

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


Victoria and Cynthia driving home that evening boiled with much anger about what Agnes had done ...

"Babe, what does this girl takes us for? I can't imagine that she treated us like pieces of trash picked on the dustbin. I can't just imagine it at all." Victoria yelled.

"No na! babe I have been trying to bear all of these but I can't imagine it has gotten to this extend.

You know I don't stay home that much so I barely understand the drama Agnes has been acting behind me, but today, I have seen it all." Cynthia responded.

"No na! I must teach Agnes a bitter lesson to..."

"Victoria watch out!!!" Cynthia screamed jerking with her hands into the air. The car was heading the other Lane and about colliding with an incoming Sport Utility Car.

Battling with shock, Victoria held the brake jently, the other did same creating a screeching sound that caused the friction of the high way to quarrel.

If the two cars had applied the brakes forcefully, the cars would have summersaulted, resulting to a terrible accident, but glory to God they acted professionally.

Yet it wasn't all that was needed. The other car had to quickly swerve to the left while Victoria's swerved to the right angle, but when she did, two cars where coming ahead so she had to quickly narrow her driveway to the center and that was it, she was back on track. All this happened within few seconds.

Overcomed by shock, she held her brake and parked by the road. The two maiden's chest hit heavily as they fought to abate the tension.

But it was a lone area, too dangerous to spend some time - moreso it was night.

"Sorry! Let me take over." Cynthia said and they exchanged seat.

She ignited the car engine and zoomed off.

When they arrived home and settled, Cynthia went into the kitchen and prepared two glasses of juice to help them overcome the agony that danced to their face on the road. The issue of Agnes was laid off to await her arrival.

Just as expected, it wasn't long before she walked in, dusting her feet on the door way.

"The bitch is here!" Victoria said breathing heavily and finding it lengthy before she could land her a dirty slap.

"Hello girls, I'm really sorry about what happened today, please, please I'm ..." Agnes pleadfully apologized beating the palm of her hands against each other as she drew near to Cynthia knowing that starting with Victoria would be a leaving hell.

"Szwp!!" Victoria stood from the other end and smarked to her face a dirty slap.

She arched slightly and placed her left palm on the cheek to feel the pain. She touched the place and brought three fingers to her eyes to see if blood flooded.

"Vic! You slap me?" She asked calmly boiling with distrust.

"I will do it again!" Victoria replied.

"And if you are not okay with that, to have your stinking brain reset, I will land you another, this time around it will be hot enough to cause you to bleed." Cynthia rose to her feet in defamation of her.

Like a propelling missile, Agnes looked straight at Victoria and picked her to the floor. She hit on every part her hand came across.

Cynthia couldn't wait to allow her molest Victoria, she came behind her and fell upon her body hitting her too.

The three girls fought blue and black until everyone was looking like the beasts of hell.

After a little wrestling, it seemed the spirit of the Lord touched Cynthia. She stood to her feet and pulled Agnes off Victoria.

"You girls should stop this! Please stop it right now and come back to your senses.

For God's sake how can we, the acclaimed children of God be fighting over the one we call father in the Lord?

Hasn't it occurred to you two that this is a situation of lost of dignity and senses? Come on, we are above this - what then is the purpose of attending a seminar only to come home and fight without letting what we received digest?" Cynthia repented and became a preacher of love.

"Cynthia, please tell her that we almost died of accident today by virtue of her." Victoria came in, gasping for her breath.

Agnes stared on and lowered her head; "Babes I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Please you two should forgive me. It's just that I don't know why my love for Papa is making me lose my senses." She fell on her knees.

"Your love for a man of God is making you insane and you call that love? It seems more like you are under a demonic influence Agnes." Victoria responded..."Look Agnes, I want you to remember where I picked you from, cleaned you and made you into what you are today.

You have forgotten so soon the day I mate you on my way home after work. Despite the fear of picking a stranger by the road side and accommodating her, I listened to your story and felt broken as a lady.

I brought you in here and connected you to the job you are currently doing with a good pay, I introduced you to Revival City Ministry and told Papa about you. You could even see that yesterday he was referring to me as we greeted him.

Then all of a suden you are competing with me for acceptance on who Papa should marry.

You told us yesterday to wait back and great Papa, only for you to start misbehaving. This is no longer a joke Agnes. You are despicable and unbelievable. Please you have from now till tomorrow to leave my house." Victoria submitted to her unapologetically.

"No no no! It hasn't come to that Vic. Please I want you to sleep over this and by tomorrow morning it will be all-over. I believe Agnes has learned her mistake and would take caution.

Come on, we are not secondary school girls to be fighting in this manner.

We are now responsible women with dignify identity." Cynthia teased and caused the other two to smile broadly.

"I blame Papa. He should do and marry and let us rest. How can we be at rest with such a handsome and heavily anointed man of God unmarried." Victoria dropped her line and the three broke out laughing.

Cynthia spread her arms and they embraced themselves.

But Agnes was not settled yet. Her mind still kicked at the thought of Apostle Aondofa Daniel and she would do anything to make him hers, with the exception that she was going to approach the matter with more caution in order to put it away from Agnes and Cynthia.

Maybe if at the end the situation is beyond curtailing, she would have to look for her own apartment and settle. After all she was now financially capable enough to afford her the kind of life she wanted to live." her thoughts wandered.

She lefts for the kitchen to make something for the house.

In the realm of the spirit, there were two demons who stood suspended on the air as they engineered the events that just played.

"Hahaha! Now they do not remember what was given to them in the seminar. Their hearts have been diverted and stirred to work against them. As long as they have lust in their hearts, we will ride on them and bring distraction in their midst." The demon which appeared to be the most ancient spoke.

"My lord! Is she the one prepared as the bride for the bearer of truth?" The junior demon asked pointing at Agnes.

"No! The bride for the bearer of truth is far-fetched. She is the diamond of the earth, fashioned with every adoring nature. She is irresistible, blessed with the fragrance from the throne of our lord Lucifer, endowed with the embodiment of all flesh - she is the daughter of our lord whom he is please to offer to the bearer of truth." The ancient demon responded.

"Then who are these ones?" He asked.

"These are the ones with distracted hearts. Agnes is pulling away, but these two shall be used to cause the bearer of truth to sin.

They have a great assignment for the master of the world of darkness.

hahaha hahaha!!!!" The ancient demon laughed and vanished.