

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


Apostle Aondofa Daniel was in the sitting room watching the 8 o'clock news when his phone started ringing at the dining table where he had abandoned it after his evening meal with the word of God.

It had been a blessed and refreshing day, most of which was spent in the presence of God

Even though he tried to understand why the day felt special, he could not absolutely fathom it.

Anyways, he was grateful for such a refreshing day. Sometimes it seems so - there would be that day when it seems one is on vacation off all the troubles, anxieties and hustles of this world.

He lay back on his couch and envisioned himself in a beautiful garden with beautiful flowers and rays of the sun permeating through the curtains of the leaves.

He payed attention to hear the melodious tunes of birds and the whispering of the winds, but it seemed more beautiful to what was coming through into his ears.

This was happening at the same pace when his nostril was left dancing aloof the reception of the soul relaxing fragrance oozing in and leaving him wonder what it was that approached him.

As he looked closely, he seemed to see a damsel dancing towards him with all the gentility of a calmed soul.

Her dancing, singing, the fragrance of her flesh, the goddesses of her countenance and the adornment of her physique left the beloveth Apostle of the Lord in a mesmerize state of elongated appetite.

The beautiful flowers of the field seemed to admire , dance and sing along her, but as she approached, they gave way and frowned at her pride.

She was so beautiful - maybe too beautiful would have been the right adjective to qualify her.

Her pride irritated the whole of nature, yet her powers seemed to be too strong for anyone to disassociate with her embrace.

The ambience of her appearance filled the entirety of the beloveth Apostle, leaving every bone in his vein broken to a state of total vulnerability.

His soul wrecked and pulled away. His spirit fled before the encroachment of her dreamed damsel.

Yet his body hungered for her more than what anyone could apex.

"Of such nature, anyone would flee." Said the Apostle.

She had a purple lining entwined her waist down to the elegance of her feet which appeared to be like polished ointment.

Her hair stood out to crown her beauty.

Her bosom towered out so adoringly, causing the Lord's Apostle to salivate and desire her for wife - the tenderness of it was passion gravitating.

As he stood, the wind seemed to tower him to the climax of the trees and cause him to see the world, but all he saw was his beloveth.

"Where have you been my love? Please come to me." The Apostle plead.

"I am here! I am yours! I am yours! Come to me my beloved!" So said the damsel as she floated the air.

Running to her with all passion like a deer running after a stream of water, he was disappointed to watch her fade off into the midst of the air.

Grapping nothing but the air, he opened his arms and saw his own sketch in his palms.

"Lady on the sketch. Hahaha!" He heard her voice echoed with no sight of her.

He became frightened and stared at the sketch before him. It was his drawing. Exactly as it was in his diary.

He stretch every rough angle of it as though to have a better view, then he saw her eyes on the sketch popped opened.

"Jesus! Jesus!" He screamed and trashed the papyrus to the floor.

Jumping a step sideway in fear, he stood aside and shut his eyes to summon strength.

He opened again and saw that everything was still, calm, quiet and innocent to what he had seen, such that he could not even accuse.

"Hello sir! Sir! He heard faintly and opened his eyes slightly to see Benjamin standing with his phone vibrating in his hand.

He yawned disapprovingly and asked him who was calling.

"It is Pastor Simon sir." Benjamin responded promptly.

As he was about to respond to the call, it ended.

"Oh, I forget. We are to have a zoom meeting. I will like to have my shower for bed time. Please put off the television. If he calls again, let him know I'm gone to have my shower and would be with him in fifteen minutes distance."

"Alright sir, I will." Benjamin responded promptly and ran to bring him his towel then make ready the bedroom before returning to switch off the television.

Already, he had locked up only waiting upon his instructions which had come.

Afterwards, he would have his time to also retire to bed and observe his rest.

As He returned back to the parlor, he mate the phone ringing and he picked;

"Hello sir!"

"Yes Benjamin! How are you?"

"Fine sir!" He responded.

"Hope you are fine too sir."

"Yes I am. What about man of God?" Pastor Simon inquired.

"He asked me to inform you, he will be with you in fifteen minutes times sir. He has gone to have his shower sir."

"Good boy. I will be waiting." Pastor Simon said and hung the call.

[Apostle Aondofa Daniel is done bathing and retires to his bedroom]

"O yes! That's my boy." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said with a beaming smile as he was done bathing and threw the door of his exotic bedroom to quickly get ready his zoom meeting with Pastor Simon.

As he entered, he observed that Benjamin had already gone in and fixed his phone in the usual way he normally does when observing online meetings.

He felt pleased with him as he lightly creamed his body, put on a short and picked another towel and fell onto his bed with a sense of satisfaction.

The urgency of the meeting with Pastor Simon did not even allow him some flakes of time to examine what he had seen in the vision.

"Hop!" He adjusted his phone and connected on zoom with Pastor Simon.

"Hello Man of God." He greeted.

"My honorable Apostle sir! I Celebrate grace!" Pastor Simon hailed sipping a gulp of coffee.

"You just dey give me plenty wahala." He said in pidgin sipping another gulp.

"I was relaxing Man of God. Oya na! leave that coffee and tell me whety dey happen na." Apostle Aondofa Daniel replied in pidgin English.

"Vivian is in town man of God." Pastor Simon broke the news.

"You mean it?" Apostle asked.

"Yes! She arrived from Portharcourt exactly forty five minutes past seven this evening.

I had to pick her from the airport, take her to a restaurant to eat and quickly make a hotel booking for her." He quickly summarized.

"My man!! Like this you don marry finish leave your guy be this o." Apostle Aondofa Daniel yap Simon in pidgin.

"Na you no wan marry na. See beautiful daughters of Zion everywhere in Revival City Ministry na." Pastor Simon teased.

"Oya start mentioning them." Apostle Aondofa Daniel made a demand.

"Man of God they are too many na. There are those with great shape, only that in other aspects they are poor but who else would be talking about others than Esth..." Laughter wailed up not allowing him to conclude - he burst out laughing loudly in a mocking sense.

"You want to mention Esther. You have joined force with Evangelist Victor I think.

For God's sake man of God, this isn't a joke. I want to settle down, but Esther is a no go area.

It's true she is virtually everything for this ministry but she lack some basic things.

She doesn't have the shape, she is dark skinned - financially she is not there. tch!" He threw his face and cut off the conversation.

"Pastor Simon looked at him and wore a serious face;

"But man of God, of a truth if I am the one, I will just overlook everything and Marry Esther.

Come on! By now do you think that girl is expecting any other person other than you in his life?

You should know ladies na.

She has already dug herself into your heart man of God.

Everyone is counting on her.

But just that..." He stammered and threw his hands lacking words.

"Man of God, let's not just talk about this.

We will find a good day to analyze this more properly.

So tell me, You have hidden Vivian from me completely. I only spoke with her on the phone.

So when am I going to set eyes on her?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked.

"Tomorrow! First thing 10am tomorrow morning, by the grace of God we will be at your residence. It's going to be an official presentation." Pastor Simon submitted.

"Wow! What of Victor? Have you presented her to him yet?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked.

"Ha! Victor! Vivian is too elegant and beautiful. I am sure Victor will question if it is the will of God. I am not ready to answer questions. You know he is always recommending unkempt sisters to people.

The moment you go for someone presentable, you will have him to content with." Pastor Simon grumbled.

"It's well man of God." Apostle Aondofa Daniel responded with a little sleep in his eyes.

"Enhen man of God, you haven't tell me about Gloria's visit. You promised but haven't said a thing. How did it play out between you two?" Pastor Simon inquired.

"Your pardon man of God. I'm battling with sleep right now." Apostle Aondofa Daniel said with a smiling face and yawned.

The two quickly wished themselves a

blessed night and that was it. Apostle Aondofa Daniel could not even switch off his data before he was off.

By exactly 2am, the alarm would wake him up for midnight prayers which he would do till the day breaks.

During that time, he would be reminded that he had fallen asleep without putting off his data.