

When the hormones began to boil two fast, Apostle cautioned himself and took off his gaze.

Victoria was restored back from all imaginations too and apologized;

"I am sorry papa."

"Sorry? for what? It's okay. Maybe there is something about us." He defended the act and went ahead to finish his meal.

When he was done, he retired back to his room to do a couple of jobs but his body would not allow him.

Something had been awakened within him that only the strongest of the strongest could curtail.

He cautioned himself and kept resisting.

Different voices where speaking to him and his eyes were seeing their possibilities;

Victoria was right before him.

Whatever he wanted to do with her could be done cheaply without resistance.

But he knew this wasn't right.

He stood up and spaced about in his room trying to get his attention away.

He thought carefully and arrived at the solution, which was to be out of the house.

He got dressed and picked his car key, informed Victoria that he needed to check out before returning.

She asked if he was going to be out for long but he said no, so she was calm enough to finish up her chores and wait for him.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel stayed out for about four hours and returned 3pm.

When he arrived back home, the entire house wore a new look, everywhere cleaned and smelling nice.

He checked around but there was no sign of Victoria.

He went into the kitchen where possibly he was expecting to see her but she was neither there.

The Lord's Apostle could only perceive different aromas of delicious oozing out

He thought about calling, but first, he must change into some home wears.

He headed to the bedroom and saw it slightly opened.

He then knew she must be in, probably dressing it. But he was not expecting her cleaning to go that far. His bedroom was private.

Without knocking, he opened the door and mate her dressing the bed.

Everywhere looked neat and heavenly, but above all, Victoria was too tempting to be resisted.

Looking at her, she appeared even more to the one on the sketch.

Her backside seemed to had worn a new look - if he is to be asked, he would score it a hundred and ten percent to the lady on the sketch.

"Papa! Welcome sir! She greeted but her greetings fell on deaf ears.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel dropped the bag containing what he had bought for her on the ground unconsciously and began taking steps towards her.

It seemed nothing in the world could stop him again - he was drunk with the win of lust.

Victoria wanted it.

But became scared by his approach all of a suden.

she tried looking into the Apostle's eyes but they were too passionate - their colors had changed from those of blue which she saw during breakfast to those of fire - a hungry fire ready to consume her.

They could consume her if he was going to empty that affection on her.

She took some steps backward as if to escape, but got held to the wall while awaiting whatever he wanted to do with her.

He was close to her and drew his hands like a warrior pulling out his sword, stretching them with a bit caution as he was about to hold her.

He took hold of her by the waist and looked into her eyes passionately.

He wanted to kiss but his spirit resisted it.

Having intimate knowledge of her was far from his imagination although he wished for it.

He proved to be stronger than the beast of lust that had captured his appetite.

The two souls stare passionately at each other.

The Apostle marveled at such a creation.

Victoria could not fathom that she was in the arms of the man, not just a man but one of God who was the desire of all maidens.

Without a second thought, Apostle Aondofa Daniel said no! And refrained from her at once, causing her to fear.

"Victoria, I made a purchase of something for you. I believe you do love it." He said walking away as if nothing had happened.

"O' Thank you so much papa!" She shouted and walked to the package ashamed.

The monitoring spirits Stood there watching as the Lord's Apostle fell on his knees moments after Victoria had left his presence.

He prayed to the Lord thus;

"I am sorry Lord. Please forgive my foolishness and let this be over me. I am weak. Strengthen me Lord ..." He prayed regretfully.

The demons were unhappy as what they wished for didn't occurred to perfection.

But the journey had just begun. They would fight harder to ensure that their mission was accomplished.