

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Man of God, please help me. I don't understand what is happening to Vivian. She has been terribly sick just three weeks of our marriage.

She complains of a terrible burning inside her body that makes her almost running mad.

Worse is that anytime I make a move to take her to the hospital, she declines saying that she has faith to be fine soon.

We have prayed yet no improvement.

I forced my way the other day and called our family doctor. He examined her but found nothing except for what he called stress." Pastor Simon explained painfully.

"Has this been happening to her?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked

"Not at all." he answered.

"That could mean it is a spiritual attack. I will have to come to the house tomorrow after service to pray with you two. I believe with the prayer of agreement, she will be just fine." Apostle Aondofa Daniel made his submission.

"Thank you so much man of God.

Your friendship to me can never be payed for." Pastor Simon appreciated.

"Has she been going out?" He asked again.

"The funny thing here is that she behaves very fine outside. This happens only when we are home. Maybe she is controlling herself outside I don't know exactly." Pastor Simon explained.

As if reminded by something, he pulled himself to the edge of the cushion and whispered something to the Lord's Apostle.

"Man of God, before this started, For the past two days, Vivian was a total headache to me. I couldn't get it right with her strange attitudes that resulted to insane disrespect and nagging. At least the sickness has humbled her otherwise I would have ran to you asking for your help in that regard." He said worrisomely.

Apostle Anee Aondofa Daniel sat listening as he pressed his knuckles with the palm of his hands.

"Pastor Simon, this is the devil trying to make your marriage a turbulence. You know, that bastard man of darkness does not rest. He is always making efforts to frustrate God's children. I think we need to pray in this direction.

Come to think of it; God has given you the best of wife anyone can ask for.

She is a prayer point to a lot of men. Who will marry such a gorgeous and extraterrestrial beauty and not face war with the devil... (Simon cut in)

"That means yours will be times ten of what I am going through considering what you have on the sketch.

Man of God take it easy. The way you praise my wife may make her want to marry you if she hears, because you do it better than me." Pastor Simon accused.

The Lord's Apostle smiled and raised his palms into the air as a sign of surrender.

The both men eased up with laughter.

At least Pastor Simon was washed of his worries as he departed to go prepare for what to minister the next day in service, allowing Apostle Aondofa Daniel time to do same.

To this two, friendship seemed to be a great blessing.

They had been three, but the devil was succeeding in breaking the bond of evangelist Victor. He had tried but it seemed lately they no longer wanted him, rather he was the one forcing himself on them.

Quickly, as soon as the two men stood to say goodbye to each other, the monitoring spirits flew into the beneath of the earth and made their way to the throne hall of darkness where Lucifer, the great dragon, one also known by many as the devil sat administering darkness to all the ends of the world, causing the fall of mankind and feeding hell with the souls of men.

When they arrived the throne, they mate Lucifer scolding Vivian whose soul was chained on a formless stake. There was a great fire under burning her.

"You are my daughter but you act as one who is drunk with the foolishness of mankind.

Rifha! (He yelled her name) You are the elder of your sister to whom we are dressing for the bearer of truth (he called Apostle Aondofa Daniel bearer of truth) I will have my servants torture you as an act of Mercy for your sins." The devil thundered.

"Father!" Vivian called out.

"You have banished me from your presence for so long. I waited to see you in my wedding with the one you send me to marry to but father, you did not turn up.

Your coming would have made me do things more to thy pleasure." Vivian said tearfully.

Seemed to be moved with emotions such as those, demons possessed, the devil descended down the throne and floated to where she was.

"I am remorseful daughter. You should've known that all my children have lost will of themselves.

My love for you has made you too vulnerable."

Then he turned to the elbibs standing by and commanded that she be circumcised."

Vivian, the daughter of Lucifer still had a part of her that could resist the devil's influence on her, but with the circumcision, she would be no different from a programed demon bent on fully acting as he wanted.

The elbibs moved to her and drained her soul with what seemed to come out of her like steams. They collected it into a dark container and sealed it, then placed it behind the devil's throne. It would be there for use whenever the devil wished for her to have it back. Maybe that would be until she lived with Pastor Simon and died, then reincarnated for another assignment.

Before that next assignment as she would await, she would have it back for the time being.

When he was done with Vivian whose real name in the spirit was Rifha, he turned to the monitoring spirits awaiting his attention.

"My lord, one began. We are coming from the presence of the bearer of truth. He has proposed to pray for vivian. We fear that he may succeed in overpowering her and breaking her ranks." He pleaded.

"MuwHahahahaaa!!!" The beast laughed.

"The righteous one has given Simon up for destruction by marrying from me. There is already a covenant binding when they took vows on the altar for their holy matrimony.

Until they are able to discover this secrets, freedom will be far from them.

Your duty then is to ensure that they are far from this understanding." He instructed.

"But my lord," One of the monitoring spirits cried out.

"You have already shown mercy to your daughter, our sister. Release her and restore her health so she could return back. We fear that the bearer of truth may creep into the secret things of darkness if he has access to pray for her." He pleaded on his knees.

This pleased the devil.

"Release her!" He simply instructed and Vivian was set free.

As she turned to go, she paused and asked the devil her offense for why she was being punished so as to take correction.

In the kingdom of darkness, it was rare for a demon to be told of its offense before being punished.

"I have inflicted you with pains because you became disrespectful and annoying to your husband - Simon." Lucifer uncovered.

"But my lord, this is the assignment for which you married me out to Simon." Rifha told confused.

"In this case you acted too early.

If you persistently reveal your identity this early, Apostle Aondofa Daniel would take caution from his friend Simon. He would fear to go after beauty again and by such have an attachment for Esther, the chosen one.

Be the best of wife now until he too is married. By this he would think you are a blessing to your husband and have his lust increase momentun.

When he is married, you can strike as hard as possible." Lucifer explained and darkness broke upon them for why Rifha had been punished.

With this, Vivian and all the demons flew back to earth to assume their assignments.

That evening, when she woke up from her sleep which was a transmission into the kingdom of darkness, she found her strength and was fully restored back to health.

Pastor Simon could not understand the sudden turn of events. He quickly called Apostle Aondofa Daniel and expressed how by merely speaking with him, his wife Vivian had Immediately revived

Neat less did they know that the devil was gaming with them and scoring them.

If they had known, they would have played him and won.

Was these two men of God spiritually bankrupt?

You cannot really tell because God was using them. Until you are in a man's shoe, you wont understand where he needs to adjust.

For the rest of time until the Lord's Apostle Aondofa Daniel marries, Pastor Simon would enjoy marriage to the fullest and pride about marrying an elegant wife with all shapes in place.

He would even do so insulting other men for marrying ugly wives.