

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · Urban
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60 Chs


"Evangelist Victor, i want you to explain to details what went on as to enable us carry out proper investigation and bring to book anyone that could be involved in this plot." DPO Ternege spoke up as he welcomed into his office the presence of Pastor Simon and Evangelist Victor.

"DPO," he began.

"We were both at Pastor Simon's house to see him and have some discussions with him.

He went with me in my car. When we were about departing home, I couldn't drive back to his residence so he had to call one of his accompaniment from the church to get his car from the house down to Pastor Simon's house.

We both waited until he alighted with the car and he drove home with it while I also drove back to my residence." Evangelist Victor explained.

"Hmm, I see." DPO Ternege exhaled.

"I am suspecting the security officer. He must have had a hand in this." Pastor Simon came in.

"We have already apprehended Daniel, his security personnel, but he is yet to say anything reasonable.

What is the name of his accompaniment that brought car for him and what is his residential address? We need to bring him to the station for questioning, meanwhile before that, do anybody know of any existing conflict between Apostle Aondofa Daniel and another person, either in the ministry or outside?" DPO Ternege inquired keenly expecting something to start with from that angle.

"Yes!" Pastor Simon came in.

When he said yes, everyone sat erect to hear what he had to say.

"Apostle told me of a lady in the ministry who came to his house to sexually make advances on him. He turned her down and ordered the security officer to throw her out of the house. Mm, I think she has something to do with this, just that I doubt because she doesn't look like it, on the other note, this happened barely some days after she and Apostle had some conflicts." He tendered.

"Man of God, humans are desperately wicked to such an extent that those who are evil won't appear to be so, facially.

I will send my men immediately to get the two suspects brought to the station for questioning.

Please I will need any of you to file down profiles of the suspects here." He said moving a book and a pen to their direction.

Pastor Simon took the pen and entered their details in the book so as to enable their arrest.

"How is mama and everyone doing?" DPO Ternege asked.

"I checked on them this morning and they are doing fine except for the panic that has caused them trauma.

Thank you DPO for the men you sent to keep watch over the house." Evangelist Victor appreciated.

"Don't mention man of God. All those behind this crime against the Lord's servant are in for it. They will pay with every blood in their veins for touching the Lord's anointed.

My men will go for the arrest right away. More people will be arrested until we arrive at any useful information. I will check mama and the family later to comfort them and grant them my assurance that the Lord's servant will be brought back safely.

My measure concern right now is that the kidnappers must have called in making demand for money. We will wait a little and see. If they do not call in, then the case is beyond the want for money. We can see how to channel our investigation appropriately." DPO Ternege summarized.

The two men of God thank him dearly and walked out of his office.

At around 9am, there was a knock on Victoria's house.

Cynthia came to answer the door but the mode of knocking wasn't that of Victoria. She hesitated while the knocking persisted.

She peeped through the window and saw three police officers standing at their door and their car packed outside the gate.

She ran back into the room and fell on the bed causing Victoria who had just returned from night shift that morning to break out of sleep suddenly.

"Vic, Vic! Police is at the door knocking.

"Police? What do they want?" She asked disgustingly.

"I don't know o." Cynthia responded.

"Let's go." She ordered and headed the way while Cynthia followed suit.

When she opened up, one of the police officers asked if she was Victoria and she answered.

She was asked if she knew a man of God by the name Apostle Aondofa Daniel and she answered.

She was then asked if she was aware that Apostle Aondofa Daniel had been kidnapped, to which she was surprised and denied knowing anything of it.

"Are you the only one living here?" The officer asked.

"No! We are three living together. The other is gone out and hasn't returned." She answered.

"Well, Apostle Aondofa Daniel has been kidnapped. In view of that, you are hereby required to follow us to the station for further questioning." The police officer ordered issuing his warrant.

"I'm sorry officer. I can't follow you to the station for what I know nothing of. I have just returned from work and I am hearing this for the first time..." She argued.

"You will answer questions at the station. You can vindicate yourself there.

Officers! Take her." He instructed and Victoria was taken into the car and they drove off.

The officers and another unit which had gone for the arrest of Apostle Aondofa Daniel's accompaniment arrived the station almost at the same time.

Despite torture from the police, they could not get useful information that would lead to those behind the Kidnapping of the Lord's Apostle.

Back in the hotel where Apostle Aondofa Daniel had been held hostage by Agnes, the battle intensified to the very point she had gone completely nude just to weaken Apostle Aondofa Daniel enough, so as to have him sleep with her.

The situation was both embarrassing and challenging for the Lord's Apostle. Never had he in his entire life imagined that he would ever be kidnapped by a supposed church member of his who would lock him and her in a room and go nude just to have him satisfy her Sexual desires.

The Lord's Apostle was worried. Was he under a demonic influence to have warrant such a mayhem?

He questioned himself.

At the long run, Agnes was bent on forcing her way on the Lord's Apostle.

Without wasting a dime time, she walked towards him with the lustful intension of falling on his body.

Just as she was close enough, Apostle Aondofa Daniel landed to her right cheek a resounding slap and kicked her to the floor.

"You are demon possessed. I will teach you a lesson physically and Spiritually.

He moved to her and gave her series of punches until she lost her consciousness.

He then went to the bed, removed the sheet and threw it on her body to cover her and started running towards the door. As he made his way to the door, he remembered the paper and picture Diego gave him and went back to get it.

He picked it beside the seat and ran to the door but it was firmly locked.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel stood for a while thinking of what to do, then he heard a terrifying knock on the door.