

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Pamela, what is the problem? I left you for office with a gloomy face, expecting to come back home and meet you smiling.

Please what is it that is bothering you? And why do you have tears dried up on your eyes?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked as he gently lay his suit on the bed and sat beside it, placing his palm over his wife's shoulders and looking into her eyes.

"Nothing daddy! I was praying before you came in." She answered tensed.

"I know about that darling. But I can tell you are distressed. Oh, oh, is this about us not having a child?" He asked softly.

"Love, the Lord has shown me mercy and given me a womb. I was expecting to take in Immediately, but till now, there isn't a sign. I am worried..."

"No, no, no! Pamela. I want you to remember the faithfulness of God to us. Is he not the one who restored your womb? What makes you doubt he does not have the capacity to give us a child?

Don't tell me you have forgotten soon our spiritual parents' counsels to us regarding this matter." He consoled her.

"Daddy, I am just..."

"Shhhh! We must not angered the Lord. I want us to go on our knees right now and be grateful to God. He has done so much for us which others are fasting for. Take a look around. We have everything. In due time, he will give us a child of our own. More so, I don't want what mommy told us to escape our minds." Apostle Aondofa Daniel reminded her.

"Okay daddy. I am sorry." She apologized and went on her knees sobbing.

"No my queen.

You are the best gift the Lord has given me aside the gift of salvation.

You mean more than everything to me. With child or without child, please be happy for me." He pampered her with words pouring out from his heart.

The two then began praying and thanking God for everything, both those they could remember and those they could not.

A few minutes into their prayer, Apostle's phone began to ring but it was avoided.

After they were done praying, he saw that it was DPO Ternege calling. He returned the call only to welcome the DPO's voice of much excitement;

"My Lord's Apostle, I have a good news for you."

"Good news? You should have disclosed it to me first before telling me it is good news." Apostle answered and they both laughed, meanwhile Pamela listened keenly as she wonder what was it that brought so much excitement on her husband's face.

"I will love to host you in my office tomorrow. Diego's son, Paul has been found." DPO Ternege broke the news.

"O my God! Are you serious about this? Where was he found and where is he? O my son, O my son." Apostle Aondofa Daniel cried out in excitement.

"The story surrounding his restoration is a long one. If you can sir, I would like us to meet in the office tomorrow where you would get to see him yourself.

The lad has grown into a big boy."

"He must have, DPO. It's been five solid years ever since. Such a distance time." He exclaimed.

"As soon as I learned of his rescue in reinstatement at the headquarters, I quickly went over and claimed him.

We shall see tomorrow my Lord's Apostle sir. Please say a word of prayer for your servant." DPO Ternege requested.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel then prayed for him and hung the call.

He knelt down thanking God. O my son. Thank you Jesus he is found. Now I can happily fulfil my promise to Diego." He said picking his phone to check a message that just popped up on his WhatsApp account.

"Love, this is God at work. Remember I have told you about Diego and his son who was kidnapped and the mother killed."

"Yes daddy, what has happened? Has he been found?"


Okay, here, DPO Ternege just sent in a short video of him. He has grown big indeed." He showed it to the wife.

"He is such a fine boy and looks defiant." She accorded.

"Although I didn't got to see him except from photo, I have known that he would take after his handsome and gallant dad.

Please darling, DPO Ternege requested that I meet him in office tomorrow."

"Are you asking permission for that? I would love us to go together."

"That would be amazing." He answered pulling the tie off his neck as Pamela helped in doing so.

The following day, Apostle Aondofa Daniel and wife were in the office of DPO Ternege who welcomed them in excitedly.

As they sat discussing so much that bothered on the restoration of Diego Junior, the family that rescued him and the journey to how he was reclaimed from the police headquarters, it could only gladden the soul.

"Please DPO, let me know this isn't a prank. Where is my son?" He asked, both parties laughing out loud.

"Sir, you have to believe before seeing." DPO Ternege answered comically.

"I have been believing since yesterday. Now save me from believing under tension." He gave a humorous response.

DPO Ternege simply rang to the deck and requested that Paul be brought in.

"DPO Ternege, I do not understand. You keep calling him Paul. Is that his name?" He asked confused.

"Yes my Lord's Apostle. That's actually what he was called back in Ikoture when we payed a solidarity visit. If you can also remember, the name announced on the TV for his whereabout is Diego Paul." He explained.

"Yes that's true. You know, I'm rarely a TV man. I applaud your efforts regarding this case DPO Ternege.

"Thank you sir." He responded.

"Pastor Mrs ma, do you care for anything soft?"

"No, DPO not at all. I am just okay." She answered.

Soon, there was a knock on the door and he commanded in whoever it was.

An officer came in with a young boy stylishly dressed (DPO Ternege had changed his look)

"My Lord's Apostle, this is Diego Paul. Paul, please meet Apostle Aondofa Daniel and his wife, Pastor Mrs Aondofa Daniel. Your father before his dead made him promised that he was going to take care of you and watch over you as a father would do." He narrated briefly.

"Good morning Daddy, Good morning ma." Diego Junior greeted.

His greeting style excited the Lord's Apostle and wife so much that they reacted by looking at each other in an amusing but surprising style.

"He is such a well mannered and disciplined young boy." Pamela spoke into his ears.

"Sir, I have seen him in my visions appearing with daddy." Diego Junior, spoke to DPO Ternege.

"That's impressive. The Lord is truly great. Don't worry Paul, you have a home already. It's just for the right procedures to be carried out promptly. Please you will wait for me to be done with Apostle." He instructed and Diego Junior was led out by the officer.

"He is such a smart boy DPO Ternege."

"Yes my lord. I want to know what's on your mind for him.

According to the law, we are to evaluate his health status and reunite him onto his biological family. That's if anybody comes for him." He explained.

"Hmm, please DPO, I would like to get back and discuss with my wife about the steps to take regarding him." He said looking at Pamela.

"Daddy, I already know what's on your heart. I would love us to adopt Paul without delay. DPO Ternege should host him until military-wise the case is in order, for him to return home. Then we can reach out to the family with our lawyer and see how God would favour us to adopt him as our child."

"You have spoken just as it is in my heart.

DPO Ternege, what do you have to say?

We are so serious about this because we know hundred percent it is God's intension."

"Consult your lawyer sir and learn of the legal process regarding adopting a child under this condition. From there, the process would progress. Since it's God's will, Diego Paul is to be parented by you both." DPO Ternege answered and they all laughed.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel and Pamela appreciated him.

They also prayed and blessed him.

From there, they met with Diego Junior briefly and left for home.