

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


The long awaited and well planned day had arrived for the kingdom of darkness.

I was in the trance when the wind of the spirit carried me to the pavement of the kingdom of the abyss, where the dragon sat enthroned in the dungeon of darkness, the heat and the ever rising smoke of hell ascended for ever and ever.

As I traveled with great speed and came among the accursed sons of darkness, I saw Lucifer sat upon his throne surrounded by his twenty four elders of darkness.

The great dragon sat rocking in his garment specially designed for the wedding of Apostle Aondofa Daniel and his daughter Pamela.

The garment had the drawing of the Apostle and Pamela on it with a ring at the center in which it was written "Lust".

As I stood watching, I saw a demon walked over to the throne and offered the dragon a cup of blood which represented the wine for the occasion.

"My lord," the demon approached Lucifer.

"The hour has come for you to hand over in marriage your beloveth daughter Pamela to the lost Apostle of the righteous one.

Your sons, the monitoring spirits which have brought about this good news are waiting for you as all preparations for your coming are in place." The demon ministered and stood aside humbly.

"MuwHahahahaaa!" The devil began with a terrible laughter.

"My children, sons and daughters of the disobedient one. You have done well and have fulfilled your obligation. Now is the time to hand off in marriage, my beloveth daughter Pamela. She shall put to an end, the bearer of truth whom we have succeeded in luring into perdition.

Stand! Rise and and let's go to the wedding - MuwHahahahaaa!..."

With the dragon's address, all hell rose and the twenty four elders which comprised of demons stood to their feet as they matched to the realms of the mortals.

This Saturday was a special one for Apostle Aondofa Daniel, yet it wasn't as speculated.

Many people who really mattered in the life of the Apostle did not turn up for the wedding. The likes of;

Mrs Anee Mbazedan - the Apostle's mother, evangelist Victor - the Apostle's friend, Esther - His key upholder in the ministry as well as key persons in his life.

This aside, the wedding attracted high ranking personalities in the government and society in general, chief of which was the president of the federation and DPO Ternege.

The wedding was meant to be a brief occasion, the reception ground was already booked and kept busy to Welcome the ceremony of the newest couples in town.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel's Spiritual parents were in attendance as he had vowed not to completely forsake him.

As the procession progressed and the couples were called forth for exchange of marital vows.

His Spiritual father felt cold and sensed a heavy demonic presence.

He turned his eyes around but saw nothing. Closing them to decode what was ongoing spiritually, he saw demons dropping all around in every corner.

He began praying silently and binding every demonic presence but he had no heavenly backing.

He carefully and quickly began to think of what to do, then he heard the voice of the Lord spoke to him; "Why have you come to where I did not send you? Leave now!

I have an assignment else where for you, for this faithless servant has turned deaf ears to me.

I have given him over to the enemy to be thought a lesson. Only then will he be helped - leave!" The Lord instructed him. He Immediate tapped his wife and the two of them departed off the wedding ground.

When he and his wife came into their car, they broke in tears as the wife had the same revelation of the invasion by Lucifer and his cohorts.

"My love, the only way to help this lost sheep is for us to cry onto the Lord for mercy.

Let's go home.

The Lord says he has an assignment for us. We have to know what it is but we will cry for mercy for Apostle Aondofa Daniel." He spoke to his wife and they were driven away as they prayed on.

When it was time for the parents of Pamela to hand her over for marriage, Lucifer stood up and approached the altar. He held the hand of his daughter (Spiritually) and handed her over to the officiating bishop for marriage.

After all and done, Apostle Aondofa Daniel was pronounced married to Pamela - the devil's daughter.

The music went on and both mortals and immortals danced in celebration to the union of the two.

The process progressed down to the reception where there was much jubilation, eating and drinking.

As I watched all that happened, I cried with tears of blood.


Now is the covenant of my ambition about to fulfill." Lucifer spoke.

Pamela and Vivian had full sight and knowledge of all that was happening in the realms of the immortals.

That night, in what is called the wedding night, Apostle Aondofa Daniel had intimate knowledge of his wife and the blood that flowed from they two cemented the covenant.

Now it was like dissolving a rock for him to be broken from the entanglement of darkness.

After having intimate knowledge of each other, Pamela who was evenly satisfied fell into a deep sleep. All attempts by Apostle Aondofa Daniel to wake her failed. Well, he thought she must have fallen asleep because of the pleasure they both had on bed, but he was mistaking.

Pamela had gone out of her body with Vivian to attend a meeting with their father Lucifer.

In the meeting, the devil told them it was time for them to come out of the hiding and strike.

Discharging them empowered, the two vowed to ensure they made life a living hell for their husbands. They would do so until satisfied and then, summon them for destruction - death.

When Pamela was back from the meeting, Apostle Aondofa Daniel had already fallen asleep beside her body.

She stood watching him with dread and entered back into her body.

"My love!" She tapped and called out to the Apostle.

When he woke up, he could clearly tell that she needed him.

The two went back under the shield and continued to satisfied themselves.

The Apostle thought he had fallen into his wife but the case was, he was onto a demon.

The same formula was applied to Pastor Simon.

From the breaking of the next day, the two men would begin sharing to each other their bitter experiences.

Life is deep.

Only those truly guided by the master of the universe can live out of the snake line.

When humanity denies his will, they are indirectly accepting the will of the dragon.