

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Pee pee!!!" (Pastor Simon's car honk forcefully as he approached traffic)

"Oga move naw! Which Kain driving be this. Yeye dey worry you?" A driver shouted at him in pidgin english.

Pastor Simon turned to him with a terrible look wearing on his face;

"I don't blame you at all. It's because of all women in the world you couldn't find a beautiful one to marry other than the one sitting next to you - you heavy head." He allowed his anger to battle the driver .

"Dear, do you hear that? Is that not a pastoral collar on his neck? This is how they will be going about portraying themselves as pastors when they cannot live an exemplary live." The driver who obviously was humbled by the insult said mournfully turning to his wife.

"But dear, you started it. Why will you say harsh words at him in the first place?" The wife responded giving him a look.

By then the traffic cleared and each car drove off.

"My love, why did you insult the man that way? All women are created beautiful." Vivian cautioned, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No no no! Don't mind all these drivers that think they can insult people and go away with it. Are you not seeing the woman he marries? I had to respond where it would hurt him and he would learn to be careful the way he speak with people.

By the way, beauty varies. Her's can't even be qualified for comparison with yours." He mocked.

"Hahaha..." Vivian broke out laughing hard as she couldn't control herself.

"Darling the way you speak of me en, please don't spoil me o" She pleaded jokingly.

"Just allow me do my thing. It's a blessing to be married to the most beautiful woman in the whole world; flawless, elegant, perfect body shape, fair to look upon, submissive, loving and not forgetting, a great sensation when it comes to bedroom matters (he smiled amusingly)."

"You will not kill me..." Vivian laughed again as the two sped off to the meeting he was invited to.

When he arrived, there was a red carpet and an entourage awaiting him.

As he stepped down with his wife Vivian, the sensation she created in the atmosphere was stirring.

She had all the cameras flashing on them as they received a warm welcome and were taking into the auditorium that was already filled with thousands of worshippers.

After the worship session, the hosting Pastor, Bishop Iorzeer Matthias climbed the altar and made a move as he invited the respected Pastor Simon;

"Children of God, today I have with me our guest minister, pastor Simon. He is the leader of Eternity Church of God worldwide. He is a powerful man of God with a humble title.

He operates in multiple anointing that sends devils packing to hell.

He is not here alone but with his gorgeous wife, Pastor Mrs Simon.

Children of God, put your hands together as I welcome to the altar, the powerful man of God."

An usher rushed to his seat and carried his Bible to the altar. A new microphone was handed to him as he cleared his throat and began addressing the congregation;

"Bishop Iorzeer Matthias is honoring me like it is my first time being here.

As I can remember rightly, I was here two years back, but then I came as a single man driven by my driver.

Today I told my driver to hold on while I drive my wife." He paused to accommodate the amusement in the auditorium as the congregants laughed turning to steal some gazes from his adoring wife.

"Children of God, I want to appreciate God for the gift of my wife into my life. I want every unmarried young man here to understand that there is a time and a season for everything under heaven. At the right time, the Lord will give to you that which you desire.

My wife is the angel the Lord has sent to my life. Just take a look at her and see how beautiful she is. Isn't she?" He asked the congregants who screamed in affirmation and jubilance.

"She is the sort of woman everyone would dream of marrying. You know most often many people believe that to be a man of God, you would just marry anyhow. No no no! They are wrong. Marry someone you would look at and want to look at again..." The congregants laughed hard.

As Pastor Simon spoke on and on praising his wife's elegance, Bishop Iorzeer Matthias look was not a good one.

He was already becoming impatient with his unending adoration of his wife. For God's sake this was supposed to be a revival meeting, not a relationship seminar.

"Children of God," he continued after minutes consumed on his wife's appraisals "We are here to look at a topic; 'Why Revival Tarries.' You see, as I was waiting on the Lord for this meeting, my beautiful wife Vivian was preparing a meal for dinner and the fire of God came upon her right there in the kitchen. She began prophesying right there in the kitchen. I had to leave the room and go check on her. When I went around her. The Lord ministered through her that today's meeting will be powerful."

"Amen!" The congregants screamed.

"That's what revival entails.

You see, my beautiful wife isn't just beautiful on the outside. internally she has the revival. I pray for each and everyone of you here, You will marry the total woman! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ!"

"Amen!" The congregants responded.

"Who is the total woman? I have just told you the story of my spotless wife, Pastor Mrs Vivian Simon.

She is both in shape externally and internally. That's what the total woman entails..." On and on and on, Pastor Simon dangled around with his message until when he was done and began to pray for those with issues differing from sicknesses, career and business failures.

Bishop Iorzeer Matthias was disappointed. That was the worse of a revival meeting he would host.

"Darling, something is not correct about Pastor Simon this time around." His wife spoke to him as they drove home with gloomy faces after the meeting was over.

"But sweetheart, he was just anointed the last time he was here two years ago. Everyone was happy knowing he was the one ministering." He explained.

"Don't forget that you had uneasiness in your spirit why trying to invite him this time around. That was God warning us that something is wrong. A man of yesterday could be different from a man of God today." Pastor Mrs Iorzeer reminded him.

"Hmmm, I see. I repent now and ask God to forgive me. I was concerned about hosting him to attract more people to the meeting by the kind of a powerful minister I knew him to be." He spoke remorsefully.

"You know I always caution you against such darling. God will do his work not minding who is available. We have to look onto him and not man.

I don't feel comfortable with that his wife. I don't just know, my spirit struggles to accept her." She opened up.

"We need to pray for pastor Simon sweetheart. He need our prayers. It is very obvious something is wrong somewhere. I believe with prayers, it will be exposed." Bishop Iorzeer Matthias suggested.

"Yes you are correct. We will do that. At least that's what we owe him.

By the way darling, the meeting was designed to last just a day. Why did you told the people to turn up tomorrow for continuety?" Pastor Mrs Iorzeer Matthias inquired.

"Sweetheart, were you expecting me to just let the people go like that?

That may endanger our church.

I need to correct somethings in tomorrow service when I shall be ministering.

These are my sheep and I'm hundred percent responsible for their welfare."

"Mm, that is the right thing to do. It is well." She prayed and with an Amen from Bishop Iorzeer Matthias, they were driven off.

Everyone who attended the meeting had his or her share of grumble to dispense while returning home.

Most annoying still was the fact that Pastor Simon didn't notice that there was a big gap between his last and present ministration.

The monitoring spirits who could perfectly communicate with Vivian felt blessed by what was happening.